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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by evilbee

  1. I would never have ordered this scent based on the ingredients alone, however after reading all the glowing reviews of the previous incarnation, I had to try it.


    This is very much not my typical scent, but I can't tell you how many times I have reached for it over everything else in my cupboard. I wear a lot of blue, especially pale blue, and that might be why. Blue Moon feels decadent, like a moonstone set in platinum shot through with gold accents. I can't pick out anything in particular, it's just blue and almost watery in a cool, burbling stream over smooth rocks way. Tiny, delicate, wild flowers dot the surface of the water and fill the air.


    I'm not usually inspired to such imagery with my reviews... I guess it's because I can't identify any one component. Which makes it all the more intriguing!


    Yes, this is a new love and will be a frequently revisited love. Thank you, Beth, for something so magical.

  2. Glorious!!! Melons, my favourite honeydew in fact... and then the magic. It starts to deepen, become husky, sultry, throaty. It softens too quickly, but is so magnificent I just don't care. I have purchased a big bottle and shall slather to my hearts content. This might be the scent that inspires me to make myself a scent locket. Oh this is love... :P

  3. Oh god the melon... oh the melon is so deliciously sweet... But what is this??? The melon has faded and left me with fruited white flowers, vanilla and a hint of nose-tickling spices. These are the same flowers that I hated in Aglaea - old lady, tiny, cloying... Why oh why??


    I gave it to a friend at work who ADORES everything melon and she has lovingly adopted it forever.

  4. Another discontinued scent?? There is nothing out there like this, except maybe Empyreal Mist and that's gone too!!! Maybe the same element in both has caused the discontinuance??


    This starts with lots of soft, not overly sweet cherry but quickly fades into something sweet and crisp, like Asian pear with bamboo. The metallic tang is barely there. Unfortunately this is very brief, and because of that I didn't order a big bottle. Damnit. :P

  5. This is different from the usual type of scent I like, but it works on me. And it's discontinued? What a shame.


    This definitely has tea, either green or white, but not overly bitter, with something crisp, and sweet and breezy. I detect something like Asian pear in it, and bamboo.


    A scent for carefree spring days. Lovely.

  6. This was a frimp, and nothing I would have ordered for myself. It was interesting to try.


    It starts tarry and sharp and sticky, the vetiver. However, it turns into something smoky and spicy and sexily comforting. Unfortunately, this is another of those spices that is short lived on me and it vanishes quickly.

  7. This quickly became one of my favourites. I first wore it while I was baking muffins and kept going back into the living room to force my wrist under hubby's nose. He's usually "meh" with scents but loved this one immediately too.


    This is a dark, but creamy chocolate - the rich kind, like Callebaut, and not cheap at all. The cream doesn't turn sour on me, phew! But what really makes this scent amazing is the sweet, feminine floral background behind the chocolate keeping it from becoming overly foody. This isn't a single note chocolate like Bliss (which, yes, also smelled of hazelnuts), but an ultra-feminine, non-cloying chocolate and floral blend. I can't name the floral - not lily or rose or orchid... maybe a bit like heliotrope, with a touch of musk.


    :P This is SERIOUS love. I will be buying several bottles of this before the Carnival goes away.

  8. It took me a while to order this one just because the idea of old-lady perfume and linen didn't appeal to me, but everyone's love for it gradually wore me down and I added it to an order. Man am I glad I did.


    Yes, this is creamy, not fake vanilla, but what really draws me to this perfume is this bewitching nose-tickling spice-ish scent. It's not precisely a spice like cinnamon or clove, both of which tend to turn to pickles on me, but more just a feel. It makes me feel confident and comfortable. Someone said I smell like pancakes... in a good way.


    It's very similar to Mama-Ji on me, except with vanilla. This one is definitely a big bottle purchase.

  9. This started and continued way too foody with lots of butter and cookies. HOURS later it became ultra-faded black currant with some sweetness. I was hoping for black currant and rose, but alas I amped the "tarts" to the extreme. Definitely not for me, and swapped.

  10. Hmmm, how about Manhattan? It's elegant but bubbly and bright - sheer amber, black leather, white mint, lemon peel, white tea, grapefruit, kush, teakwood and orchid. Or maybe Horreur Sympathique, a darkly fruity, honey musk - blood musk, golden honey, thick black wine, champagne grapes, tobacco flower, plum blossom, tonka bean, oakmoss, carnation, benzoin, opoponax, and sugar cane.


    I also agree with the Bordello and Les Bijoux recs.

