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BPAL Madness!

Velvet Lilly

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Status Updates posted by Velvet Lilly

  1. Amazing band at Joes! The blasting company. sounds like new Orleans <3

  2. Is attending The Fourth Lady tonight! Will you be....the Fourth Lady?

  3. Amazing rain and wind today! Flash flood warnings for south western California....wow....and congrats to intrepid marathon runners !

  4. The palm tree out my window is doing a frenetic hula dance but I'm warm and dry Brunch: 2 brown egg scramble with sauteed asparagus, mushrooms, baby tomatoes and pea shoots... the house smells amaaazing..... and the next rainy day snack: Pie.....

  5. Completely cozy in jammies on a pouring rainy Sunday...luxuriating in the intoxicating scent of Snake Oil Hair Gloss in my hair from last nights BPAL will call.....smells....so...ridiculously....gooood.....Just..purrrrrr

  6. FANTASTIC Full Moon will call at Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab sharing The Cookie ! I smell mysterious and intricate. Then a rockin bleu cheese burger and horse time in the moonlight with great friends....Hoooowwwwwllll!!!!! Now home with my glorious perfume scores and imps to explore cozy in my jammies.....Blissful ......

  7. Aagggghh!! Men can be so creepy!!! I gotta bake something........

  8. laundry churning, cleans folded- now to tackle the sheets and litter box, print more spa menus, Spa Week flyers and make a press kit.....then maybeeeee,.....take two on the strawberry pie.....

  9. ART Trumps War :"Like the fella says, in Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

  10. "Maybe I've had my happiness. But sometimes, when the night is warm and the crickets sing.....I dream of a Love even time will lie down and be still for."

  11. It's Spring in Studio City..... I smell jasmine and honeysuckle everywhere. It makes me happy.

  12. Just had my first Irish car bomb......that was deelicious....uh Ohhh

  13. Just saw a coked out groom beating up a horse at the wash racks- everyone else ignored him. I told him if he didn't stop I'd call security. GRRRrrrrrrr I hate cruel people.

  14. Happy St. Paddy's Day and/or Druid Appreciation Day! Kiss me! I'm...well.... I'm Saxon French, English and Welsh!May you avoid the amateurs and enjoy a nice Irish feast today. <3

  15. Dietary supplements were responsible for ZERO deaths in 2009 according to the U.S. National Poison Data System. And more than 50% of Americans take at least one supplement a day. Can the Pharmaceutical Industry make that claim? Inform yourself and don't be afraid.

  16. this migraine needs. to.go. away. .......I'd flap but it'd hurt...

  17. Sorry AT&T, I do not want 2 FREE android phones.....what I'd LIKE is better service both phone and customer - not a tech who's 2 hours late and can't reschedule for two weeks to fix your own mistake. No free phones and no Uverse for me- ya'll blew it.

  18. printing, filing, cleaning, laundering, folding, booking, inquiring, writing...........

  19. LOOKING FOR: there was an article linked here about women's brain function and fear response quieting for pleasure response to turn on......anyone know where that's from?

  20. balsamic strawberry basil syrup galette is in the oven....peach goes in next! I'm talkin to you Matthew Biancaniello

  21. Just made my very first pate brisee ( I KNOW!) Using spelt flour no less! We'll see how it goes :::fingers crossed:::: it smells good...next up, making the candy cap coconut custard.....I'v never made custard before.....I'm thkeerd.....then I'm gonna skin those peaches and see what happens......( I'll burn you down)

  22. " Well peel my tangerines" ~ Blackadder

  23. candy cap and basil syrups made, streusel made, coconut toasted....I'm ready for baking tomorrow.....now for sleeeeep........

  24. I have seen the light. I have been shown the beauty that is cooking in cast iron....lo and behold I have tasted the wonder. I need to find me a cast iron skillet! New or used...that is the quandry.....
