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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Fjaer

  1. Wet: The juniper really comes to the foreground, with something sharp and green. 


    It was the idea of a concrete note that drew me to this, and I am getting that, it's just sharper than I anticipated... though I don't really know what I expected! 


    Dry(er): The blackcurrant is tart and sharp... it's still overall sharp and green, with a big hit of currants. 


    I'm not a huge fan, but I guess I'll keep this and try it out over the summer months. 

  2. Really can't decide if I like this one!

    I love root beer, and bought this after reading the reviews that it had a root beer note. It does! But there's also a sweetness from the coconut milk that goes a little sickly on me - it's probably the coconut milk, vanilla and nutmeg combined and going sickly. I think the key to this one, for me a least, is 'less is more'. 


    Last night I slathered my wrist in it and felt a little nauseous, today I just have a light dab and it's much better. 


    I hoped this would be a little less sickly-sweet, I'll see how it ages though! 

  3. I've had my imp for a while and thought it was about time I did a review.

    Interesting scent! I loooove the concept. My boyfriend always calls me a Djinn because I have lots of different skills. I'd love to have made this my signature scent but I think it's too out there to wear everyday. I love randomly putting it on when I'm at home though, it's so evocative.


    Wet on skin: scorched and acrid with something underneath which I can't put my finger on. Tlas time goes on there is almost a citrusy cleaning product type smell to this, which oddly isn't unpleasant. 

    It smells so acrid it's incredible. 

    Drydown: this fades quite fast on my skin, after 45 minutes it's barely lingering. The word that comes to my mind is 'sinister' when I sniff this one. 

     Dry: barely detectable anymore. I get a faint whiff of it now and then. It still has that sinister, scorched scent with something lingering underneath. Something sharp and peppery. 


    I'll keep the imp but I don't think I'll get a bottle of this. I think it would be great on a guy. Someone who could really pull it off. 



  4. When I had the chance to go to Mutter Museum it was just such a blessing. I'd read about the place since I was a kid but never dreamed I would get to go.. But luckily I visited the US (NJ) for a cousins wedding and drove up to Philly to see the museum. 

    Totally incredible. And when I saw this perfume in the gift shop I outright bought one. 

    It's lovely. 'Old Books' seems like a perfect way to describe it. 'Ancient books' even. Woody, dusty with a hint of vanilla and balsam. Not something I would usually go for but I shall treasure this one. The memory of the  museum jumps to mind when I smell this one. 


  5. Wow this is crazy! I usually wear perfume daily to work, just for my own sake, I enjoy being able to have a faint whiff of something nice around me.
    However, for the first time, I've worn Snake Oil to work. I only got it a few weeks ago and haven't worn it much.

    I work at an art gallery in India, New Delhi. And the gallery assistants have been passing through transporting pieces of art work.

    They keep saying things like 'areyy Khushbu aa rahi hai!' meaning 'ooh there's a lovely scent in here!' and asking me if I can smell it.

    They also keep saying they can smell clove and cardamom.

    I've also been asked if I've been eating something sweet (lots of candy and mouth freshers here contain sweet spices)

    "Strange it only smells good in this room!" one of them said.


    Also had more people chatting to me today! One of the gallery assistants being his chatty slightly flirty (marginally creepy at times) self even more so today hahah.

    This stuff is potent I guess!!!

    I do like the scent. I'm usually drawn to the stranger scents; dirt scents, spicy/ foody ones and occasionally florals. But this really is something different,

  6. I think 'less is more' is the key to this scent, for me at least!
    I slathered it on and felt a little nauseous because it was so so so strong! SO much throw!
    That being said, I was hoping for something a little softer, it's a very 'strawberry jelly candy' fragrance for me, then as it settles something softer appears from the background.
    It's not what I expected but an interesting one nonetheless.
    Next time I'll just apply a teeny dab and see how it goes.

    Also thinking about mixing a little with my unscented hair oil.

  7. I expected to love this seeing as Sandalwood and Saffron are both gorgeous notes.
    However, I'm not getting anything like Saffron or Sandalwood at all... both of those scents are real common over here (I live in Delhi at the moment, moved here from England recently) they're used a lot in food and fragrances used for worship etc.

