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BPAL Madness!

Ella LaRose

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Posts posted by Ella LaRose

  1. so, french tobacco is my new favorite scent! holy gawd!! I need tons to make me happy:))) But while dreaming and searching for french tobacco to try to get, I ran across variety of pleasing amuesments, which has now become my most sought after scent (which is not being found easily:/)

    Anyway, it started me thinking of what other bpal scents out there have that french tobacco scent? and are hopefully easier to find the V.o.P.A.

  2. Got to try this at the will call and then promptly covered every part of me in it!

    WOW! This is my dream tobacco!! It is the tobacco from interfector. True tobacco, sweet pipe unlit. It lasts forever has great throw. I am SO SAD I didn't order mass quantities cause now I have to hunt it down:((

  3. And for the record I LOVE :heart: vanilla but HATE :rasp: Eat Me and Drink Me. When I apply them I get a 2 second flash of sweet vanilla cake and then it goes crazy peppery(? WTH) and just gross on me, with absolutely no sign of the vanilla forever more. :angry:


    I haven't tried Drink Me, but Eat Me doesn't work on me either. I was disappointed. :(



    I got an extreme tea note with a soft vanilla, not foody but creamy in dorian. I love it! Makes me feel like a girl:)))

    I am looking for a vanilla leather wood! fresh cut wood, bright sweet non foody vanilla, more like the bean, worn brown leather.

    MMMMMMM!! I am dreaming of my fantasy scent!


    Have you tried Clockwork Couture: Male? (Leather, vanilla-infused sandalwood, East Indian patchouli, bitter clove, galbanum, and iron filings.) It's not super easy to find now, but I think easier than Female, anyway.

    I haven't tried that one!! Another one to add to my hunt for list! Banshee beat is my favorite vanilla , in my opinion, it is THE BEST vanilla scent ever!! Lol!

    Dolly kei is one is DESPERATELY want to try! A vanilla tabacco amber!!!??!! *swoons*

  4. I am with everyone else. This is amazing!! My new number 1!

    I am a hippie, a deadhead, broomstick skirt, pagan hippie! And this scent is PERFECT! it is sweet, sexy, earthy and free! And it lasts, which is one of my favorite parts.

    A dark vanilla bean, not foody, a rich patchouli, not as dirty as most that I know, and the hemp adds a woodiness, like sweet grass bundles. It feels like a dark orange with glitter, something a belly dancer would wear dancing around a bin fire at a drum circle! This is one of the rare scents that I want to wear everyday, slather, turn into hair gloss, the whole scent product line! I wish it would come back cause I would buy 20 bottles and put it in every beauty product I use!!!

  5. I am thinking, eternal, morgause, follow me boy, anactoria, le essence de la passion, black dahlia,

    These are all strong femanine, sensual, with touches of florals, resins, earth tones:))) your character sounds awesome!


    Hi everyone, (if this thread is still active! I seem to be missing out on all the nice discussions!!)I d like a rec for the main character in my book! :wub3:

    She is the love interest of this guy, and I want her to smell this particular way (I have to admit I am obssessed with finding a scent for her!) to the guy. He has been holed up in his house for years and seen nothing or anyone. So her smell kind of embodies the whole outside world to him in the exotic, mysterious, dreamy, promising adventures, luring kind of way. Something like a silhouette in a misty forest. Very exotic, unique, complex (has to embody the world to him), and a subtle, underlying darkness and sorrow, danger even, adventurous...but mainly hope. The closest I can relate their situation is to Quasimodo and esmeralda. What she was to him in a way is the same here. :violin:


    Hope I wasnt too confusing :blush2: . Thanks in advance!! :bunnyluv: Sorry for the huge rant! :rant: :wub2:

  6. I wouldn't mind a recommendation. I am almost 27, petite (4 ft 9 in), have curly chestnut hair and dark brown eyes. For the most part I am fairly shy, but I have a quirky personality. I am an English major. There are so many books I want to read, but I have no time. My favorite movies are Dead Poets Society and The Producers (1968). I love classic rock, especially The Beatles, Queen, and Pink Floyd. My current favorite TV shows are Doctor Who, Sherlock, Downton Abbey, and Sailor Moon (in Japanese, not the dubbed version). Also, I like to make things (resin jewelry, solid perfume, I'm currently knitting a scarf). I am fascinated by both funny and unusual things. I am a fan of Adagio teas, Cara McGee's signature blends in particular. Thanks in advance!

