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Velvet Lilly

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Posts posted by Velvet Lilly

  1. In the bottle for me, it's super strong, in my face floral , like gardenia or magnolia can be. A sharp white, beautiful flower than suffers no bullshit, but remains lovely.

    The dry down on my is lovely and I love it as it lingers, more than when it's fresh on skin.

    I've dressed candles and used it with intentions often.
    It's amazing paired with Flying Devil or Block Buster.

  2. This bottle means business.

    Dirty metal, vetiver?, conifer, resins and spices rubbed across a rusty blade. Zero florals.

    It smells active and aggressive, and I love that about it. Not something I'd ever wear, but its' clear it gets the intended job done.

    I wonder, was it reformulated, because my bottle smells so different than other reviews.

    Grateful to have it and its protection. 

  3. Get thee behind me, kitty! Sleek, buttery brown musk, clove husk, frankincense, holy water, olive wood crucifixes, and hairball accord.


    (Just kidding: no hairballs.)


    This is going to sound brazen, but..... If you love the Lupers, and are a fan of the Dildos in the Shunga collections, you'll love this.

    As we passed this bottle around I got nods of " oh yeaahhhh" when I said this carries the same olive wood and oil, and pretty musk of those, yet the holy water and other notes, balance this out to be more elegant. (not a word you'd expect for a silly named scent) Elegant and refined and yet hinting at shenanigans. 

    The holy water doesn't make this an aquatic scent, for me. It seems to balance out the rest. 

    No hairball either, I'm relieved to say! 

    Again, if you like the specific and fun woods and oils of the Shunga dildo scents, you'll love the elevated, not so in your face with smut, version this bottle holds.

    Meow. ❤️

  4. Infernal pacts always seem like a better idea after a few drinks: bourbon, sweet tobacco, brimstone, weed accord, and khus.


    This is adorable and we all had so much fun going through this delightful collection.

    In the bottle: An old, bustling Apothecary or witch's hut. Dried roots, resins and bundles of dry herbs, weeds and khus.

    I didn't get the boozy or tobacco notes those words usually mean. Instead it was more of a not-quite-sarsparilla fascination.
    We  loved it. The weeds are a very neat, interesting  note - it doesn't smell like a field, it's not "green" these weeds are dried.

    Reminds me of The Apothecary or Witch's Garden.  

  5. I adored this and am sad I missed out on a bottle.

    Flowers.... for the fresh floral collectors this is a must. I can't wear too many florals and this gorgeous, bright yet soft blend was so dreamy.

    A really beautiful rose note with a hint of dusty fade on the edges with the plum and apricot to brighten it up. I think there's another flower hidden in here.... jasmine? Whispers of ...something else lovely and gentle.

    I got no vetiver either. It must miss my nose as a grounding element? 

    Wet it's gorgeous and the dry down turn is so lovely, I Just kept huffing my arm.

  6. Aaaagghhhh!! So Good! 

    The OG Sang Mentruum, on me, was amazing on the dry down, but my pH pulled a ton of harsh metallic for most of it's wear, but I love the cause for this, and to be able to help.

    This lady... Wow is she gorgeous. Incredibly well balanced.

    In the bottle: Blood musk laced honey rounded with poppies and sugary marshmallow.

    Wet: Bright blood red musk, almost fruity or jammy, but not quite. This isn't a gourmand scent, per se, but it hints at it. A cousin.

    Dry: The bright juiciness tempers down (I don't mean bright as in stringent etc, but wet it was sweeter) and I'm getting more of the gorgeous cloud of honey powder (not her fresh honey note, more like Honey Dust) and that drizzle of marshmallow over poppies. I don't pull the floral at all, but I think it's there to round out the notes.

    Soft Medium throw.

    This also reminds me of that "old school BPAL" scent.... esoteric and enigmatic, with a sweet touch of fun.

    I love it so much. 

  7. I guess I really need this right now because it smells delicious... like I want to bake spice cakes with it.

    Cinnamon and cloves. 

    In the bottle I smell a darker, dried green her, maybe myrrh and amber? Nutmeg? A whisper of warm metal and blood.

    It's wonderful and feels so active and protecting. 

    I'm going to huff this all day. 

    On my skin on the dry down, I get a hint of fine milled soap - maybe the amber drying? And a light cinnamon reverie.
    Usually  I amp cinnamon to Defcon1, but this is staying lovely and light.

  8. Man, this is amazing.

    The mint is like a bunting of determination and courage around the rest of this wonderful combination of notes. 
    There is so much giving and love present in this bottle, coming right from Beth and the TAL garden. 
    It's palpable and the comfort it brings to keep going is amazing, gentle and encompassing.

    Talk about the gentle love and can-do attitude we all need. This is the ticket, right here.

    The myrrh is rounded by the cedar and the palo santo seems to thread all through this in the politest way.