    I'm getting something quite sharp and sour, not a fan of this. It reminds me of these really sour candies we get in England.
    Part of me thinks they've still not settled from the journey in the post, I had them delivered out here to India and they were stuck in customs for the longest time, most likely in sweltering heat... I hope this one ages well, I guess I'll keep it for a few months and wait and see! .

  8. Nyx

    Wet on the skin this smells like ylang-ylang to me. Straight up ylang-ylang.
    I've moved to India where there are a few jasmine bushes outside my house, so I'm used to catching the scent of actual jasmine every night, luckily.
    This just isn't what I associate with the scent of jasmine. Dry on my skin this smells a lot like nail polish remover, damn my skin chemistry!!
    I really wanted to like this one, but thankful it was just a frimp I got with an order, so never mind.

  9. Amber with something sharp and green in the background... ever so slightly spicy. This seems to change on me from one moment to the next!
    One minute I like it, the next I don't!
    There's a real strong church incense note in there for me, not sure if I'm enjoying this one.

  10. There's a definite coconut milk scent coming up for me, with something I can only describe as 'Parma violets' (a candy we get in the UK)
    It dries into a comforting, warm, coconut/incense/floral... if this was a color it would be burgundy. The scent stays close to the skin.
    It makes me just want to curl up into a ball and forget the world, but maybe that says more about my state currently than this perfume! Still, I think it would help me settle into some down-time.

    Overall it's nice, I might think about getting a bottle, will have to wear it a few more times to see if it grows on me a little more.

  11. Wow, this is my first review in a long time! I sold off all of my BPAL collection, which I later grew to realize was a very silly decision! So I'm building up my collection once again :smilenod:


    I was so excited to receive this through the post, all the notes sounded wonderful.

    Here goes,


    In Bottle:

    This smells sweet, herbal and almost fizzy, like vanilla root beer.


    Wet on Skin:

    I definitely get the vanilla, and still smells fizzy! That must be what they meant by 'CO2' !

    The butter is there, then there's the sassafras. I have no experience with the actual plant sassafras as I live in England and I don't think there's much of it around. But I have had root beer, and I definitely recognize the scent of it in this perfume.



    Beautiful, slightly medicinal too (which I'm loving)

    Genuinely conjures images of an old Victorian apothecary, full of botanical tinctures and medicines! (Or perhaps that's my over active imagination ;))


    Fantastic, evocative blend.


    I'll be keeping this one! 5/5

  12. In the bottle: genuinely reminds me of autumn leaves and wet earth.. I actually can't think of anything closer to the scent of walking outside on a rainy day


    Wet on skin: Yep, still wet leaves and damp wood, hint of charred wood. Then there's that boozy undertone.


    Drying: Sweetness is coming, getting that treacle note seeping through. I'm a little saddened at how fast its disappearing on my skin.


    I do love this blend, it's so evocative. Reminds me of venturing outside on a rainy night, when there are leaves on the ground, and bonfires are blazing in the neighbours back gardens!

    :wub2: not sure how often I'll wear this, but definitely a keeper.

  13. I'm really glad I chose this!

    Initially it reminds me a little of Jack, and of Pumpkin Latte from last year.

    Definitely that lovely BPAL pumpkin note in there.

    Once settled on the skin it mellows out to a really smooth pumpkin vanilla buttercream sort of scent.


    It's really wearable and a great choice for a foodie like me!! Oddly, I'd describe the scent as being very 'Safe' just because it's so wearable! And most of the things I go for tend to be the more wacky bpal creations.


    5/5 ! :wub2:

  14. Now this is amazing!

    Fell in love with it from the moment it hit my skin.

    This is such a beautiful toasted caramel scent, with a gentle tea fragrance in the back ground.


    When first on the skin, it genuinely smells like all the scents listed... sugared bread, tea, cream <3 totally my dream fragrance.


    It goes through this weird lemony phase, after a while, possibly an Earl Grey tea scent. I usually hate lemon in any form, and I amp it like crazy, but this isn't so bad. Plus it goes back to normal within about 15 minutes :wub2:


    One of the best bpals I've ever tried!

    Easy 5/5 :joy:

  15. This is like sugar skull meets a lime cocktail.

    I adored sugar skull, but for some crazy reason I sold it a while back, regrettable decision!


    I was hoping this would be a lot like sugar skull, but its much more boozy and a little fruity.

    My skin amped sugar skull like craaazy which I loved, but this dissapears within minutes.