    Ooo!! The book! Or lurid library;))

  7. That's me all over!





    Le Lethe

    Mme Moriarty

    Depraved (swollen apricot...rawr!)


    The Lights of Men's Lives



    What have you got already?


    more of wanting to collect lists of oils names by idea:))

    I like the goddess list, since I am pagan and teach, it would be neat to wear the goddess I am teaching. I have hecate. Innana would be awesome!

    Want fat women rock list!: Comforting plush companion... not interested in what the oil smells like, just interested in the names:)))

    Does that make sense?

    And other people can jump in with ideas for oil lists to make too!

  8. Hey there, people? What BPAL do you wear when you need to kick some ass in life? The "Don't mess with me-I mean business!!!" kind of scents? Which ones really get the job done and have concepts that denote STRENGTH and POWER? Please share you stories here.


    I'll start:

    Snake Oil (tried and true for years)

    Mama Ji


    The White Rider (haven't tried Red or Black...prob'ly should!)

    ooo! mme moriarty is one I wear for power, it has that 'this woman kicks ass and doesn't care about your whinning!'

    also like to wear interfector, its my don't mess with me oil.

  9. So. I got this idea by rummaging through the swap piles. I saw comforting plush companion, my instant thought was 'that's me!!'

    And then I decided I wanted to find all oils whose name could describe a plush woman:)) a stunning fat goddess of cozy love! Sexual fluffyiness!!

    this idea could keep going too! onto the idea of collecting oils named after goddess's, or oils for fairy creatures, or oils named after... And just kept going!!

    So, can you recommend oils for a plush woman?

  10. I don't know if it has been recommended yet, but Bette Noir may be up your alley. You like a lot of the same notes I do.

    It has Benzoin, wild plum, smoky amber, bergamot, orange blossom, myrrh, and dark berries.


    I haven't gotten my bottle yet, but the reviews are awesome, and it's got resins and dark fruit. :wub2:


    Kaiden as well.

    Rosehip, plum blossom, white sandalwood, jonquil, and amber-laden incense.


    Both are Boom! Studios.


    Betty noir! Sounds awesome!

    I bought Samhain and fell in love:))) it's amazing! Now I am trying to track down original hod:)) surgar incense and carnation is what I am hunting !

  11. I wouldn't mind a recommendation. I am almost 27, petite (4 ft 9 in), have curly chestnut hair and dark brown eyes. For the most part I am fairly shy, but I have a quirky personality. I am an English major. There are so many books I want to read, but I have no time. My favorite movies are Dead Poets Society and The Producers (1968). I love classic rock, especially The Beatles, Queen, and Pink Floyd. My current favorite TV shows are Doctor Who, Sherlock, Downton Abbey, and Sailor Moon (in Japanese, not the dubbed version). Also, I like to make things (resin jewelry, solid perfume, I'm currently knitting a scarf). I am fascinated by both funny and unusual things. I am a fan of Adagio teas, Cara McGee's signature blends in particular. Thanks in advance!

    Lurid library!!!

  12. This looks like fun!


    I'm in my mid-twenties and your typical Aries girl. I'm petite with a classic/simple style... I love wearing blue and grey but I also love pastels. I love to travel (especially hot destinations). I have a weak spot for cupcakes, cakes... well, basically anything sweet! My ideal day would consist of staying home, in my pjs, cuddling with my three cats, watching movies all day, and eating all the yummy food my heart desires. Ummmm, that's basically me, in a nut shell :)


    Dorian and Miskatonic University come to mind. The two 'weenies I have (Pumpkin V '08 and Devil's Night '09) are also really foody, warm, and unpretentious, but I'm not sure how easy those would be to track down.


    I agree! Totally Dorian!