  11. Please be gentle with me. Initiate me into the world of foody (but not too foody) scents.


    I've been avoiding the foody stuff like the plague. I don't want to smell like a cookie! But then that caramel note in BLWB snuck up on me and seduced the crap out of me. I want more like that! Where the food aroma is balanced by the other notes, and just enhances the overall scent, but doesn't make me smell like something that just popped out of my granny's oven.


    I might one day be brave enough to smell like a chocolate cake, but right now, just a touch of food amidst other notes is all I think I need.


    I've already decided I'm getting a bottle of Tiresias with my next order, because it sounds awsome. Can you recommend some foody (but not too foody) GCs for my imp pack?


    I favor woods, spices, resins, herbs and mosses. I'm growing very fond of BPAL's leather and musk notes. I also like fruits - orange, fig and currant smell especially nice on me.


    Some I'm considering so far:





    maybe Bien Loin D'ici


    Oh absolutely Kali and Velvet! They're not too foody at all. They make chocolate into a perfume note rather than something you'd snack on.


    I'd almost recommend Candy Butcher because the chocolate in that is so deep and there's something about it that's incredibly complex and intriguing... at least on me. But it might be in the realm of TOO much for you!


    Then of course there's Boomslang, if you like Snake Oil.


    Can you tell I like chocolate scents??

  12. I'm so in love... this was a frimp, and thank goodness. It's been on my wishlist since forever but for some reason never migrated over to the "next order" list.


    It starts with sweet, soft, golden grasses just baking in the sun, with a warm, musky, leather-y skin scent in the background. This lasts and lasts on me, although the grasses gradually fade it leaves the most perfect amber/golden musk scent that just smells sweet, warm and glowing.


    This has just zoomed into my top ten list.

  13. Well, my first attempt at a lunar blend... and I'm disappointed. Well, kindof repulsed, really... on my skin this is sour baby formula with a hint of fruit. The first time I wore it I didn't apply much, and for one brief breath of a moment 20 minutes after applying it was something smooth and fruity, like a smoothy yes, but then it soured again and disappeared. The second time I applied it much heavier to see if I could make that nice smoothy scent come out more, but no. Instead it was sour milk from start to finish.


    Sad, really. I have Blue Moon coming, so let's hope that works better.

  14. I'm so glad I bought this one at the last second. I hadn't followed the reviews, then on a whim checked them out. Thank goodness!


    It does start very incensey, which is almost intoxicating... getting you ready for the next stage. It becomes the honey I was hoping for from O (which was strangely menthol on me) - sweet, smooth honey with just a hint of spice. I don't get much else (sandalwood? currant??). It's just sweet, warm and sensual. Much love!!!

  15. This is so sweet, in such a non-overwhelming or offensive way. It's sugar kissed juicy grapes and peaches with frosty, sugar dusted flowers. It's lilac coloured, but more like a gemstone than something powdery or girly. I wear this when I feel kicky and young and free-spirited... along with my super sparkly silver eyeshadow. They just seem to match.


    The flowers are totally happy and don't overpower the scent at all. This will be a big bottle purchase... before my imp runs out!

  16. WHY HAVE I NOT REVIEWED THIS??? It's spanking time.


    Queen Mab is my favourite only second to Kali. Oh Queen Mab, Queen Mab... how you make me feel like a powerful woman... yes, a Queen. All orchid and a husky musk (I thought Chinese musk was white... but it can't be because I don't smell like body odour...) I smell no jasmine, and the sandalwood is just this furry purr vibrating through the juicy, purple, dusky orchid.


    Hubby likes this on me, but I think everyone else just feels intimidated... GOOD!!!

  17. I've been trying a lot of "chewy" scents lately - scents so round and sweet and smooth that it feels like they could get stuck in your teeth (or hair).


    Now, keep in mind I love guava - I wish I could walk around every day with one tied to my face, in fact. It took me a long time to try the Clown because I didn't want to be disappointed. And I kindof am. Yes, it's sweet and bubblegummy and fruity and juicy, but not the guava I was desperately hoping for. I've worn this a few times in hopes that it will grow on me and that I'll catch some magical whiff of guava fruit, but the only thing that's happened is my husband turning his nose up at me telling me I smell like Hubba Bubba.


    Oh well.

  18. Note to self: Fruit and white musk smells like BO on my skin.


    Thank you, self.


    The peach is strong, beautiful and juicy, and yes the white musk is sparkling. I can see why she is so well loved, but alas, my skin does not agree.

  19. I was excited for the coffee and I was hoping it would be nice and bitter and dry with the addition of the dusty tomes and polished oakwood halls. Nuh-uh-uh! Silly girl.


    All I get is a big heaping bowl of steaming, baked caramel pudding. Over the top sweet. Not for me!
