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Posts posted by kakiphony

  1. Disclaimer: This is another one that never got to the application stage on me due to its floral contents. I've been sniffing things I ordinarily would not try in the course of the General Catalog circular swap, but that doesn't necessarily mean I have to apply them.


    In the imp: Sweet bubblegum flavored children's liquid antibiotic. Ugh. It might develop into something better, but I just can't stand to put it on. It reminds me way too much of the trauma of having spoons full of something that was decidedly NOT sugar (or butter rum for that matter) shoved into my mouth as a child.

  2. Everyone's chemistry seems to treat these differently, but of the three orange blossom w/ patchouli fragrances you've listed, the least heavy patchouli on me is Vixen. Masquerade and Ravenous seem to hold the patchouli note more heavily on my skin, while in Vixen it gets sweetened and tempered by the orange blossom and ginger. I agree that orange blossom is more floral than citrus, but to me it's a much sweeter floral than most. On me it sweetens most blends in the same way that honey will, rather than giving me a heavily floral note. That's precisely how it behaves in Vixen for me.

  3. In the imp: Sweet strawberry candy -- specifically, those strawberry hard candies that come in Christmas gift boxes.


    Wet on skin: See "in the imp."


    Early dry down: The alcohol note begins to tone to down the saccharine sweetness of this as it dries, and after about ten minutes it starts to smell more like a sweet floral than candy. It has not yet made me sneeze though, so it's a very mild floral note. The scent that lingers after the initial sniff is quite like strawberry kool-aid.


    Late dry down: Over the course of an hour, the strawberry amps itself and I'm right back to where I started. I think this would be a lovely scent for a little girl, but it's way too sweet and saccharine for me as an adult. I feel like a Strawberry Shortcake doll.

  4. In the imp: Deep and earthy with a musky base. I think the earthiness is from the tobacco.


    Wet on skin: Musky and deep. The tobacco is definitely the top note in this blend on application for me.


    Early dry down: The tonka is rising to the surface and lending a deep, sweet note to this blend. The mandarin begins to peek out from the blend and lends a little boost to the earthiness, making it shimmer a little. At this stage, this is extremely lovely. It's bright from the mandarin, and yet soaks right into the skin with the musk and tonka, making it a highly personal, morphing blend. It's clean, yet deep. I keep sniffing my wrist and it seems to shift and change with each sniff -- and each change is equally calming, energizing, and plain lovely.


    Late dry down: Ah, this blend breaks my heart. After another half hour, the lovely mandarin, comforting tobacco, and deep-sweet tonka have been shoved aside by the musk and herbs. The musk has come on strong and now smells like cheap men's shaving lotion (it's the musk that always reminds me of my grandpa, who wore Aqua Velva), and the herbs are lending it a sharp and bitter top note. If only the lovely notes that first appeared sat on a different base I think this could be a glorious blend. Unfortunately, the musk is too much for my chemistry to handle. I think this would be exquisite on me if the Mandarin, tonka, saffron, black tea, cocoa, tobacco leaf sat upon a base of the patchouli in Vixen. But, alas, this is simply not that blend and so joins the scores of others that just don't quite work.

  5. In the imp: Sharp, strong and resinous. Do I smell pine? Juniper? Vetiver? I do NOT get smoke from this. It's much too sharp and astringent to be smoky. It smells like a cleaning product to me.


    Wet on the skin: Very strong and very sharp. I think I definitely smell something astringent and slightly piney. It reminds me of the way a cabin at summer camp would smell after someone had given it a really good cleaning with really strong cleaning products.


    Early dry down: Ugh. I can't hold this near enough to my nose for long enough to distinguish notes. It makes my eyes water it is so strong and perfumey.


    Late Dry Down: I'm finally getting a little bit of smoke, and something sweet. It's still piney to me, and reminds me of Christmas-pine incense I once bought. It's still too strong for me, but at least I finally saw a bit of the fire before I had to wash this one off.

  6. In the imp: During the course of the General Catalog swap to date, one thing I've learned is that I'm terrible at picking out individual notes in the imp -- especially in complex or strongly scented oils. Dee is a perfect example of this lack of olfactory ability: It smells like a generic men's cologne to me. I can't detect one note from the other except to say that it's sharp and a little spicy.


    Wet on skin: Surprisingly mild. I actually has to rub my wrist to wake this one up. Once rubbed, it's mainly a wood blend, with something sharp and spicy laid over the wood.


