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Posts posted by ocicat

  1. A cerebral scent, dry, and white. This is a perfume of thought, not heart, and of unforeseen pain and sudden obsession, touched with uncertain twilight and ambiguous horror. Stargazer lily, white musk, clear aloe, blonde amber and winding-cloth linen.

    Arg. ARG. Why do I always fall for the LEs????

    Berenice = divinity.

    It's the only scent that actually makes my boyfriend's eyes roll back in his head. On two separate occasions, he's buried his nose in my neck and said "What *is* that?". The only one he likes to the same amount would be Pink Moon (another bloody LE!).

    Even my mom likes Berenice, and my mom wrinkles her nose at anything that isn't pure lavender.

    Berenice just gives me the shivers. It's such an evocative perfume. It's high tea with a twist. It has claws, but they're hidden.

    I know this isn't the most helpful review, but it's all I can do to not type something like:


    Because Berenice reduces me to a place beyond literacy.

  2. OOoh. Just reporting back. I have an (unhealthy) obsession with Al-Araaf and I wanted to find a GC that smelt similar.


    I tried Tiger Lily yesterday. When it's wet, they're really nothing alike. Tiger Lily is sharper and colder to me.


    However...on the drydown, they smell close enough to make me happy! Al-Araaf is still my one true love, but now I have a passable GC equivilant.

  3. The Great Sword of War cleaved my heart in twain :P


    It seriously went all to hell on my skin. I think the 'herbs of conflict' staged an all out battle with my skin chemistry. The result was a putrid mixture of all spice, musk and amber. Grah. And it lasted forever. I really wanted this one to love me, but it didn't.

  4. I love LOVE this one in the bottle. Smelling it just transports me to a place that I would be content to stay.




    It dries down to smell like a generic 'old lady' perfume smell. This fairy queen broke my heart :P

  5. I couldn't even get this one onto my skin. The scent in the imp was enough to send me gagging. I usually love the boozy notes; Elegba and Kali are among my favorites, but Delphi just smelt like concentrated cat pee and I wasn't brave enough to try it on.

  6. This is absolute death on me :P


    It's boozy as hell in the imp. Boozy with a base of candied sugar. My skin is bipolar with boozy smells. In Elegba, it turns into a beautiful butterscotch, in Hellcat, it turns into something sour and vaguely sinister. In Sugar Skull, my skin just amps the booze note and kills any sense of the candied fruit.


    I waited impatiently for any kind of change on the drydown, but it just kept smelling like strong, strong booze.


    Not for me :D

  7. I have some serious love for Jailbait. At first, I wanted it just for the novelty aspect of having something that was a dead ringer for bubble gum.


    In the imp, the bubble gum smell comes out and slaps you in the face. It really REALLY makes it's presence known.


    On the skin, it's still strong bubblegum. It brings back memories of summer days on the playground. It's a very evocative scent.


    About 30 minutes later, the bubble gum fades and is gradually replaced by a soft 'pink' smell. I can't pick out any individual notes in it, but it smells...pink.


    I love it!
