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BPAL Madness!

Velvet Lilly

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Status Updates posted by Velvet Lilly

  1. If I knew how to do this I'd totally mix mash a split screen of Gloria Bunker and Victoria Jackson.....one's a parody OF real life....one's a parody IN real life......ugh.

  2. Nothing like a little attitude adjustment in the middle of my day......okay! Back and ready to get things accomplished!

  3. First night of real swing without a brace...with a cowboy boot: WIN! It's not sore and I didn't retweak it......no real pulse in it- but I'm going to ice it right now - Ahhhh dancing again.....a wonderful feeling.

  4. "I call upon you to draw from the depths of your being — to prove that we are a human race, to prove that our love outweighs our need to hate, that our compassion is more compelling than our need to blame." ~ Elizabeth Taylor

  5. Off to do a free consultation for Motives Cosmetics - I love how much fun working can be!! I get to play with make up with cool and groovy chicks!

  6. Cozy rainy day....perfect day for movies and some low and slow cookin ....and a big kiss in the rain- on Bel's muzzle.

  7. Dinner: seasoned and seared a big thick slice of bone in loin then in the oven to bake- dropped onions and mushrooms in the searing pan with the bits and sauteeing that off with some cab to deglaze......and the last of the pea shoots......aaahhhh.....finally....STEAK.

  8. I swear to god......one of these days...I'm just gonna let it rip and tell people exactly what I think of them...and it will cut a bloody swath across the ravaged landscape......and I'll bathe in it and sing ........ for now....a victory dram of a night cap.............

  9. Home from the gym and icing my ankle- a bit sore but I'm gonna keep working it and see how it goes. Carefully.

  10. ::::sad puppy face::::: I lost my brolly..... who took it from my car? I dont wanna get rained on....... Dang

  11. After icing and dinner - the verdict is no dancing tonight. I'ma save the drive in the rain and wait until I know I can dance on it with no problem.....probably over did it a bit dancing at Joes. Not a step backwards in recovery, just being wise and not rushing too much.....patience have I none......

  12. At the end of the day, despite the fever pitch of bad news on the airwaves, I had a beautiful walk with my boy in the misty gloaming and a lovely visit with good friends. I'm safe and warm and hopeful for tomorrow....flanked by furry cats, to sleep......

  13. Fabulous night of drinks and laughing with the best people I know. xoxox now to ice the ankle......

  14. PING TO FRIENDS: Anyone involved with the Burbank Moose lodge....can you give me a holler? I have some hall renting questions. :::beam::: thank you!

  15. Happy 80th Leonard Nemoy! " Live Long and Prosper" ...Hez doin it pretty gud akshully....

  16. The USA has no long term plan for disposing of nuclear waste....yet we have how many nuclear plants running? Are you freaking kidding me? How stupid to grown adults have to be?

  17. O.M.G...... remaking the peach pie with actual sugar and a tad of the candy cap syrup plus a dram of maple.....holy crap this is going to bake up fantastic.... I hope.....peaches weren't as ripe.... crossing fingers....

  18. Off to pilates with me..then to the horse and cleaning the other half of the house today.....production boosts morale.....onward!!

  19. Fabulous day of pilates <3, visiting with friends, playing with my white dragon and letting him know he's loved and getting taken care of by friends.....who iced my foot and made me laugh....now that's a lovely Sunday. Now to get the barn washed off and a toon leveled up.......work work work...

  20. It's official! Spa Week is bo oking so much I'm carrying it over into the week before and after! Three weeks in April you can get every facial treatment on my menu for 50$. We love you Spa Week.com!

  21. Note from an affronted Lady: "Southern" Food does NOT mean it comes out of a can, a concentrate or a mix. People that call themselves "Southern" cooks and post recipes with mixes and prepackaged ingredients should be taken out back and switched! The only canned ingredients in my house are coco lopez and pickled okra- (not to be eaten together)

  22. QOTD: "I like the way you hold your own in a battle" Me: Yup...that's me.... been bullied by the best and biggest....he CANNOT out insult me......please..I've worked faire.

  23. PING to actor / director Peeps!! NEEDED: abandoned hospital, jail or prison for a night shoot Monday night. PLEASE message me asap if you know of any available locations. Thank you in advance

  24. It smells sooooo good at the Equestrian Center at night......jasmine and alfalfa and damp, freshly turned earth.....it's a heady perfume.....Spring at the stables. Only made better by a little leather, a little horse flesh....and sometimes dinner smells from the campers and their grills....Barn Heaven.

  25. :::blink:::: Amex charged me 8 dollars for a 35.00$ charge?? Rape!!