    Early dry down: As this blooms on my wrist (and bloom it does -- what started very faint has a considerable waft after about five minutes!) the incense notes develop. As they rise up over the wood it reminds me of being in Catholic churches filled with dark wood pews and shadows. It's a very gothic wood/incense blend to me. There's something a little sweet lurking at the very heart and it reminds me faintly of the frozen vanilla-caramel coffees I've been getting in the heat. I suspect that this sweet coffee smell is the tonka, and it is really lovely.


    Late dry down: This fades down almost as quickly and efficiently as it bloomed. After only half an hour the waft is gone and what I'm left with is the type of subtle skin-scent that I adore. The woods have maintained their emphasis in this blend on me, and I've never smelled a hint of leather. The incense has faded to the subtle ghost of itself so that I'm left with soft woods with just the hint of ashy resins and that deep, sweet tone at the bottom. I think I adore this oil. I think I might adore it even more on a man. I'm going to order an imp of it with my upcoming CD order so that I can try it on J since I will NOT double dip in a swap imp. :P


    Yay for finding new possible loves!!!

  7. In the imp: Sugared lime. This reminds me of the bright green Mexican lime soda in the glass bottle.


    Wet on skin: Still the sugared lime, but an undertone of something vaguely floral. So far, this is the best of the Asian moons on me. I'm hoping the ginger develops because I LOVE ginger.


    Early Dry Down: Lime margarita. Sweet, but with tang. The boy, however, says it smells like "Those bathroom air fresheners where you pull the plastic things up to reveal the unnatural, jelly freshener thing." Oops.


    Late dry down: As this dried it got more green and floral on me. The ginger is nonexistent and the sweet went from fruity/sugar to floral/tea sweet. I don't hate it, but the boy keeps wrinkling his nose at me. I think maybe that means I should swap this one. :P


    ETA: I ended up giving this bottle to my sister, along with my bottles of Lotus Moon and Dragon Moon and about 16 imps in a pretty floral box. I'm trying very hard to enable her.

  8. This intimidated me as it's the first imp with no listed notes that I've tried, courtesy of the Entire GC Catalog sniffing circle.


    In the imp: Woody and medicinal. Kind of like a cedar cabinet where someone has stored Vicks and that stingy red stuff you put on cuts.


    Wet on skin: Very woody. I'd say cedar, but I always say cedar when it smells like wood. (It's the only wood I've ever noticed having a smell in my life, so I tend to always think of it when I smell wood.)


    Early dry down: Still very woody, but there's something soicy poking up through it. I don't think it's black pepper exactly, but maybe an herb that has peppery overtones? Or maybe carnation? It is reacting in a way that's lighter and more floral on my skin than black pepper usually does. The overall effect is not golden so much as it is dry and hot. This reminds me of the sun in the desert and the way it makes rocks and metal seem to pulse and shift in my vision.


    Late dry down: As this dried down that slightly Vicks Vapo-rub smell which was in the background in the imp developed further. It's not mint, but it has that same nasal clearing effect. Paired with the wood, it turns into a really invigorating, but grounded and dry scent. It's the olfactory equivalent of turning your face up to the sky, having the sun kiss your lashes and getting a boost of energy from it. It makes me want to climb trees or swim laps.

  9. In the imp: Sweet almonds.


    Wet on skin: Sweet almonds with another sweet underton undertone -- like cherry-almond soap. I suspect that other sweet thing is the lotus, but it's not full-on bubble gum the way some lotus is.


    Early dry down: The almonds are softening and the spices are giving it a mellow, almost powdery aspect. But this is delicious edible body powder, not baby powder.


    Late dry down: This continued to mellow and spice as the day progressed. The almond merged with the spices and lotus to become a subtle, lady-like, slightly floral but incredibly edible sweetness.


    Conclusion: Ding! Ding! We have a winner!!!!

  10. In the imp: Cinnamon with something murky and sweet underneath it.


    Wet on the skin: Powerful cinnamon with sweet fruit underneath. It reminds me of potpourri.


    Early dry down: Cinnamon is definitely dominant in this blend. The fruits are underneath it, but the cinnamon pins them down and makes them beg for mercy. If there's incense in this, it's all spice and not a bit of smoke. There's something bitter in there too which hits me at the back of throat, but I can't identify it. It almost tastes like myrrh against my sinuses.


    Late dry down: As this dries down it becomes less potpourri and more like Big Red or some other cinnamon chewing gum. This is a common reaction of my skin to cinnamon. (See: Bengal.)


    Conclusion: I actually liked this one better after I washed it off. :P Once it had been attacked with soap and water, it smelled like the inside of an incense shop.

  11. In the imp: Bubble yum. There was a little herbal undertone, but mainly this was straight up bubble blowing, cracking, pink bubble gum.


    Wet on skin: Bubble yum and soap. The rose otto immediately rises up with the lotus and announces its presence. "I am rose. I am here. Deal with it."


