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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by faerywolfe

  1. Several of the Mad Tea Party scents might be suitable, I think. Alice, especially, would be a good choice. Mouse's long and sad tale, the dormouse, the unicorn, high-strung daisies could all work. Aeval, Dana O'Shee, and Fae are gentle faery-inspired scents that seem relatively non-threatening. Most of the ladies of Illyria would be good choices - Tamora And Regan are favorites here. My little 14 year old step-sister loves Dragon's Milk, so you might even give that a try.

  2. :thud:


    This is stunning. And delicious. And will probably be my first multi-bottle purchase.


    Wet: Vanilla cream, molasses, and a little bit of the red currant. I'm not smelling any patchouli or moss at all.


    Drydown: Creamy warm vanilla, molasses, red currant, and the teeniest bit of moss. I'm not smelling any patchouli at all. The molasses lends just a bit of bitterness, but I really think it makes it all the yummier. This sounds like it would be a foodie scent, but it really isn't.


    Love love love this! I knew this one was going to be amazing, but it really is better than I had expected. And the label is absolutely adorable!



  3. This was a frimp in my recent trading post order and one I never would have thought of for myself (thank you labbies :wub2: ). It was love at first sniff though!


    In the imp: This is a sweet almost cola-like almond (though not at all cherry, as others have said).


    On my skin: The almond changes within moments to a softer more marzipan-like scent. A rich pretty amber starts to come out as well. It gets warmer and smokier the longer it sits. Something in this reminds me of Snake Oil, though I'm not sure what it would be. I am definitely smelling vetiver, though it is an amazing, sweet, smoky, exotic vetiver. I usually don't care for the lab's vetiver note, but I'm loving this. There are also a lot of spices showing up and maybe a trickle of well-behaved honey.


    Drydown: Sweet, smoky, and spicy. Glowing and delicious. I never smelled any of the cherry, menthol/eucalyptus, herbal/medicinal notes that others have mentioned. This is autumn in a bottle, to my nose at least, and will definitely be a bottle purchase soon.

  4. This one is really fascinating and much more complex than I thought it would be given the very simple scent description.


    In the bottle: Deep, sweet, and softly rounded. This is so very well blended that I really can't make out any specific notes or even really what kinds of musks are present.


    Fresh On Skin: It's a bit brighter and almost developed a little spice. Still has that amazing rich creaminess that defies description. I keep coming back to sniff and I still can't figure it out. It's gorgeous though.


    Drydown: Bright, sweet, creamy, gently spiced, and ever so slightly smoky. It does have just the teeniest little bit of powderiness, but not enough to really dissuade me from wearing it.


    I had initially bought Creature Feature expecting it to be extremely simple, thining I'd use it to pep up other oils that needed a little something extra. This one has really surprised me though. It's absolutely wearable on its own, with all the character and interest that I had hoped it might have. Very very yummy and I'm glad to have gotten a bottle.

  5. Hopefully this is the right place for this question.


    My mother is very allergic to stargazer lillies - she has pretty major respiratory reactions whenever she gets near them. She's not an asthmatic, but it produces symptoms very like an asthma attack, and she has to carry a rescue inhaler in case she should be exposed. (She's a nurse, and they're fairly common in get-well bouquets.)


    My question, I guess, is this - has anyone else had any problems with the lab's stargazer lily note? We both love BPAL and she's never had a problem with any other lily notes, but there are scents that we'd both love to try that feature stargazers but we aren't sure if it's worth the risk. I'm particularly desperate to try Victoria, but I'm hoping to get a bit of feedback first.



  6. Hmmm, I'm not sure I like this one. All of the notes sound gorgeous, and yet I really don't smell any sandalwood, frankincense, or myrrh. What I do smell is a strong green aquatic, and unfortunately I'm not a fan of aquatics at all. Also, this is quite strong and actively resists being washed off. This lil imp will probably find a new home.


  7. Hmmmm, this is good. When I first got this one, it was all strong sharp evil butter, but with some age on it... :yum:


    Wet, this is a hot buttery pastry fresh from the oven. It smells almost spicy, even though none are listed. The blackcurrant is less full and juicy and more bubbling up out of the pastry. The rose at this point isn't saying much, but she's adding just a touch of depth and roundness, supporting very shyly from underneath.


    As it dries, the buttery pastry, hot bubbly currant, and soft pretty rose begin to blend more evenly. The rose never does take over, nor is it that 'fake' rose that has a habit of going so very wrong. I can vaguely see the comparison to Eat Me, but where Eat Me is a bit more mature with cool vanilla cake and sweetened jam, Knave is her badass brother.


    If you like foodie scents, definitely give this one a go. Don't be afraid to try it for fear of the rose - I really didn't get that much, and what I did smell was understated. All in all, this one is very unique. I may keep my imp around, but I have foodie scents that I prefer over this one, so I won't be needing a bottle.