    On my skin it's unexpected and gorgeous. The sweet herbal note of the patchouli leaf plays so well with the cohosh.

    I just love this. 

  9. A contraction: red musk seized by crushed mint, eucalyptus blossom, orange blossom, and bergamot.


    I bought two bottles this is so good. 

    In the forefront is my favorite, juicy red musk, brightened up by muddled orange blossom and tempered by a flowing ribbon of mint and bergamot, but not "minty mint", I just know there's mint in here by the sobering effect of the musk...not cooling, just a shading to keep it less bright, but just as lush. 

    This is almost a cousin of Dainty Sulphur - without the ash and brimstone

    All the parts of the heart are really gorgeous.  Do not sleep on this beauty.

  10. Gorgeous fresh orange blossom, a whiff of the greenwood tree branch, and a touch of grounding smoke and ash.

    It's not "smokey" for me at all, the ash just seems to round out the scent into a deeper beautiful thing than just a bright blossom note would be.

    This is chic... and nostalgic all at once for me. Orange blossoms in the air in October.

    Light to medium throw .... I got a bottle and love it.

  11. [No additional description provided.]


    The scent notes: Dead leaves and Limoncello

    This is Gorgeous..... Perfect classic dead leaves, and juicy lemony citrus.
    These two things go together so beautifully.
    There's a bit of sweet sugar .....a hint of creaminess.... almost, sugar milk?

    This is not lemon pledge, this isn't lemon candy, I don't get any booze note ..... this is it's own lovely fresh, Autumn citrus breeze, thing.


    This hits all of my favorite note happy places..... I'm wearing it right along with my couch.


    I may have to get another bottle of this because I want to bathe in it....

  12. My Gods this is gorgeous (what I did there). This is soft, elegant, chic and debonaire.

    This smells as if Anubis got spohisticated, but on a Savile Row suit and spent his evening at the high stakes bacarat lounge. I need this in my life.

  13. Chocolate note lovers - This is adorable! Milk or semi sweet chocolate caramel with a bit of nuttiness from the tonka.

    There might be a hint of coffee in here as well? Chocolate drink or a chocolate bar?

    I'm not quite sure but it's so much fun and delicious.


    A definite chocolate note collectors item.

  14. Hot pink rose wet with cucumber and water lily.

    Hey! Floral note lovers – This is your new Spring gorgeousness!
    It may have an adorable, silly name, but this is seriously beautiful floral and greens scent!
    So well blended, with a medium throw, and it dances softly through it’s notes.
    This reminds me of, if a painting was a person and had a scent – Monet’s water lilies, wearing a Gatsby floral frock.

  15. I love it. Love it, love it , love it.


    It reminds me very much of gorgeous Boadecea, mixed with Heroine, but with a forward whisper of men's aftershave.


    This is soft, languid, citrusy verbena, and creamy ambergris. The neroli and other notes may be giving that aftershave whisp of elegant, masculine roundness to it.


    This doesn't morph much at all on my skin, and stays beautiful and true on the dry down.


    This is a top ten scent for me, and we'll see if it edges out Boadecea.


    Sultry, airy chic, and exotic.... my favorite thing. <3

  16. Bluberry musk!!


    I wanted a bottle but they were sold out! ::::qqqqqq::::::


    SO! If you loved Blueberry Picking from the Birthdays...... this is like the grown up version!


    (Blueberries from Birthdays is made to honor a young (awesome amazing) girl. This is taking that gorgeous happy scent and giving it a more mixed, blended, grown up turn)


    I huffed it and huffed it..... and by the end of the night... it was sold out!


    Congrats to all of you that were smart enough to grab bottles of this.... instant bpal coveted diso.

  17. White oud and white sandalwood, iris pallida, blonde woods, and pink pepper.

    Oh, Karikkotsu, you gorgeous elegant, bony nightmare you!

    This is special. This is unlike any of the Shungas or lupers in the (huge) collection.

    This is high end chic. This..... is elegant, dry wood with a whisper of what seems to be Bay Rum and a touch of pepper.

    As if a perfectly dressed gent has arrived at the bar for drinks before dinner..... but it's so unique it's ungendered.

    Everyone who smelled it, even bpal folks themselves seemed surprised at and enthralled with it.

    Wearing this I feel.....grand....put together...impossibly chic yet laid back and comfortable.

    I think the iris is the key that blends all these notes together in a magical way that creates a soft, amazing, sleek yet relaxed scent.

    I. Love. This. ...Bottle bought.

  18. This is amazing. Once I found it, and tried a bit on my skin, I knew I had to have a bottle and couldn't stop sniffing it.


    It's so well blended that the notes are hard to pick out and create a unique new whole that's glorious and nostalgic at once.


    It reminded me, in the best way of a high end tiki parlor, like Trader Vicks in it's day..... or the Polynesian Hotel lobby way back in the day.