    Early Dry Down: This gets more and more floral on me as it dries. The lotus has toned itself a bit, and is now just sweet rather than bubble gum sweet. The rose is an herbal, assertive rose...like smelling the tight buds of the bush rather than a ripe bloom. There's something green underneath it all which lends body, but also adds to the soapy smell.


    Late dry down: By the time this has been on my wrists an hour, it's plain old floral soap.

  12. This is circulating as part of the general catalog sniffing circle. I would normally have stayed far away as rose is something that tends to induce wheezing and excessive snot production in me. But, in keeping with the spirit of the circle, I smelled it anyway.


    In the imp: Heavy musk with myrrh's bitterness hitting me at the back of the throat. The rose is perceptible as I lift the imp away from my nose and finish the breath. It's a deep, full-bodied rose, like a large, slightly wilted, completely open bloom.


    I did not apply this to my wrists as even the hint of rose had me reaching for the kleenex. That was too bad since the musk and myrrh combination which was the first whiff from the imp to me seemed interesting. A bit dry and dusty as others have said, but also fierce. I wonder how this would be without the florals...?

  13. This is circulating as part of the general catalog sniffing circle. It's not a blend I'd be drawn to otherwise as it sounded too floral and fruity. But I bravely opened the imp to sniff it anyway since I am determined to sniff 'em all.


    In the imp: Sweet and fruity. Is that grape nehi I smell or is it Starburst? After the first whiff there is a lingering floral finish on the back of my palate. It's a soft, sweet floral, making me think of delicate pink and white bouquets of small flowers.


    I did not apply this as sniffing it in the imp induced a sneezing fit. I decided discretion was the better of valor with regard to my floral sensitivity.

  14. In the imp: Sweet mead. There's just the barest hint of a dry, more green undertone.


    Wet on the skin: Sweet and zesty. This does the olfactory equivalent of bubbling like champagne. It's fruity and sweet on me.


    Early dry down: I'm not getting many herbs from this one, but the honey is developing in a very interesting manner. It almost smells fruity. I imagine this as mead from apple blossom or pear blossom honey as the sweetness has that fruit blossom feel to it. This is pretty so far, and very far from my usual patchouli blends.


    Late dry down: This turns just a tad powdery on me, and fades quickly. But what is left at the end of an hour is a fruit honey sweetness that is quite delightful. I'm not sure how often I'll wear this because it is soooo different from my usual favorites, but I think I can classify it as a blend that "works" on me.

  15. In the imp: Very light suntan oil.


    Wet on skin: Mounds candy bars. I am salivating.


    Early dry down: Oh no! This scent is doing something very weird on my skin. The coconut is turning sharp and herbal. It's a strange sweet, yet astringent, almost floral odor. It smells like something, but I can't quite place what. On my left crook of the arm it almost smells like bug spray!


    Late dry down: Hmm. I think what is happening is that I am amping the "water" note (an unidentified aquatic) and that note is turning sharp, floral, and astringent on me. The coconut is under the surface and I get hints of it once in a while, but overall it's the odd, sharp floral. The coconut sweetens it just enough to imply a little bit of sickly rot. I need to wash this off before I go to court this afternoon.


    I am soooo disappointed. I just knew I would love this and now I have to totally rethink what I know works on me and what doesn't. I truly thought all coconut was a safe bet, but it turns out aquatics can ruin it. Maybe because I'm a true fire sign?

  16. Imp: Sweet. Berry, berry sweet.


    Wet: Still sweet, but with an underlying smokiness. I'm not getting merlot, however, I'm getting Boone's Farm.


    Early dry down: This is actually pretty nice. Florals scare me, but this is all about the wine and the smoke, with just the faintest hint of sweet violets underneath. It reminds me of sugared violet candies.


    Late dry down:This is spicy, sweet, complicated and sensual. I don't think its a bottle scent for me as it goes a touch powdery, but I think I might use an imp in the winter. It's a between the breasts kind of scent, and reminds me of Tintagel.

  17. In the imp: Strangely like sweet tarts. Fruity, high and sweet. I'm puzzled.


    Wet: That's more like it. Juniper is at the fore and I smell spicy and little woodsy.


    Early dry down: Hmm. The juniper and cypress definitely have the top, and make it smokey and a little astringent. The rose underneath is a soapy rose, as opposed to sweet one.


    Late dry down: As this dried the rose...umm...rose to the surface. Soap all the way. Not for me.

  18. The Seventh Daughter, Daughter of the Oath. She was King David’s lover, and the mother of King Solomon. Her scent is breathtakingly lovely, exotic and powerfully sensual in its innocence: carnation, sensual plum, and Arabian musk.

