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Posts posted by themerrybaker

  1. At least on me, the musky blends have the most throw. I think I compared Embalming Fluid (w/musk) to a few other citrus types w/out musk and found a lot more throw w/EF. The same thing just happened w/ florals: Zorya has musk and way too much throw for me. Some of the other florals without musk settle a bit closer to the skin.


    So, even if a scent isn't "dark" the addition of musk can send it airborne.

  2. Fresh out of the imp, Bow & Crown smells a lot like generic men's aftershave, but gets better on the dry down. This was a happy surprise, considering my usual luck with cedar turning me into an animate hamster box.


    Bow and Crown ends up a sublte sage and leather scent. The vanilla is not obvious to me, but may be lending a bit of sweetness to the overall experience.


    I will really enjoy using this imp.

  3. I love dirt scents (and Death Cap is one of my favorites) but I hate most rose scents (with the exception of Othello) so Zombi sounded pretty interesting indeed.


    The verdict: a not-to-awful rose scent - but this imp will be a victim of the next general clearing-out operation. A meh as opposed to a yuck.

  4. Queen of Clubs is fruity-sweet without being cloying or candyish. I don't get a lot of dirt (schade!) or rose (yippee!) but the amber contributes to the overall sweetness. I'd also swear there was lotus in here - but there's a good reason I'm not a perfumer.


    A very feminine oil, and well worth having.

  5. I tried the Crone several months ago and this oil seemed to smell predominantly of celery. Today, there is hay, immortelle, baking-spice-sweetness, and wood and perhaps a bit of celery eucalyptus.


    I don't really wear the Crone as perfume. Some days you just need the Crone and today she is being an amazing comfort.


    I'd guess there is betony/sweet cicely in here, but really can't pick any particular herb out.


    My interest in this temple oil is personal, so for me this is a never-never swap. For anyone who is looking predominantly for a perfume, this may not be for you.


    Edited to add: this is wonderfully comforting in an oil burner.

  6. Lust started out cherry cedar (which could be a Lust pun) both intensely sweet and intensely bitter. Ok, I guess that is the spicy red musk and maybe the bitterness was the myrrh?


    The drydown is still woody and spicy.


    Lust is a like: a good reference for "red musk". I hadn't realized that something could smell so much like wood without there being any!! Will enjoy the imp, but I already have enough musky bottles.

  7. Ghagiel - the Hinderer should smell like a spoiled pet or child but in fact smells a lot like Danube. I think the folks who observed that the floral could be narcissus were right and that maybe there is a bit of opium poppy to add some bitternes.


    I like how Ghagiel smells and glad I got to try it.

  8. I can't believe that Haunted is such a simple blend. The amber is obvious - it's the powdery note, but what must be the black musk is alternately patchouli-sweet, fleetingly citrus, and fleetingly cinnamon-spicy. Darned if this doesn't remind me of a less woody, less salty Swarzer Mond.


    A surprizing like, I bet this imp will be good for layering.

  9. Sweet and musky in a way that reminds me of Lotus Moon and Bastet, but nary a lotus blossom in sight. Mania does not become cloying, or overly chemical the way some of the other "fruity" blends tend to go with me.


    Mania is a happy, flirty, girly, gently-screeching oil.


    I like it, but have enough bottles that serve the same purpose.

  10. I was worried about smelling like a Creamsicle with all the orange in Sol Invictus. Needlessly. This is so much better than I would have guessed.


    The first stage is earwax bitter, like the rind or pith of an orange. It would have been fine with me if Sol had stayed this way: a bit of an anti-perfume.


    On drying, slightly powdery amber/saffron/frankinsence develops and Sol Invictus changes into a very subtle sweet/salty skin scent. It could have a little more throw, other than that this is a LOVE as opposed to a like.

  11. I'm not fond of wine or grape scents, but tried this because there are so many other components. At first it was Evil Jonestown Kool-Aide tm - a real olfactory horror. But then a smell reminiscent of Mum Moon began to evolve. I think it was the tobacco flower - which smelled like hay to me at first.


    After about an hour, Horreur grows up to be a perfume: fruity and bright, but amazingly good.


    Probably no big bottle for me, but I'm very very happy to see a grape/wine blend that I can almost wear. People who love the wine oils should be head over heels for this one.

  12. I couldn't wait to sniff the Radiance and Desolation of Winter. RADOW smells a lot like violet pastilles, and a little like: vetiver conjuring up a wet wool coat, a stalk of celery, and a tube of lipstick.


    It brings to mind jingling the contents of one's coat pocket before going out into a cold but beautiful day.


    And almost exactly six hours later finding part of a forgotten decant of Snow White nestled among the pocket lint. (Maybe this is the Flake part?)


    (It took a very long time - and maybe some self-hypnosis- before the similarity developed - I think it's best to just appreciate Snow-Flake on her own merits).

  13. AZ starts out as all oily cedar but develops through a powdery stage (amber?) then briefly an oily dark citrus and finally back to oily benzoin-vanilla? powdery.


    These changes are really interesting to sniff. AZ is like a nostril journey, because it has very little throw, morphs radically, and the ravens take their oily wings and flit away with some sense of urgency.

  14. I get mostly cedar. This imp seems to be exhibiting Depraved Indifference to the fact that it is supposed to be apricot-patchouli. Very strange.


    A few months later...


    The Lab gifted me with a leaky frimp which I set in a box of tissues. Depraved makes the tissue smell like subtle apricot. I am really enjoying the oil this way.

  15. Sudha Segara is one of my faves, so much so that I bought 10 ml during the Summer of Poofiness. It is tea with ginger, and gives you vibes for a peaceful day. And to answer your question it is fairly strong on me.




    Other faves are Satan w/Sin&Death - not too tart tea but well blended and more of a perfume than a single tea note. And for LE's: Spirits of the Dead is extremely hoardable and beats out Holiday Moon for me. Of these, Holiday Moon is the strongest but can be puckery.




    As for the other GCs: had a bottle of Kumiho and wore it a lot - it is on the tart side. Have a few imps of Embalming Fluid, and love it but consider it more of an aromatic citrus. Of the two, Kumiho was stronger.




    Hope this helps.
