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Posts posted by neptuneanblues

  1. I'll try to look for the thread about masculine scents after this because there are a bunch of suggestions there (the funny thing is, I'd definitely consider "Golden Priapus" unisex, but YMMV obviously). I first ordered imps for my husband several years back so some stuff has been discontinued, but I know these were among them:


    Vicomte de Valmont

    Titus Andronicus  


    Dee (this one in particular is sort of like "Old Spice but better") 



    EDIT: Here's the thread I was talking about, I'm linking to the most recent page. 

  2. I know that there e been some folks circling the forum and waiting for the announcement of Switch Witch. Switch Witch Weenie round will be delayed starting this year and will run shorter. THe Ringleaders have had some personal issues and injuries and so we will be changing things up a wee bit. Fear not....we will Switch Witch!

    Looks like it's up! :boogie:



    I know that there e been some folks circling the forum and waiting for the announcement of Switch Witch. Switch Witch Weenie round will be delayed starting this year and will run shorter. THe Ringleaders have had some personal issues and injuries and so we will be changing things up a wee bit. Fear not....we will Switch Witch!

    While SW is basically life, if so mich stuff is going on for you guys, maybe a yule/winter SW? I hate to think of the leaders having an extra burden when stuff is tough.

    I second this motion. It should be fun for everyone, including the organizers!


    If there are already plans for a modified/condensed Halloween version, a Yule/Winter one could be more work and not less at this point, but I guess that's up to the organizers. I'm sure there would be plenty of participants either way, so yeah, whatever's best for the ringleaders! :thumbsup:

  4. Any recommendations for scents similar to Lush's Karma or Rose Jam? Preferably GC

    I'd suggest searching in this whole topic of Lush comparisons. I did a search within the topic on "rose jam" (using the quotations) and there were several results. It would be even easier to search that topic for Karma since that is just one word!


    My personal GC suggestion for Rose Jam would be Spellbound, but YMMV. :)


    I know I might be a bit early but will their be a fall or winter Switch Witch expected this year?


    I was wondering that too! Traditionally, Weenies premiere in late August, so I think now is as good a time as any to start asking when the next full Switch Witch round might happen! :ninja: :grouphug: :pirate:


    Also hoping that Switch Witch starts soon! :smilenod:




    Any news of a proper Hallowmas Switch Witch? I'll be graduated from Grad School by then and will be able to devote all my attention to it! :D


    I was just coming to ask if there is any interest in an Autumn/Halloween Switch Witch Round. Any interest?



    Yes :)



    *waves hands excitedly* MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :wave:


    For sure :joy:

  7. First of all, I'm not one of the organizers for this swap (so I hope it's okay if I draw attention to it here), but it sounds like a cool one and only a handful of folks have signed up so far.


    Anyway, from reading recent posts here, many folks were pining for a summery swap, and one has recently been posted. It involves buying a book for ones swap partner and at least 4 items to help them enjoy the book. Like I said, sounded great to me so I signed up. :thumbsup:


    Anyhow, here it is: Summer Vacation Book Swap