    In the imp: Carnations. i.e. the cheapest floral arrangement you can buy, bringing back memories of high school fundraisers.

    Wet on skin: Sharp carantion scent. As if the prom court had thrown me in with the flowers and then rubbed my face in them.

    Early Dry Down: Generic floral. It smells a bit powdery, and a bit old lady. If I'm ever going to find a floral that's me, I don't think it's going to be this one. However, the plum is just starting to peek through, and I'm hoping that as it morphs with my skin I amp the fruit. It's the only thing that might save this one.

    Late Dry Down: So much for the plums. This remained floral and powdery until the end. The boy wrinkled his nose. Thumbs down.

  19. In the imp: Coconut, but sharp and green. I'm betting the green is the fig leaf.


    Wet on skin: Hmm. The coconut is actually fairly faint, and upon application the green rises to the surface. There's something a little alcoholic/antiseptic under there as well.


    Early Dry Down: This is REALLY interesting. I'm getting an almost lemony note coming up through the coconut. It has sweetened some, but maintains that green edge. At this stage, this is one assertive little oil. It's saucy!


    Late Dry Down: As this dried down, it got sweeter and sweeter. The coconut got smokier, and the fig became dense and earthy. After a few hours it had faded considerably, but left behind an absolutely delicious faintly milky, faintly coconutty, but also very earthy and spicy scent. This is a clear winner at every stage.

  20. In the imp:

    Fascinating. This is sweet and sharp at the same time, smoky, and has amazing depth. I can't pick out a single note, but it intrigues me.



    Pine. Pine, pine and more pine. Hmm...I guess my chemistry amps pine. :P


    Early dry down:

    All the intriguing sweet and smokiness I got from the imp is gone. Pft. It's now Pine-Sol, extra strong. I smell icky. And medicinal. It's like Pine-Sol with camphor!


    Late dry down:

    Confesion: I did not make a full hour. After 30 minutes I had to scrub this off as it was literally making me gag. I smelled like vapo-rub and pine-sol. Ew.

  21. In the imp: This is much sweeter than I was expecting and smells vaguely like chinese restaurant tea to me. Jasmine?


    Wet: Very soft and sweet on first application to my skin. The sandalwood peaks through to ground things, but the florals are there, just not at sneeze inducing levels. At this stage, I actually like this, which is kind of a shock. I never do florals!


    Early dry down:

    Twenty minutes later, the florals have kicked up quite a bit. The jasmine has gone from "mmmm, tea" to "achoo! that's a floral!" level.


    Late dry down:

    After an hour, the florals faded some and it settled into a sweet jasmine scent. The sandalwood gives a bit of background.


    It's by FAR the best floral I've tried to date. Not, mind you, that I plan on buying a bottle. But it does not make me sneeze much and actually smells pretty good on me.

  22. In the imp: huh. Much sharper than I was expecting. Almost bitter.


    Wet: Still quite sharp. I second the adjective "astringent" I saw someone else use. This is full of sharp, bitter herbs and grasses. I don't scent a single berry or floral yet.


    Early dry down: This has faded a bit and the bitterness has mellowed. However, this is still mostlly herbal on me. It smells like the OLD version of Clairol Herbal Essence -- the green shampoo with the mermaid on the bottle.


    Late dry down:

    After an hour, this pretty much faded away completely. I was left with just a bit of the shampoo scent against my skin. It's not unpleasant, just nothing to squee about.

  23. The first whiff was ozone and wet yards in the spring. On application it became Irish Spring soap and stayed that way for about an hour. After the first hour it tamed and sweetened a bit, but stayed quite soapy. I was hoping for a thunderstorm, but instead I got "generic rain fresh soap scent". Rats.

  24. Strong black tea and milk with white pepper, ginger, honey and vanilla, spilled over the crisp scent of clean linen.

    Test site:
    Left elbow.

    There's more floral to this than I expected. I assume it's the clean linen. It smells like dryer sheets.

    Early Dry Down:
    Sweet, sweet florals. I'm getting something like a cross between magnolia and honeysuckle. The tea is there at the base, but I get no vanilla or ginger.

    Late Dry Down:
    After an hour, it's still mainly dryer sheets on me. The ginger has come out just a bit, but it doesn't make the dryer sheets any more desirable to me. This one is just not for me.

  25. Test site:

    Left wrist.


    From the catalog:

    A twisted teatime tart: apricot and sweet clove.



    Apricot syrup.


    Early Dry Down:

    This smells like peach potpourri.


    Late Dry Down:

    After an hour, this still smells like potpourri. I smell like a craft store. Yech.