    Polished woods and the faint whisper of orange blossom and tropical, verdant things.


    WIN: this orange blossom doesn't go anywhere near the bandaid thing it can sometimes to in my nose! This stays true orange blossom in all it's sunny reverie.


    On the dry down the vanilla comes up and plays nicely... in an almost sugary way.


    For a kid from the rustic touristy byways of Florida...this is high end nostalgia in a bottle. I love it!

    (and everyone that smelled it on me went wide eyed and had to try some.... it's so good)

  19. Mutable Earth: the essence of duty and analysis. This is a perfume of altruism, introspection, and wisdom found from within. This blend can be utilized to enhance critical thinking, mental dexterity, and problem-solving skills, spark creativity, and sharpen the wit. Like Virgo, this scent is elegant in its presentation while unexpectedly complex in its inner composition: a dazzling chypre, glittering with sardonic humor, that is grounded by sweet aged patchouli and uplifted by lemon verbena.

    First off.... this. is. Amazing. <3 :::heart eyes:::


    In the bottle: it smells..darker then on my skin. Beautiful, heady, lemon verbena, softened with a shadowy dose of skin musk and yet, merry and elegant, just as the description says. How does she do that?!
    The glitter or dazzle is very soft in this, not a forwardly fizzy scent, as some can be when she describes them that way, but it plays far underneath, down at the base of the notes.
    There is something else, soothing and amber-brown in this...a whisper of wood.

    Wet- same.

    Dry on my skin: It's lovely, autumn foresty yellow - but just at the end of Summer, when the colors are changing but life is still vibrant. As is wears, the skin musk (?) comes forward and so does the fizz, just a wee.

    Catching wiffs of this from my neck and hair the next morning, is enchanting.

    I may need another bottle of this because yes.

  20. oh I lurrrrve this.

    It's such a warm yet...banked smoulder kind of scent. So well blended that I had to read the notes to realize it was leather I was loving, mixing so beautifully with the cardamom and white musk....wit that gorgeous, low and slow incense..... and I'm getting a touch of cola or sarsaparilla in the middle of it all.

    This could almost be a wild west saloon/ cat house...


    I loved it at first sniff from the bottle. The incense warms up on my skin and slow dances with the leather, smoke and cola.....

    My new favorite cozy yet enigmatic winter scent...... YUMMMM......


    And huge surprise, Yes there's cinnamon in here, but i can actually wear this one without it going DEFCON 1 on my skin, to drown out other notes.

    Huge happy Cheshire Cat smile over here...... Hellooooooo Satan.....

  21. This is a fun one! I first got whiffs of both creamy coffee and buttery, boozy rum. I know it should be whiskey, but my head keeps thinking....shades of hot buttered rum.
    There's even a faint whiff of toffee.
    As it warmed on my skin......the most gorgeous, fresh buttery sweet roll scent started playing just off my skin.


    Not like... "oh how nice... it's sort of sweet roll-ish", but honest to zod, if I didn't know it was perfume oil, I'd think I needed to lick buttery, warm, doughy sweet roll off my fingers.

    But this isn't too sweet either. It's not as sweet as the cookie scents. It's a real winner of pastry, foodie, cake sitting next to an Irish coffee.

    LOVE it.


    It did go away a bit fast on my skin, which is unusual for the gourmands, for me...... but very yummy!

  22. I brought a bottle home.... and will do more skin testing tomorrow. This is so much more than just bittersweet chocolate and cream.....the whole sordid gathering in her tray is here....
    I'm getting whispers of bourbon...tobacco? And a whiff of old burlap, crushed dried grass she's standing over....painted wood and yes....that shrunken head.

    This is no sweet candy confection......this is troubled. The candy of nightmares. And yet...it's beckoning draw is unmistakable.

  23. My nose got confused! I kept thinking..... incense and patchouli.....and something more...... but now reading the notes, it must be the wood and rose combination that fooled me.

    I love this in a dark way. It smells......dangerous to me. It's got sharp edges among it's beautiful notes and it warns anyone that dares to get close: BEWARE.... I am more than I seem and I may be deadly.


    At first smell I imagined incense, patchouli...the allure of soft night air, a whisper of booze and the promise of adventure.


    I get zero pickle.....but the resin around the wood is a bit sour, yet so balanced it reminds me much more of that wonderful unique scent of old, faded solid perfumes from your grandmothers hope chest.


    I almost got two bottles.

  24. I adore this. What a win of a scent for me!

    In the bottle: Lime-y citrus and mandarin blend


    wet: now comes the gorgeous petitgrain and amps into the citrus, blending well...


    dry down....All the pretty petitgrain, with a whisper of lime and a bright glint of mandarin. It reminds me a bit of an old general store - deliciously herby in a quiet way.


    I've paired this with The Norn's Farmhouse and it's stunning together as well. Really amps that "old general store" vibe in the very best way.

    Storytelling in scent!