  8. This one should have been lovely given the notes, but it's become my second most hated oil, unfortunately (nothing under the sun can best, or rather worst, White Rabbit).


    When I first opened the unassuming lil imp, I recoiled. Someone mentioned rootbeer from hell, and I'm inclined to agree. It was sharp and acrid and fairly unpleasant, but I determined to test it anyways. (Some of my favorite oils have smelled terrible in the imp/bottle, so I try to always do a skin test.)


    On my hand, and I hesitate to put it this way, it smelled like death. It was bitter and nasty and I didn't smell anything at all akin to vanilla or spice or even flowers. I love spicy ginger notes, and practically pour on my Shub Niggurath, but I'm almost positive the problem here was the white ginger. And possibly the apricot. I didn't smell fruit at all, but this may have been the root of the sour and rotting notes I was smelling. I just wasn't able to let it sit and see if it got better over time. This one was scrubbed off within a few minutes of putting it on.


    Why couldn't this be the sexy yummy goodness so many others have reviewed and loved? :sad:

  9. Oh my *sniff sniff* This is really lovely. It's spring in a bottle, lol. I'm having trouble picking out individual notes, so this may or may not be helpful, but I am getting mainly sweet dewy grass, white clover, and dandelion adding just a bit of bitterness. The rest of the notes are really there more as a subtle accent, not so much main features, to my nose at least.


    This smells for all the world like standing in the backyard with your bare feet deep in clover, the sun is helping to warm the strong cheering breeze as you take your freshly dried sheets off of the line, listening to the little honey bees buzz from one patch of tiny spring wildflowers to another as you go. This oil manages to blend the perfect early-spring late-morning day, and also throws in the sensation of lying down for a nap cuddled up in those same fresh, softly scented sheets and blankets you just brought in.


    The longer it sits, the better it gets. The scent seems to warm just slightly, loses a bit of that bitterness. It's all about fresh, but a true natural fresh. There's nothing at all here that isn't exactly as you would find in your own backyard. It does take on just the teeniest soapiness as it dries, but not at all in an off-putting way.


    Beautiful, and a keeper. This is really more of what I had hoped for with Blade of Grass, I think. :wub2:

  10. :ack:


    Oh gods, this is terrible, awful, and making me ill. All of the notes sounded delicious, but I'm thinking the pumpkin ruined it. As soon as I put it on my skin it turned instantly to sharp, over-powering, rancid butter. And cranberry juice. :sad:

  11. I used to think that I hated rose scents, but now... :tongue:


    After having the opportunity to try the Trading Post's atmospheric spray Queen's Croquet Ground, I went on a search to find an oil that smelled like that. This is that scent! It's a creamy sweet true rose - not old lady, and not smelly florist spray - and soft spring grass and leaves. It's playful and comforting and oh so delicious.

  12. In the bottle:

    :blink: Wow. That is sharp, and very pure, bitter grass.



    It's still pretty sharp, but it's softening up a bit. It's a little sweeter now, and I can smell cold wet leaves and chill autumn air. The bitterness has gone, thank goodness.



    Clean, in a dirty way, and very darkly green. It's cool and sweet and actually nice, but still not something I can see myself wearing.



    This one is very true to its description. I wasn't expecting it to be quite so dark, but it would be handsome on a man. I'm glad to have tried it, but it's not, unfortunately, for me.

  13. In the bottle:

    Rich fertile earth, soft dark sweetness, vanilla



    Still a dark sweet earth scent, like eating icecream in the forest at twilight. It's warm and smooth and delicious. I don't smell 'dirt', per se, or anything remotely mushroom-ish and not even the slightest coconut. It's indescribable, really.



    Soft and supremely comforting. It's still gently sweet and slightly earthy, but it's become something more subtle and cuddly and amazing the longer I wear it.



    This is so very very yummy. It has quickly become my main comfort scent, and I often wear it to bed. With a name like death cap and so very many 'dirty' reviews, I was a bit hesitant to try this one, but I am so glad that I did. I highly recommend trying this one at least once!



  14. In the bottle: Mmmm, yummy. Vanilla and a gentle myrrh with a rich dusty cocoa powder.


    Wet: Dry and bitter and softly sweet. This isn't remotely foody, although the notes would suggest otherwise. The cocoa is dark and heady and the sandalwood blends to make it nearly woodsy. The myrrh is still hiding behind the cocoa, softly enhancing it from the shadows.


    Drydown: The sandalwood is the more prominent note, but not nearly as sweet as it usually is. Vanilla is blending with the cocoa now, stilling some of that bitterness. Myrrh is making her presence a bit more known by lending a soft earthy spice to Velvet. This stage is sweeter than when I first put it on, but still isn't foody in the slightest.


