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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Unseelie_1033

  1. PT is a breeze; pretty much the same stretching and exercises i've been doing. Foot hurting? Cut back on work walking, ease back in. #FB

  2. Half-day in my hiking boots, half in solid sole dansko clogs; no flex, but afterwards foot swollen above top edge. Not ready yet! #FB

  3. Did the working of out again today, Chair Yoga with standing bits, Chair Aerobics with standing bits, "full workout" - stupid squats OMG OW!

  4. "I'm not sayin' he's a dick from Wisconsin, but Bret Favre just texted me his picture."

  5. Woke up thinking "Que shiraz, sirrah!" Doris Day drunk and insulting her host about the quality of the wine- much better movie. #FB

  6. Crazy thought for the day isn't "I should ride bike to work next week," it's actually "I should wrap bike in holographic tape tomorrow." #FB

  7. I wish Quote Journalists Endquote would get the fucking Quote-Endquote convention right. Past hope idiot bloggers will, but professionals?

  8. They're showing that 6 year old South Beach Diet commercial again. The speakers are actresses, some of them lately quite fat. SBD Fail! #FB

  9. LOL at ignorant tard "classic Twilight syndrome, trying to save the bad." Err.. that predates those shit books by DECADES, m'kay? Study up!

  10. Note to self; you can't get annoyed with a service for not sending tweets when you're not twatting. Dur! Wirk kept me busy!

  11. WHERE THE FUCK IS MY JACKIE EARLE HALEY FIX?!?!?! #HumanTarget snafu! #FB

  12. Ultra soft toilet paper can burn in the snowy hell of my underpants. #FB

  13. Kymba has earned the Achievement: First Day Back At Work!pedometer says 2.38 miles / 4440 steps. using a hot pack now thx. #FB

  14. back at work. omg one more "password incorrect" response and i quit! #FB

  15. Undercity! Pranksters dye Canadian river bright green, turning it into a flow of alien biliousness http://t.co/gi5cMqN via @io9 #FB

  16. My Amazon recs; Mieville /Kraken/, Gibson /Zero History/, & a SE Military (Prismatic) Lansatic Compass. Um, okay... to be used together? #FB

  17. Everything that can "cheer up the house" or make it possible to read also drops the temp in here to shiver-city. Boo! #FB

  18. My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Megaherz (9), THE BACK HORN (6) & David Bowie (5) #tweeklyfm http://bit.ly/aYUMYY

  19. My last Saturday of Freedom; time to start worrying that i'm wasting the weekend before work. So excited about working! ... INORITE? #FB

  20. What kind of freaky cornbread stuffing has tangerines and chardonnay? Truly freaky cornbread stuffing, yo! #FB

  21. In other news, besides freaking out, i rode my bike to "Go To The Bank Like A Motherfucking Adult!" and my foot didn't fall off! Zoot! #FB

  22. Credo Petition - Tell the GOP: Practice what you preach! Give up your own health care! http://bit.ly/ed1anZ

  23. The name is Gene Hunt, the year is nine-teen-sevanteh-three, it's almost suppertime, and i'm having HOOPS.

  24. oh Del Monte, who has created 4lbs of pink grapefruit slices in a jug for $7, marry me.

  25. There are two types of camel; tea and Lawrence of Arabia. SO WISE. Wikipedia helped us, actually, sort it out. Dromedary or Bactrian? #FB
