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Posts posted by Tallulah

  1. In the bottle - honey and wine


    On the skin - sweet and boozy. My skin loves wine notes, particularly red or dark, it is stunning this scent. After a while the plum begins to mingle with the honey and wine, the resinous notes linger around the periphery of the mix giving a depth and strength. The blood musk adds a pelvic grunt (i know what i mean by that, it is the only way to describe it!) into the feeling i get from this scent. If this is the scent of the hellbound soul, then i am beauitifully damned. Bottle for sure.

  2. I had to try this one, the Dyonisus connection is close to my heart (ie the derivation of my name!)


    Initally i get pure baked cheescake (almost specifically vanilla variety), sweet yet with a sour base, with a hint of the wine and olives.


    After this warms on the skin, the frankincense and myrrh come out to play, this rounds the blend giving it an almost woody quality (would that be the phallus cakes, hee hee!).


    I am adoring this scent, a perfect symbiosis of foody and incense, an new deep obsession brewing here!!

  3. Frimp from the lab.


    In the imp: raw leather indeed!


    On the skin: I would never have thought i would like smelling like this but, ooh lordy, this is sumptuous soft leather, but there is something else in there that i can not place. It makes me feel powerful and in charge, almost a beautiful dominatrix!!


    Final verdict: Bottle me now damnit!!

  4. A master storyteller who possessed unfailing courage and compassion, a sharp, quick wit, and a true understanding of human nature. Saffron and Middle Eastern spices swirled through sensual red musk.

    Freebie from the Psychic Beth and the labbies!!

    As some have said this is spicy musk. I have been wishing to try this for some time. I find a soft warmth to this one, initially i get the red musk straight out the imp. Once on the skin, the spices and the saffron start to get it on in a sultry way with the red must joining the play!!

    Needless to say i find this a rather sensual scent more than in your face sexy, definetly a bottle in my future.

    Rating 5/5

    edited to add description

  5. This is going to be a review as to its effect as well as the scent itself. I find HGM to be fruity sugariness with a diaphinous veil of musk and incense. It is glorious, not at all what i was expecting, in a very good way.


    As to it's effect, my Gay Husband Gordon got a smell of this and promptly said that if it was possible to molest a perfume, he would :P HGM!

  6. I can't believe i have not reviewed this yet, it is my absolute favourite :D


    My friends have said that "that is the one that smells like you" :P Sweet, spicy and warm, i am so glad people think of me in that way!! That is exactly how i would describe this scent, sweet but not sickly, warmth and a soft spicyness.

  7. Nobility and haughtiness befitting the Antichrist: sage, carnation and cedar with lavender, vanilla, white musk and leather



    Like a partnership between Tombstone and Dorian, like some have said. There is a warmness and depth to this one, the musk, vanilla and leather are to the fore. I am loving this one, it is sweeping me of my feet like some dandified Doc Holliday :P



    Eta description

  8. Frimp from the lab.


    I actually got this for my gbf last year and i thought it was very classic gentlemans scent. Now that i have it to myself (thankyou labbies :D ) i adore it.


    I am getting the fougere, very woody lavender, definetly androgynous, bottle order perhaps :P

  9. A wonderful antidote to an all-nighter oozing with drunken, addled perversion and debauchery. A fresh, crisp white linen scent: perfectly clean, perfectly breezy.



    Frimp from the lab :P


    Fresh clean hot summer sheets in my parents back garden. Somewhat flowery, a hint of the sweet pea and lillies at the back of the garden, the scent of them blown thru by the breeze.


    Definete keeper and bottle purchase eventually :D

  10. Wonderful sweetness and earthiness definently :P


    Intitially i get a bit of soapiness for about a miniute when i put it on but after this the smell is glorious.


    I am getting the mandarin in the background but the fig comes through and is enveloping in its nature. It makes me feel very sensual and wanton at the same time, can't be bad eh :D


    Bottle list ahoy!!!

  11. In the imp: green herbal and somewhat peppery


    Wet on the skin: very similar to imp


    Dry down: Whoa, chocolateymint and peppery, with a hint of amber!


    Am loving this one, definetly get the empowered aspect, strength of a woman. Powerful yet yeilding when appropriate!

  12. Frimp from the lab :D At first sniff it is all flowers, like our garden in the evening, definetly getting the starry element.


    On the skin it warms up and the musk and incense start to come out, glorious. A paean to the night indeed, this scent is making me feel rather nocturnal if you know what i mean!! :D In saying that i get the classy, sophisticated element as well, very refined and knowing :P


    Eta, am starting to get a wonderful spiceyness coming out, very nice!

  13. In the bottle : wonderful strawberry-honeycomb-vanilla bean hit


    On the skin: I love this one. Extremley girly and delightfuly silly but not to the point of ridiculous :D I used to have this doll when i was little called Strawberry Shortcake, and this is exactly what my nostalgic mind remembers this smelling like. One whiff of this send and i am 5 years old again, i love it :P


    Rating 5/5


    ADDED May 11:


    This smells like the Strawberry Shortcake doll i has when i was little! Sweet strawberry cake, mixed with cinder toffee ( this is what i call honeycomb!) It is gloriously sweet and girly, a definte 5 out of 5 :D

  14. In the bottle: All i get initially is the merlot and roses.


    On the skin : For the first couple of mins, this is all the wine, but after this Wow :P The musk, body heat, wine and leather start to pulsate, and the violets float around it.


    This scent is stunning, very provocative. I love this scent, it makes me feel very self assured and very womanly!


    Rating :another 5/5


    edited for spelling

  15. First review eep :P


    First sniff : Confusing to my nose, i could definetly get the clove and pepper, but glorious!


    On the skin: this just warmed up right away! The pepper seems to compliment the cinnamon and clove wonederfully. I can smell all three at the same time, this makes a comforting yet spiked aura around me.


    Rating :5/5 :D