    Overall: This is very good. I was expecting darker, richer, more woods, but this is a delicious comfort scent just as it is. I don't know that I need a bottle, but I will definitely use my imp.

  15. In the Bottle: Bitter lemon rind and musk. :P


    Wet: The lemon has become a deep, almost sour rose. I have no idea why I'm getting lemon here. The lemon finally goes away after a few moments only to return again, slightly less bitter this time. I'm not smelling any patchouli at all, which I was hoping for. It smells like a bundle of roses laid on a wooden bench that has been freshly treated with lemon oil. This has an amazing throw - the aura smells purely of roses however, with no woods or even the lemon.


    Drydown: Pure, sweet, powerful, powder roses. With an edge of lemon. :D


    Overall: I desperately wanted to like this one. The notes sounded rich and delicious, but the rose has stolen the show entirely. I never once smelled the patchouli that I love, and I only caught the most fleeting ephemeral sandalwood once or twice. If you enjoy roses, then this is exquisite, but not, unfortunately, for me.




    ETA: Hours later, this has turned into the purest and most perfect sandalwood on me. It's absolutely intoxicating and still just as strong as the moment I put it on. I adore this stage, but I'm still not sure if it's worth almost three hours of unrelenting roses.

  16. I can’t believe I haven’t reviewed this yet. I’ve had my imp for over a year , so it’s deliciously aged and may not review the same as newer imps and bottles, but it‘s so very yummy.



    In the Bottle: Sweet and gentle and intoxicating. The notes that come out strongest for me are sweetgrass and a leather that smells more like suede than anything else. It’s a very comforting scent.


    Wet: The same sweetgrass is present, but there’s a tiny bit of amber here now too and only the faintest musk. And more of that delicious warm suede. I can see where some are getting fur - this reminds me of the sensation of warm fur (still on the coyote, thank you) on a cool morning. Even though there are notes that should be very warm, it comes off as comfortably cool.


    Dry: The grasses are warming a bit now as the sun’s coming out, and the amber is shyly peeking her head out of the cave. Sweetgrass and that soft furry suede are still the most prominent notes, and blended exquisitely, each perfectly complementing the other. I still wouldn’t classify this as a warm scent, but neither is it cool. It reminds me of a warm spring day as a cool breeze blows. There is something very familiar here that I cannot place, no matter how hard I try, and I've been trying for a while. This is so very cozy. It makes me want to curl up and have a nap.


    Overall: This is neither masculine, nor feminine, nor entirely unisex. It’s simply… other. There’s something so delicious and comforting about Coyote. It’s not really like anything I’ve ever smelled before or since, but I think that’s part of the strange attraction. I’ll be honest and say that I really wasn’t sure if I cared for this or not when I first tried it, but I found myself reaching for it more and more often. It’s one of my favorite bedtime blends, and one I reach for when I just need to let go of the day’s stress and breathe for a moment.


    Highly recommended. :P

  17. :P Wow.


    I figured this one would be soft and demure - boy was I wrong! I opened lil Dormouse, and he made a very in-your-face appearance. I smell peonies strongly, but there is also a powerful lime here. I didn't catch any tea at all. I worked up the nerve to try out this firecracker and it stayed that strong on my skin. The tiniest little test droplet lasted all day - I had to shower it off the next morning! I our wee Dormouse has a pretty flamboyant throw, too.


    Not particularly my style, but it made a hell of an impression. Recommended.

  18. Getitoff getitoff getitoff! :D


    I tried to love this one, had the highest hopes, but it wasn't meant to be. As awful as it sounds, this is the first oil that has ever triggered the gag reflex upon first sniff. I tried it on my skin anyway, and that wasn't the bestest idea. It smells like rancid milk and acrid ginger underscored with old mildewed blankets. :P I'm thinking the honey is a big contributer here, as I've had some fairly dramatic misses with it so far. *sigh*


    This one is going away now, thank you.

  19. In the bottle: Bergamot and neroli, but not sharp at all as these two can sometimes be. Smooth and cold, but wrapped in soft mink fur. Icy vanilla lends a rich, aged sophistication. The patchouli, apple, and black musk blend beautifully to create a deep dark lush background. No rose at all yet. This is so richly blended that no one note takes higher precedence than the rest.


    Wet: Almost traditionally perfumey and then it settles down and an exotic vanilla begins to make more of an entrance. I’m having a hell of a time distinguishing individual notes! This is truly perfectly blended. My nose is unreasonably attracted (desirous?) to this oil. I didn’t think on first sniff that I’d like it, but it’s slowly proving more and more irresistible.


    After a while: Desire becomes more addicting by the second. She is a rich and extravagant tapestry, traditional and yet so very provocative. It’s mysterious and wholly original, smelling like none of its original parts but instead becoming something new and individual. This is a very voluptuous, womanly oil. There’s nothing innocent or demure about it.