    Over all, it's not bad, just not what I had hoped for.

    I'd give it 3/5

  16. In the bottle: The smell reminds me of cheesecake! Can smell the pumpkin, spice, milk and coffee with something sweet and syrupy over the top.


    Wet: Wow, definite pumpkin syrup with something creamy and spicy. It's very, very sweet. Not sure where the coffee note is yet.


    Drying: Think the coffee is starting to make an appearance. It's mellowed out a lot, and starting to smell like a genuine pumpkin latte! (or at least how I'd imagine one to smell)


    Very glad I chose this halloweenie, as sadly I've only been able to afford one this year. But I do love this so I think I picked the right one for me ^_^


    5/5 !

  17. Was lucky enough to get my hands on a bottle of this from ebay :) Being a foody/spicy person this seemed perfect for me, woop ^_^


    It literally smells like all the listed notes!


    Out of the bottle it smells like buttery gingerbread.


    Oh the skin I'm getting a really buttery scent with this sharp gingery smell, like real root ginger. I guess the rum note is making it smell like that, I'm also getting the fruitcake note too!

    It's pretty strong, maybe a little sickly (but then I just ate so maybe that's why it's making me feel a bit iffy). It makes me think of a rich ginger fruit cake with a big glug of rum poured over the top, but before it's gone in the oven to bake.


    Definitely gets better the longer it sits on my skin. I could actually picture a guy wearing this scent too, it's got a really unisex feel to it, it's not 'sweet' at all, but still spicy and slightly foody.


    Overall, I'm glad I got this, don't think I'll be in the mood to wear it every day, but can see it being nice and comforting at times this autumn and winter.


    3.5 out of 5 ! :)

  18. In the imp: this smells like tangy potpouri, not entirely unpleasant, that's just what it reminds me of.


    Wet on skin: it's interesting, still really tangy. There's that unmistakable dirt note in there, along with sharp, tangy rose. Zombi seems like a really fitting name! If a girl zombie waltzed into a party, I can imagine her smelling like this!

    It's like heat dried roses sitting next to a grave that someone's just clawed their way out of.


    Drying: It's mellowing out quite a bit. The notes haven't changed though.


    Overall I do like this, I love the idea of dirt scents, though this one isn't really me. It's a really evocative scent, wont get a full bottle, but I'm sure I'll use the imp from time to time ^_^

  19. In the bottle it smells very grassy.


    Wet: Yep, sroooonng fresh cut grass, hope this one calms down a bit when it dries.


    As it's drying I can smell something like lemon(?), now there's a sweetness coming out. It's quite evocative of barley.


    It does make me think of me of standing in a drying corn field. But there's still this wierd Lemon Pledge thing I want to disappear!!


    I'd give this 2.5/5

  20. I was really really looking forward to trying this one, all the notes seemed heavenly =]


    On wet, this reminded me exactly of Deep In Earth. Kind of like washing powder, very clean scent.

    It's pleasant though.


    As it dries the grasses come out. Sweet dry grasses. There's definitely that bpal dirt note.


    Overall I give this a 3.5/5

    It's really nice, but hardly any throw on me and doesn't last long at all =[

  21. In the bottle: smells very clean, kind of washing powder like.


    Wet on skin: This smells just like roses, nothing but roses. I am very confused :huh?:

    I guess it's the linen note.


    Few mins later:It smells just like linen sheets and washing powder. Not as deep as I thought it might be.


    Actually, it does smell of old sheets. Old musty sheets with something sweet underneath. Like banana candy or something. It's not what I expected at all, but still quite nice.


    Overall, though it's not what I expected, I do like this one. Oddly enough it reminds me a little bit of Whoso List to Hunt, but less floral. I thought it would be alot darker than this, but it's nice either way. It smells clean but old. Interesting mix ;)

  22. I seriously love the art work on the bottle, so super cute ! :wub2:

    I'm so glad I managed to get a bottle of this. Although at first this smelled a little latex-ish on me, a bit of aging really did the trick. It's creamy honey with something sweet and a definite howl of milk breath! It's kind of a hard scent to describe in a way, I guess it smells how I'd imagine a Werepuppy to smell! I think I'm getting the trampled flowerbed in the background too.


    Overall this is a winner. Something to wear when you want something fuzzy and comforting.

    Id rate this a 4.5/5 :joy:
