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Posts posted by JasminDreams2010

  1. So, context: I am not a florals person at all. Like, at ALL. They don't mesh with my gender presentation in the least and they tend to go "rotting pile of vegetation" on me in a heartbeat. But I do love resins, woods, etc, and a lot of the notes you mention as really working for you also really work for me. So I'm thinking that some of what I think is "way too much floral" might be "not enough floral" for you! But, with that in mind, some GCs that might suit:


    Dragon's Tears: salty aquatic notes bursting with dragon's blood. This wound up entirely the floral end of dragon's blood on me, and not very aquatic at all -- it came out as a resiny white floral. Much of the Ars Draconis line lept immediately to mind when you said "warrior unicorn florals", really; it depends on whether you get the floral notes out of the Lab's dragon's blood or not.


    Dirty: A fresh, crisp white linen scent: perfectly clean, perfectly breezy. Not as kickass as you want, but on me this was entirely white musk and plumeria, and managed to stay juuuuust the right side of "Bounty dryer sheet accord". The plumeria is very flowery without being overwhelmingly floral, and very nicely "morning dew just after rain".


    Venice: lemon, red currant, wisteria, red rose petals, heady jasmine, Florentine orris root, waterlily, red sandalwood, violet plum, and violet leaf. I expected to hate this as being way too floral for me, especially with the jasmine, which is the biggest culprit in the "let's smell like rotting heaps of vegetation" game. To my utter surprise, it really worked for me. It's a very spicy floral, and very sophisticated. If you've ever read Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel's Dart series: the minute I put this on, I immediately said, this is what the Court of Night-Blooming Flowers smells like.


    Paris: Lavender, softly underscored by lotus and spice. On my wife it went all nutmeg and cinnamon and bakeryish, but on me it was a lovely spicy-candied floral. Not too sweet, not too spicy, not too overwhelming.


    And finally, the first scent that lept to mind when I read this:


    Seraglio: Sweet almond and Mysor sandalwood enveloped by a heady veil of Bulgarian Rose, neroli, nutmeg, clove and orange peel. On me this was very rose at first instead of the spice, but the spice was enough to keep me from noping the hell on out of there, and I'm glad: after about an hour, this turned into heavy, woodsy rose-cane that hasn't been pruned back in years, right next to the kitchen spice garden. The image it brought to mind was Sleeping Beauty's tower, ninety years into her hundred-year sleep: not Disney-princess Sleeping Beauty, the original Sleeping Beauty of the older darker fairy tales. It's a beautiful, complex scent that I'm really sad is entirely too femme for me to wear regularly, but I can't bear to get rid of my imp because it's so incredibly evocative. If you're more floral-tolerant than I am, this might really work for you.


    Thank you! I've tried some of these but would definitely like to give seraglio and dragons tears a second look! Uh... Sniff

  2. Balame, thanks for the thoughtful suggestions :)

    Sure thing! I hope you enjoy some of them. It seems like the lighter scents need some sort of heavier note amid them to work for you, if only so they don't disappear as quickly.


    I totally forgot to add another one I enjoy, Lady Death: Savage (White musk, grey amber, Calabrian bergamot, vanilla absolute, French labdanum, styrax, wormwood, caraway, and bois de jasmin). It's very "rawr" but feminine and unusual. It might be better than Vasi for you since it's heavier/more edgy due to the white musk and resins, but still has pretty vanilla/amber/jasmine.


    That's funny, balame, totally am waiting on an unsniffed bottle of lady death!

    I was really curious!

  3. I don't know how much I can nail "foresty floral" for you since that's not my particular bag, but there are a few understated floral blends along with fruity/floral hybrids I could recommend that you might enjoy.


    Water Dragon - Peony, China’s national flower, with bamboo for flexibility, Buddha’s Hand for introspective spiritual growth, plum blossom for perseverance, courage, and hope, coconut for camaraderie, chrysanthemum for a life free of grief and struggle, tangerine and orchid for wealth, orange for happiness, lychee for household peace, pine resin for constancy, golden kumquat, pussy willow, and quince for prosperity, sesame for sweetness, narcissus and King mandarin for good fortune, and peach blossom for longevity, with a splash of blazing red of dragon’s blood... to help you scare away the rampaging Nian.


