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Posts posted by CLFilm

  1. I don't get much "woods" out of Samhain, just a lot of apple cider and spice. And a tiny bit of smoke. I love, love, love it. I switched off wearing only this and Devil's Night for a couple of weeks solid in late October/early November.


    Good throw on this too, especially when it's cold outside.


    (My family told me I smelled like Swisher Sweets cigars and I told them to bite me. :P )

  2. The first time I tried Devil's Night, the boozy swoon punched me in the face and I thought we were gonna have to rumble.


    I braved another round and found something totally different. A spicy musk with a breath of autumn air and dried leaves, just as promised. I love it. Definitely has the depth of Samhain without the apple-y smell.


    (As an aside, I held up my wrist for my mother to smell without telling her anything about it, and she asked "Is that a Halloween smell?" Very evocative. :P )

  3. Sadly, the beav and I do not get along. In the bottle it is a gorgeous sweet cheescake scent complete with the slight tang others have mentioned. I so wanted to love it on, and it so wanted to love me - way in the back there was that great cupcake shop/graham cracker crust smell, but over top it turned kinda sour and plasticky. (Someone else said they smelled like a My Little Pony? That's it exactly.) I had to wash it off, twice. And a little bit of it is still hanging around. (Very lightly, I wish that's how it always smelled.)


    I don't know if I'm a enough of a foody person to have even wanted to wear this a lot, but I did want to have the option. Oh, bother. Well, she's already off to a new good home.

  4. I have been dying to smell this, just got it tonight, and immediately slathered it on.


    In the bottle, on first sniff, it smelled exactly like Aqua Net. And just the slightest bit of stale club smoke. Unreal. I get that less now out of the bottle, but that first sniff was uncanny.


    On, at first, I still get a little bit of that hairspray/smoke thing, but only for a second. For the first couple of hours it's a very complex floral-y scent, different than anything BPAL I've tried and different than any perfume I've ever smelled. (Sorry, I kinda suck at identifying notes.)


    I kept getting amazing whiffs of it all night - it's got a pretty good throw. It's mellowed out to a great, light, musky smell (I guess that's white musk?). I don't know that I specifically smell the champagne, but it definitely pops more than a traditional musk, with just a tiny, tiny bit of sharpness.


    It's a bouncy little smell - definitely for clubbing and cocktails, fancy parties and sparkly jewelry. I might be obessed with it already.

  5. I love Blood Moon. I get a loooooooot of cinnamon (to me, it's a wet cinnamon stick, not a candy smell) both from the bottle and when it's first applied. After a while, this amazing creamy musk scent comes out to play with the more subdued cinnamon. I guess I would also say there is something a bit feral in the background, but I'm not very good yet at identifying notes.


    This is also my first lunacy, so I can't say how it compares to others, or even what the lunar notes might be.


    Unlike what a lot of others have said, this is a strong scent on me. Not overpowering, but lasting, definitely. Again I say, I love it. So warm and comforting, with just a hint of naughtiness!

  6. I absolutely adore 13 - I'm so lucky to have received an imp of it. And now I'm absolutely dying for the next Friday the 13th so I can order many bottles.


    I'm still kinda new at this so I don't write the greatest reviews, apologies in advance. Add that to the fact that, to me, 13 is such a well-blended scent I can barely pick out any individual notes. The white chocolate jumps out first in the imp and that's all I can smell, but on my skin it changes to this incredibly warm, sweet (but not toooo sweet) scent, bolstered by citrus and flowers - but it has this complexity and deepness that I wouldn't expect from a citrus/flower scent. I get mesmerized by it whenever I put it on. To me it is a great winter scent - warm and white-gold. LOVE.

  7. This one is unfortunately not for me - soooooooooo fruity. That's all I get from it the whole time. And it's not really a sweet fruity, but a bright one - still, it's too strong for me.


    And that makes me really sad, because I <3 the concept of a Lady MacBeth scent.

  8. I'm finding I have to try things a couple of times before I review them.


    That being said, the first time I tried this, I thought it was much too sharp, which made me sad.


    Trying it again today I'm finding a simply lovely scent - I can't stop sniffing my wrists! As several others have said above, I can't really pick out specific notes here though that may have more to do with the fact that I'm a newbie. :P


    It truly does smell like armor - amazing. That is descriptive word that enticed me into an imp, the note I was craving somehow, and boy does this deliver. It's warriors after a battle, a wet sword stuck in the ground, a musty dungeon, a windswept battlefield, a glass of wine in front of a fire, a sheeting rain, a crumbling castle being reclaimed by vines - all at the same time.


    So complex - I think I adore this.

  9. Mmmm. Twilight is a great soft floral - I get almost all honeysuckle and jasmine and practically no lavender. S'ok though - this reminds me very strongly of Kate Spade's Beauty and also a summer night, which is pretty much exactly what I was looking for. I just wish it lasted longer! After a couple of hours it had faded a lot - maybe I just need to put more on! (I can see myself heading for a big bottle of this.)

  10. Tried Jezebel yesterday. (My second BPAL ever.) I tried on one wrist, with another scent on the other wrist, so that might have affected it. I'm looking forward to trying it one more time. However...


    ...it went immediately to old lady rose/baby powder on me. It was kind of overwhelming, and I kept changing my mind on whether it was the rose or the orange blossom that was doing it. I really wanted it to be a soft floral with a strong hit of sandalwood. It was strong all right, but strong baby powder all the way. I resisted washing it off to see what happened. Not much.


    36 hours and one shower later it's hanging on, but now it's allllll the honey note. The honey note is gorgeous, but now it's alone. And I can't wait 36 hours for the gorgeous to come out.


    I'll give this another try, but I dearly wanted to love it right off and I just couldn't.


    Oct. 17 ETA: I've changed my mind on this - it still doesn't have the sandalwood that I was hoping for, but I've come to really like this bright floral. Great for an evening out.

  11. Wow. Dorian. My first BPAL. So not only am I impressed by this blend, I'm impressed by the way it's totally different on me on two consecutive days.


    Got it yesterday. Tried it immediately. I smell almost nothing when I open the imp. I put it on and it is vanilla, vanilla, vanilla (and smattering of tea). Sweet, warm, heady vanilla. With a touch of musk. (In the spirit of full disclosure, I had Jezebel on the other wrist, which might have affected it.) I liked it, but thought it might be just a touch too sweet. Very soft smell on me, little throw. Have to put my nose right up to my wrist to smell it at all after a while.


    Tonight I open the imp again. Lemony! Put it on. Lemony musk. With a hint of sweet. Like it even more now. Drying, now the vanilla starts to come out again, but the lemon is hanging on.


    This is apparently changeable on me, but I have to say, so far I like both versions. It's kind of masculine, but I've always liked men's colognes. It's like a man I know is bad for me. A bit too heady, but I can't stop smelling it. Possibly a bottle purchase.


    I can see myself loving to wear this when I'm just sitting at home. Which is a lot of the time. :P
