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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by crystaljapan

  1. I had to get a bottle of this because I needed to know what it smelled like.


    I have to say it does "feel" cold. My co-workers agreed that the scent perfectly matched the name and discription. Unfortunately though, to me, it smells like Ben Gay and antiseptic with some flowers thrown in to try and hide the ben Gay and antiseptic scent.


    I gave it the benifit of the doubt and put a little dab on my wrist to see if my chemistry would change it. Five minutes later I was washing it off because it was giving me a headache. Ten minutes later I could still smell it so I washed it off again with a strongly scented soap. Fifteen minutes later, I put the strongest BPAL scent I could think of on to try and make the scent go away (Laudanum). That didn't work. All I could smell was cloves and antiseptic. I washed again and put on Carnivale. Ahhhhhhh... finally...


    Definitely going to get rid of this one.

  2. *swoon*


    This is the most amazing scent I have ever smelled. I know *I* wanted me. I only got this on Saturday and decided that it was just too dangerous to wear unless I really wanted to be seduced or do some seducing.


    I can't pick out notes very well but if that is ylang ylang then woooooweeeeee!

  3. I just spent about 10 minutes with my nose at my wrist trying to figure out what this scent reminded me of. I know it is something from my childhood but I can't place it. Driving me batty.


    Some sort of soap I think... I keep sensing a soap that is shaped like something like those little decorative soaps people keep in the bathroom. But I know this is from someplace specific.


    Anyway, I can smell a bit of orange and some sort of powdery soap like scent. This is gonna drive me crazy.

  4. In the bottle: a wet grapey sweetness


    on me: Grape Pez


    after a while: grape pez and incense. Smells nummy. oh oh and now I can smell al ittle bit of honey coming through, and it's less pezzy.


    I like this one a lot. Sort of reminds me of the scent of the TAL Temple: Egyptian blend, yet much sweeter. Though there is no way I can use Tum for meditation as it smells too much like candy and I would get distracted.

  5. The Basque God of Night and all the perils of the darkness. Though he is the God of the Danger that Lurks in the Gloom, he is kind to men and warns them against the nighttime hazards and sets rules of conduct for both the living and the dead as they travel through his domain. It is said that since the warm, vibrant daylight is for the living, the abodes of night are reserved for the dead. All who heed his counsel are protected, but woe be to any man that disobeys the laws of Gaueko: he is swift to punish those that would scorn his advice. Blackened sandalwood and misty lavender, with curling wisps of smoky tobacco, nag champa, and labdanum.

    I liked this one more in the imp than on. I could smell the nag champa and smokey-ness. It wasn't really my taste but I figured I would put it on and give it a chance.

    On - It smelled VERY masculine and very strong. Not my cup of tea at all. I was going to let it dry down more and fade to see if that changed anything but my wrist where I put it on was staring to burn.

    I do not have sensitive skin and have never reacted to anything like this that I can remember. I washed it off and the burning stopped but I could still smell it. So I washed it off again. Still there. If only the scents I loved would last like this :P

    I'll have to make note of what's in this one and see if any other oils burn me so I can figure out what it is.

  6. In the bottle: Lemon Pledge with something in the background.


    On, wet: Lemon pledge with something in the background


    On, dry: lemony - no longer pledgey but a biting lemon not powdery. There is something herby in the background and I can smell a little bit of lavender.


    Sleep: Came faster than normal though I don't usually have issues sleeping (if you don't count loud cats).


    Dreams: Vivid. More... crisp than usual.


    This was my second Sominum oil. The first being Somnus. They both seem to make my dreams a lot more vivid and a lot weirder. I tend to have long movie-like dreams regardless, but these oils have made them quite strange on top of that. I swear I have no idea where a land-based, hard shelled, black octopus-squid thing that left eggs all over whose name was Chuck came from. I swear.


    ETA: I can't use this anymore. One whiff and my head throbs and I feel ill. I don't get migranes but I can imagine that is what the start of one is like. And after I orded a 5ml of the stuff. *sigh*

  7. When I first opened this and smelled it I thought YUM *beat* "eiw what the heck is that?" I can only assume it's the musk and/or vetiver that everyone has mentioned in their reviews. I sniffed it a few more times and decided it would be best to try it on my skin.


    When I first put it on my skin the "eiw-ness" blended perfectly into all the other notes and it became very interesting. It seemed that all the notes were in a lustful embrace and the heat was pouring off them.


    As it dries it seems the notes relaxed a bit and are lounging in the afterglow of the embrace.


    This is going to be a definite 5ml for me and now I need to investigate all the other "Blood" scents. I have a 5ml of Blood on order and now I am more excited than ever for it!!!


    ETA: I posted this last night and when I woke up this morning I could still faintly smell this on my wrist!

  8. My first review!!


    In the bottle: VERY strong lavender that seemed to WAKE me up.


    On, wet: Still strong lavender but it relaxed enough to let the other florals come through. Very crisp.


    On, dry: Very nice. The florals blend perfectly with the lavender being just a touch stronger than the rest. Still very crisp.


    Couple hours later: Softer. Not as crisp and slightly soapy but not enough to turn me off.


    I put a little of this on my pillowcase and I felt completely at peace and I think I slept better than I have in ages. I don't know if it's because I kept taking deeeeeep long breaths through my nose so I could take in the scent or if it was the scent itself. I would say it was most likely a combination of the two.


    Definitley a keeper and a 5ml or even 10ml bottle buy!