    This is a bright and playful scent that falls under the "fruity floral" category, while still having a few deeper notes like dragon's blood to ground everything and make it more mature.


    A Thought From Propertius - Sweet honey, white apricot, and a touch of cayenne pepper.


    Sadly there aren't any actual florals here, but it's a rich yet bright blend that has a youthful allure.


    Avenger - Plush vanilla bourbon and rum accord with pink pepper, patchouli, clove, pikaki, golden amber, caraway, tuberose, and jacarandá-da-bahia.


    This one seems to divide people. They either love it or hate it. The consensus is that it starts out really strong and a little freaky, and after that it's up to your skin chemistry. For me it dries down into a feminine (but still fierce) spicy/floral/fruity mixture.


    Tamamo-no-Mae - Soft skin musk, brushed by white tea leaf, rice flower, black locust flower, white sandalwood kodo soke, dry ginger, benzoin gum, and Amacha.


    I think several of the Asian-inspired blends could actually be great for you, like the recent Plovers Above the Waves or Reflected Vulva. In my experience Asian florals are very much "sweet/innocent but strong" and some of the few I can actually tolerate. Tamamo has a gorgeous creamy floral component with an almost candy-ish background, but it isn't overwhelming. This got too astringent on me but that was due to my skin chemistry, not the perfume.


    Go to Sleep, Darlings - Kiss-soft clouds of spun-sugar snow.


    This and Snow White (which I actually haven't tried but I hear is very similar) are probably the ultimate innocent but non-childish blends. I don't think I've even put up my review for GtSD yet but... it's just perfection. It's like blown kisses and soft fluffy clouds and cuddly blankets. Which I guess translates into the softest mint in the world, a touch of white floral, along with something almost coconutty? Love it.


    Vasilissa - Creamy skin musk and blushing pink musk with soft sandalwood, white amber, dutiful myrrh, and star jasmine.


    Vasi was one of my first "cute" GC picks that didn't make me feel like a little girl. It's really kind of alluring but has such a gentle mix of delicate musks and lightly sweet amber/jasmine that it's dreamy like its inspiration. Takes me back to earlier years, but not in a goofy way.


    Morocco - The intoxicating perfume of exotic incenses wafting on warm desert breezes. Arabian spices wind through a blend of warm musk, carnation, red sandalwood and cassia.


    My other "soft but womanly" GC fave. The carnation in this is killer with the spices, making it very warm but smooth thanks to the beautiful sandalwood.


    Tristran - Dust on your trousers, mud on your boots, and stars in your eyes: redwood, tonka bean, white sandalwood, lemon peel, patchouli, rosewood, coriander, and crushed mint.


    I was initially going to put down The East here since it's drawn comparisons to The Unicorn, but I also think it's similarly bright. Tristran is gorgeous and ethereal yet there's also something a little rough and tumble about it thanks to a lovely brown leather note (sticks to the background but it's noticeable). Could be a great fit.


    I'd also check out the recently released Pretty Deadly blends! They seem kind of perfect for what you're describing... there's quite a few florals listed but they're either backed with woodsiness, resins or tobacco. I'd probably go with Alice, Beauty or Lily.

    Balame, thanks for the thoughtful suggestions :)

    Thought from Propertius is pretty on me but just straight up apricot jam so not as much of a perfume as a room scent. Morocco and the east are pretty but like Titania my skin tends to eat them.


    I can't do reflected vulva at all, my skin makes it a plastic mess. Some of the other Asian- themed florals could be up my alley. I might have to locate some Decants. Vasalissa i would also like to try again, I remember I tried it once, liked it but thought it might be too tame.


    I'm really curious about water dragon, and avenger (I can do all the notes except the clove can be iffy).

    Tristan sounds like he could be what the doctor ordered!