    Drydown: Indescribable. Desire softens and becomes a deep delicious creamy warmth that I cannot get enough of. It’s heady and lavish and shadowed. I get images of a forbidden masque – torrid lusty affairs hidden behind gilded facades.


    Final thought: Mmmm, yummy. This is a toe curling scent. It’s lusty yet cold, passionate yet spiteful, all the tempestuous moods of love in one tiny bottle. It is a very mature scent. It evokes old Hollywood glamour and shaded burlesque of the 40’s. Predatory while being very proper. She could love you or rip your heart from your chest and smile as she decides. Desire is my ultimate Femme Fatale scent.


    Rating: 7/10

  20. This was a lab frimp that I never would have chosen for myself. I didn't remember seeing a description on the site, but I was so eager to try all my shiny new oils that I decided not to wait and opened it. I was then knocked over the head by the man-eating flowers from hell! After physically assaulting me they gave me a massive migraine. :P

    Unfortunately I couldn't even bear to try it on skin. I gave Suspiro to my mother and it smells absolutely beautiful on her. :D

  21. A sultry, exotic scent that inspires devious plotting and clandestine affairs. It is a scent painted in artifice, veiled in deceit, and slithering with whispered secrets. Black palm, with cocoa, fig and shadowy wooded notes.

    In the bottle:
    Rich, sweet, and oh so deep. Sultry and gently bitter. The black palm lends a gritty lushness that’s not quite green, while the fig and cocoa blend into a single intoxicating note. There are dark, dry woodsy notes playing in the background, but it is nothing like pine or any other evergreen. This is nothing like I’ve ever smelled! It’s dark and sexy and comforting.

    Creamy, luxurious, and still subtly bitter. Smells like blackened wood and dark dry cocoa. It loses some of the lushness on the skin but gains a rich new dimension. The fig and cocoa blend beautifully.

    After a while:
    Decadent and exotic. The fig becomes a creamy warm sweetness and the cocoa becomes smooth dark chocolate. The woods are still dark and dry hiding in the shadows, but adding a depth and strength to the blend that’s indescribable.

    Smooth and sleepy and delicious. This becomes a deep creamy delicacy that I can’t pry my nose from. It’s still seductive and slightly dangerous but now it reminds me of a big cat napping after a satisfying hunt.

    Final thought:
    OMG. :P I want to roll in this scent! It’s sexy and exotic and primal. Every stage of this oil is perfect. This is my first major BPAL love. Good thing I already have a bottle on the way! :D

    Edited to add description

  22. In the bottle:

    Thick, sweet, and deep with a sharp edge. Cherry and fir wrapped around with a deep creamy musk. This is hot and cold at the same time, like there’s a raging bonfire in front of me and an icy fall breeze behind. There’s something diabolical hidden deep in this blend that I can’t quite put my finger on. Eerie yet seductive.



    Hot and slick. Ashy embers and sweat-slick skin. I smell leather in this even though none is listed. The fir grabs the perfume and deepens it, gives it heart, and cools it down. There’s a very soft sweet that isn’t quite floral. It’s nice but bewildering – must be the forest herbs. Thank goodness the cherry smell never made it out of the bottle.


    A little later:

    Something smooth and creamy slinks into the mix adding a sultry haze. This stage reminds me of eating vanilla ice cream naked in the woods by firelight. Simply delicious and no little naughty. There’s a very subtle anxiety to Hexennacht that is slightly unnerving. I’m still smelling leather! I also smelled leather in Snake Charmer and Anne Bonny. I must just have strange skin chemistry.



    Has that sharp sweet again that it had in the bottle, but it’s tempered by the yummy creamy musk. Manages to be bright and dark at the same time. Discordant yet complementary. There is still that underlying anxiety.


    Final thought:

    I can’t seem to get comfortable wearing this oil. It makes me very edgy and I haven’t a clue why. Also, this oil is never the same twice on me. I’ve tested it several times and every time it changes. At least half the time though it smells like sharp medicinal cherry and myrrh Nyquil and cheap incense. When Hexennacht is good it’s very good – intensely sexy and naughty and multi-faceted. When it’s bad though it is truly vile. I want to love it, but I think Madame Hexennacht needs a home with someone who will love her all the time.

  23. I only got to try Anne Bonny briefly before my mother made off with my imp, so I'm going from memory here.


    In the bottle it's a rich dark scent that hints and teases - I'm not able to pick apart the notes in the bottle.

    When I first put it on it smells like blood. :P That I wasn't expecting! Then some subtle woodsy spices start to peek through the blood. Then I get a salty breeze backed by the creaking of the planks.

    This is not for the faint of heart! It smells for all the world like stolen blood soaked crates of spices smuggled aboard a wet ship with an edge of steel.


    This is the perfect oil for days when I'm feeling powerful or predatory. I may have to buy more for myself as my last imp seems to have walked off. :D
