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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by mitzyg

  1. WTH are these English people talking about? Indians, scalping, warriors, tributes to violated souls? WTF?? Poms, ohmigod.

  2. Bummer. I guess all the drive through Starbucks around here close at 8pm on Sunday.

  3. When I hear D. Bowie sing Let's Dance, I pretend it's abt Dr Who. (If you say run, I'll run to you etc)

  4. I don't know what elf on a shelf is.

  5. Which is a better movie? Zombieland or Shaun of the Dead? Discuss.

  6. Okay, Robo-Geisha is pretty damn funny but I think I have to go to bed now. Much packing to do over weekend. Be good, y'all!

  7. Imma watch this Tom Hiddleston/Rachel Weisz romance movie. Eye candy for miles!

  8. Husband is working from home tonight. We have Boris Karloff's The Mummy on. Excellent. Oh and homemade nachos.

  9. I managed to get up, take a shower, dry my hair, pay the funeral home & eat a piece of Halloween candy. That's abt it for me today. Gah!

  10. Okay, dad's cremation paid for. Thanks to everyone who bought something, you are all saints. Now, back to moving!

  11. Okay. world, I am completely knackered and have to tend to funeral stuff tomorrow. Bath and to be for me. MWAH!! Behave, y'all.

  12. This has been harrowing. People - make sure your funeral is arranged/paid for. Don't do this to your kids. Gah!

  13. I have that list of old/rare BPALS if anyone is interested?

  14. I have not had one trick or treater yet. #morecandyforme

  15. Drinking wine with a straw doesn't make me a drunkd. Does it?

  16. There he is - Owl. Bobbitude. etc etc etc

  17. Am watching Lady Chatterly's Love. I sort of love Sylvia Kristel.

  18. Washing storage jars from dad's. 1 smelled like heaven on a summer afternoon! Am guessing Chamomile tea? Another though smelled like frogs.

  19. My brother gave me Dad's huge Xmas cactus, was almost dead. Think I saved it. If houseplants make me so very happy, why have I so few?

  20. Whatever people. It's not the fat talk, it's the "concern". What do you care? Get over it. I didn't ask for yr advice or concern. Butt out.

  21. We are watching To The Beautiful You. Korean Soap Operas FTW!!

  22. I am confused. Are @wing2j and @velvetackbar related somehow? How did I get that in my mind?