  4. Help me! I always want to wear the sweet, wispy florals like Titania or Juliet, or The Unicorn.

    Gorgeous scents but they're not really "me". They're gorgeous on my mom but on me they smell like I beat up a 6 year old and stole her Barbie perfume.


    The scents I can pull off these days are the warm ones with resins and vanilla and vetiver, smoke and incense and grit- blood kiss, callidora, death adder, dragons heart, snake oil. I can wear honey, so womb furie for lite days.


    So I love the dewy, sweet light foresty florals on others, but I'm looking for one that I can wear.

    So- the unicorn. But like a dragon warrior vampire tattooed unicorn.


    Anything fit this weird bill?

  5. Oh goodness, I'm also pretty bad at describing myself, but I'll make an attempt!


    MBTI: INTP/INFP/INTJ (Mainly shifts around between the first two.)


    ZODIAC: Leo.


    I am, first and foremost, introverted. That isn't to sat that I dislike people! I most definitely don't, but too much interaction drains me emotionally, and I end up shutting down and going pretty unresponsive unless I can get away and be on my own to detox a bit. (I should probably mention that I'm also autistic? I dunno, that probably accounts for my whole can't-stand-too-much-interaction thing. Anyway. Not so much a big deal when I'm just talking about my personality, I guess?)


    Because of how introverted I am, in person, I tend to come off as overly reserved, shy, overly naïve, and probably somewhat innocent? But. Well. To put it in summation, one time I compiled a list of all of the kinks/fetishes I've got, and it totaled over 100. I figure any more detail than that is probably a little too inappropriate for this site (oh my god.) :blush:


    But, aside from that, I'm also a complete mushball, and if I ever find out that I've hurt someone unintentionally, I end up kind of basically being a wreck. Thank you, alexithymia, for my utter lack of being able to regulate my own emotions. :evil:


    Mmm, I constantly worry that I tend to come off as kind of dry, and maybe even uncaring? But I think I might honestly worry more about it than I should, because people around me seem to like me, and I'm generally a pretty amiable person? Ah, the woes of being a socially challenged autistic teenager. Or adult. I mean I'm technically an adult (over eighteen), but I'm also still in my teenage years? I dunno. :huh?:


    I can be kind of cynical, but unless I'm in a heavy depressive spell, I tend to be more positive than negative, and I tend to try my goddamn hardest to make those around me happy as well. (It can also be kind of exhausting, but I guess that kind of happens? I've struggled for a pretty long while with learning to put myself in front of my friends, and I'm slowly getting there. {I mean, not that it's not important to help them? But I'm learning that my own needs should come first, otherwise I end up becoming an utter wreck, and it's not good for anyone.})


    Uh, shit. What else? I think my personality is genuinely so ambiguous that it would take a really massive post and a lot of really deep introspective thinking to get it all out in one cohesive spot, and even then I'd probably miss something?


    Let's see. I'll just write a little more, I guess.


    I love learning. Like, I fucking love learning. The only problem is that I have an awful working memory, so as far as things like math go, or things involving a lot of simultaneous input, I just literally can't do them without a hell of a lot of prep beforehand, and a whole bunch of paper and pens for notes. But as far as researching and learning about things I'm interested in, I just absorb information like a sponge. It's kind of cool, because even if I can't balance your checkbook without a whole lot of effort, I can tell you some completely practically useless but ridiculously interesting yet utterly irrelevant facts. :woohoo:


    And when I'm tired, I start typing like someone who's succeeded in ingesting an entire thesaurus, and constantly spits out word-vomit from the depths of those obscure and nigh-eldritch tomes. I try to avoid it, but sometimes it just doesn't work.


    I love Lovecraft, and the Cthulhu Mythos (although I'm still far from consuming all of the media it encompasses, so I'm genuinely still a wee babu insomuch as learning about it goes), along with other strange, alien, horrifying things. In fact, I adore bad horror movies, especially the ones with excessive gore. It's strangely hilarious to watch them try to shock the viewers with obscenely unrealistic amounts of blood, especially in times when it's so excessive that you know the human body literally doesn't even hold that much blood. Anyway.


    I'm also a huge nerd, if that wasn't obvious enough already. :cthulhu:


    And music- I love music. Honestly, it's probably the one thing that keeps me from tearing my hair out from the sheer overwhelming sensation of existence, on a fairly regular basis. My taste varies a pretty huge amount, but I tend to stay away from hard rock, or really much of anything screamo, seeing as it tends to give me headaches. :eek: I love love love electronic music, though. It makes me feel very happy and buzzy and energized and it's great.


    ALSO- and this is probably an important thing- MY GENDER AND PRESENTATION TEND TO SPIN AND SHIFT AROUND LIKE THE FUCKING WHEEL OF FORTUNE, so definitely do not be afraid to give more masculine suggestions, either? Like, I can seriously roll with whatever, and I don't have any specific preferences between masculine scents, feminine scents, or things in between.


    Anyway, this got considerably longer than expected. I am so sorry, oh my god.


    that's fine- self-assessments are often long-winded because it's not something people are often asked to do, and they take some thought.


    Miskatonic University! Would probably be good for you, it seems to be a popular scent. Someone else might be able to weigh in on the other lovecraftian/cthulu scents better, because they typically haven't worked for me or have death notes, so I haven't tried too many. But for your love of learning, you might like Agnes Nutter, or the Lurid Library. Also, Cleric from the RPG series. for your love of horror, you might like some of the "blood" themed scents, blood kiss, blood, german expressionistic horror, something from dark delicacies might suit you.

    Good luck on your search!

  6. This is such a great thread. I have a hard time describing myself, but I'll try because I'm curious what you guys come up with.


    I'm a 22 year old journalism student. I'm really curious and want to know how and why things work the way they do. I started my study with the idea to become a writer of the most interesting background articles for magazines like National Geographic (especially the ones focussed on people; the more 'anthropologic ones) and such. But I am also interested in video and editing, so that is what I am focussing on now. Maybe I want to make documentaries.


    People who just met me will think I am shy, because when I'm in new situations I tend to be more on the background, especially in large groups. But once you know me and I'm comfortable I can be pretty loud and cracking jokes all the time. Also, when something needs to be done in a group, I can take the leading role. Unexpected by some.


    "Chaotic" is my middle name (my boyfriend likes to tell me that my most used phrase probably is "have you seen my keys?"). Lately I've been diagnosed with ADD. This was pretty hard for me, but it was necessary because I was fcking up my study. I have a hard time concentrating and my mind wanders off all the time. Now I learn how to deal with that in a better way. A good thing of it is that I can think and associate really fast :)


    When I think of what I'd really would like to do, the first thing that comes to my mind is seeing more of the world. I've never been outside of Europe but the is so many of the world that I'd like to see. I also definitely like adventures; this summer a friend and I will be hitchhiking and couch surfing to Copenhagen. I like to try new things!


    Other things about me; I'm a bit of a hippy in music choice, style, and maybe also in my naiveness to wanting to change the world for the better. I'm really compassionate. I love reading, boardgames, tabletop RPG's, Doctor Who, Sherlock and GOT.

    I also love summertime, my family and friends, rollerderby, kittens, the color blue, bonfires, the stars and cooking (especially Asian food). ^_^


    Ok, no real reason but I'm sort of getting a "werewolf" vibe from you- so: WILF, Sylvia the She-wolf (BPTP) and Wolf's Heart in the GC though, less so Fenris Wolf. Perhaps Floating Market, and Machu Picchu might be up your alley, they seem to inspire sort of a roaming vibe.

  7. scorpio/infp/4w5/Gryffindor


    I graduated from a self-parody of a liberal arts college last spring and now live in an intentional community with a bunch of other queer theology nerds (of which there are a lot in the world). Because I was raised Catholic, you’d think I’d want to escape religion as completely as possible, but I got really into medieval theology in college! And Catholic ritual still resonates with me/my sense of beauty.


    I tend to define myself with my relationships/what I get excited about, as opposed to my work (which right now is writing communications for a nonprofit). I pour a lot of energy into long-distance friendships (which belies the fact that I’m told I come off as standoffish at first--I don’t think I’m too cool to be friends with people, I’m just really shy!) and MY WRITING outside of work. Other things that eat up my time: my community, running, short stories, dancing, needlepoint, terrible teen TV.


    Someone called me a wood nymph once, which works with my own experience of my gender; sometimes I feel femme/inine and sometimes I feel fae, like I'm not a boy or a girl. I do love hiking a lot, and the sinister kind of fairy stories that take place in the forest, and I want to live someplace leafy and mountainous if I can. I call the way I dress “woodland creature/English teacher” and I like dying my hair to remind myself that I have dominion over my body. Right now, it’s purple.


    You should totally try fae and elf! Fae is like, screaming at me for you. It's a spirited scent.

    Also, give lady Macbeth a try to match your purple hair.

    As far as limited editions you could try midnight on the midway or loi krathong, if you can hunt them down!

  8. I will agree with Eldritch Dark (I didn't think it was very rosy) and I would add haute macabre as above which was very dark on me, a leathery, woody floral I think is perfect for Halloween.


    Some of my very favorite darker scents are Death Adder, VILF and dia de Los muertos, all of which have a smoky note on me. I love and amp "smoke" notes but even though you don't, those might be worth a try since bpal is different on everyone and some things that I thought were death notes have worked in a different context.

  9. Death Adder? Oh, hell no. This is not a death adder. This is a snuggle bunny adder. This is muppet baby adder. This is this little cute guy: http://babyanimalzoo.com/sssssnakes-cute-baby-snakes/little-tiny-snake.

    But, that's not to say this is dumbed down or lacks complexity. It's a sophisticated oil, it's just really gentle and soft.


    I like this perfume. It's different than what I thought it would be, but it works. My worries were unfounded. It's not vetiver being a tyrant. It isn't synthetic coconut. It's soft, herby snake oil with a touch of toasted macaroon. It goes to show how weird skin chemistry is, with other reviewers saying it's dark and dangerous, etc.


    I'm not getting dark and dangerous. I'm getting sweet, earthy, vanilla macarooon snake oil. So far, so good. A keeper.


    Now off to hunt tiki king or carnaval diabolique for some more edgy coconut.


    Update- though this never became the powerful coconut I wanted, what it does on it's own right is amazing and hoard-worthy. If this comes back I want all the bottles!

    I'm renaming it snuggle adder. And I love it. <3


    This is my holy grail! I have a million other perfumes but this one is the one that is most me. I can be in any mood and reach for this stuff. It's like snake oil plus cosy, mysterious, lovely sex magic. How can something be both cosy and mysterious?!!! It's amazing.

    Beth, if you're reading this I'm begging for resurrection!


  10. This sounds like so much fun!



    I'm 23 (24 in a few short weeks!), single, and until her passing in February, I was a full-time caregiver for my disabled mother. Outside of my faith, my family is the most important thing in the world to me, and there's nothing I wouldn't do for my dad, my sister, and her children.


    I was born in the year of the horse, and my birthday is April 23, making me a Taurus. If it helps any of the Potter-inclined, Pottermore sorted me into Slytherin, but prior to that I had always assumed I was a Ravenclaw. :umm:


    Intellect and studies have always been important to me, but truthfully, English was always my best subject. I'm a writer, having completed one (unpublished) novel so far, with many, many other novels in progress and story ideas floating around my mind. I love to write (and read!) sci-fi, primarily. Maybe it's because I grew up watching Star Trek reruns with my dad, but I've always loved space and the stars and stories of spaceships and alien races. I'm unabashedly nerdy. :D


    Adventure is in my bones, and I live for traveling with my friends. I love to see new places, and prefer not to plan things too much. I'd rather take in all the surprising sights and things you wouldn't normally see if you had boxed yourself in with a schedule. In June, I'll be traveling outside the country for the first time to see London with a friend, and I am ecstatic. The only thing that could make me happier would be a trip to the International Space Station. :lovestruck:


    I often feel like I was born in the wrong time. I get along best with people considerably older than me, I love vintage and bohemian styles, I collect vinyl records, I love writing letters, and I just really love history in general. When I was a kid, I dreamed of being an archaeologist... and a librarian... and an astronaut. I was ambitious. :)


    Miscellaneous little things I like include: rainy weather, tea, comic books, boy bands, board games, sundresses, the color orange, and playing the ukulele (or trying to, anyway).


    For your love of orange, try jezebel or ravenous, they are very "orange" scents to me. For the sundresses, try the east, and honey moon. For your anachronism, try hippie ghost or feed me and fill me with pleasure. For your love of space, try 51. For being a potter geek, you could try cleric, elf, or Mage from the rpg series.

    Some general catalogue random suggestions: machu pichu, dawn, mother. Vasalissa, bess, dragons milk, twinkle twinkle little bat, blood rose, iole, Mary Shelley. and some limited editions: lovers in the tea house, braving the ice, yvaine (hard to find), pa-pow, carnival diabolique.

  11. This thread has intrigued me for a long time and I've finally decided to give it a try. :) Sorry I wrote a novel!


    I'm 40 years old, married, owned by five cats, child-free, and a copywriter. By night, I write mostly poetry and some fiction. My MBTI type is INFJ and my Enneagram type is 4w5. My sun sign is Taurus, my rising sign is Sagittarius, and my moon sign is Libra.


    All of my life I've been considered a daydreamer, and those who don't know me well would say that I'm shy. The word I would use instead is reserved, because I can be bold once I feel comfortable. My moods are as fleeting as summer thunderstorms, and I can often be simultaneously elated and irritable. Anxiety and melancholy have plagued me since early childhood. (I have bipolar disorder and generalized anxiety disorder.) My mind is obsessive, indecisive yet occasionally impulsive, suspicious, fanciful, sentimental, easily amused, easily crashed into despair, easily hurt, resilient, sometimes spinning in place. I've been called weird often, which I like. People have called me insightful, witty, intelligent, and resilient. On the other hand, I've also been described as lazy, self-indulgent, temperamental, and naive. All of that is probably true.


    When I need to escape my tangle of worries, I call on my Inner Spock, the imaginary Vulcan who lives in my head and reminds me when it's time to get logical. I'm always looking to balance my darkness with as many cute, sparkly, happy things as possible, like plush toys, drag queens, and My Little Pony.


    My sense of humour is extremely British, even though I've lived in North Carolina all of my life. Tragedies and mysteries fascinate me even though it's probably unhealthy. I enjoy the beauty of abandoned and decaying places. In my twenties I went out all the time, but the next migraine is always around the corner, so I try not to overdo it.


    Some of my favourite things include cats, birds, Doctor Who, RuPaul's Drag Race, post-punk, '80s alternative music, indulging in nostalgia, documentaries, British TV shows, Halloween, Christmas trees, cheesecake, chocolate, pizza, coffee, black tea, red velvet cake, falafel, and sandwiches.


    Ok, I'm going to use some weird intuitive scent powers that come from nowhere and hope they steer me true.


    I'm sensing ephemeral and soft, with, you know, *flashes* of something mysterious and powerful and fiery and dark.


    Here's my list in no real order- the East, eat me, all souls night, Area 51, the cat, love me, hells belle, blue fire, dragons milk, callidora, Lucy's kiss, sugar moon, vain sorceress, September midnight, blood kiss, black tower, tintagel, Bastet. Ok, I'm done now :-)

  12. Sadly the 2014 lupers seem to be striking out on me- though I did enjoy lovers in the tea house from the shungas.

    Which is fine I suppose because the halloweenies last year had so much win for me, I'm still paying them off. I suspect it's a seasonal issue- I seem to do better with deep, dark resins and florals and rich fruits, woody and incense notes that pop up in the fall. So the sweet, light springtime florals are often a gamble for me. So take my review with a grain of salt because this might have always been a doomed venture in my case.


    I had high hopes for this one because my skin seems to take to resins well, and usually does ok with cherry blossom, too. But that's the marvel of skin chemistry- on me this is all red musk and weird, over-sweet peach. No cherry blossom or amber. The effect is rather like carpet cleaner. I'm not getting any of the "fairy garden" or incense notes the other reviewers have mentioned.

    Le sigh. This might be spectacular on someone else

  13. Simple and splendid! It smells very authentic to me, and while I can see the hair products comparison, to me Josie smells more expensive, this belle will cost you.

    This scent to me is seasonal, it's all about spring and summer, warm weather, cool drinks and flirting.

    This is a floral my fiancé actually likes :-)


    Josie is sitting under a magnolia tree in the sun, eating a slightly honeyed, ripe peach. Win!

  14. I'd like to try, new recs are great, especially GC's!


    So... Top 5:


    The Apothecary

    Mary Shelley

    No. 93 Engine


    Men Ringing Bells with Penises


    And close runners-up: Ameles Potamos, Kumiho, Pele, Baruch's Phoenix, and Day of the Skulls.


    Since bpal descriptions have proven unpredictable for me - of these scents, I have only smelled the apothecary.

    I can make an educated guess on 93 engine that you might like Mage or Cleric. Otherwise, not sure.

    But if you like the apothecary, you might like twinkle twinkle little bat, water of notre dame, high john the conqueror (which is total magic, btw), lovers in the tea house, and possibly absinthe or Thalia.


    By the way, thanks for the suggestions. I do want to try mme. Moriarty.

  15. I posted before but I have decently varied tastes, so I'd love to hear some more recs. :) Another top five:


    Jacob's Ladder ... Golden amber, galbanum, benzoin, ambrette, rockrose, costus and tonka.

    Hungry Ghost Moon ... Ginger candy, sugar cane, smoky vanilla and rice wine mingle with a ghost's perfume of white sandalwood, ho wood, ti, white grapefruit, crystalline musk and aloe. This scent is tapered by the presence of seven herbs, woods and resins used in the purification of the spirit and the purging of earthly concerns from the soul.

    Fairy Wine ... An ethereal vintage, steeped with dandelion, honey, and red currants.

    Y'ha-Nthlei ... The deepest marine notes with bergamot, eucalyptus and foamy ambergris.

    Go to Sleep, Darlings ... 
Kiss-soft clouds of spun-sugar snow.


    Ok- from the top:

    If you like Jacobs ladder, you may want to try Cleric.

    For hungry ghost moon, (this is a bit of a stab in the dark, given that I haven't smelled it but am guessing by the notes) but try sudha segara or Gingerbread snake.

    For fairy wine, you could try blood kiss, or fairy market if you can find it.

    For yha-nth lei, perhaps Macchu pichu might be fun or Alcie.

    And to me go to sleep, darlings is very similar to Snow White and also is slightly reminiscent of boo.


    But for some other random stuff that I'm guessing based on synthesis of the fragrances, I will suggest Juliet, absinthe, nymphia, Alice, tweedledee, thousands of lights, pandy, door, lyonesse, and kuang shi. Good luck with your search :-)

  16. I have only tried maybe 100 or so blends, so suggestions are appreciated. So far I have loved these enough to purchase bottles:


    1. The Zadok Allen Vineyard (purchasing every bottle I can find! Insanely beautiful!)

    2. Centzon Totochtin

    3. Dia de los Muertos

    4. The Grave Pig

    5. Gomorrah


    I do have quite a few other bottles, but those are the ones I reach for the most, especially the first two. This is fun, so thanks in advance for the recommendations! Enable away! :)


    You may like - in the GC Urd, Tezcatlipoca, lady MacBeth

    In LE, you could try Mictecacihuatl and calaveras, if you liked dia de Los muertos and also for the vineyard experience you could try mason and Jenkins port jelly.

    Good luck on your findings :-)

  17. I love Silkybat and Bloodbath both with Snake Oil perfume. Very dark and pretty and sugary. Bloodbath also goes well with the Eldritch Dark perfume and I suspect it will also work with rose red. I love the whole Callidora line


    But the silkybat especially plays well with others. I like a lot of the vanilla-y, musky scents, as well as some fruity florals and the silkybat is lovely to mix
