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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by mitzyg

  1. Which is a better movie? Zombieland or Shaun of the Dead? Discuss.

  2. I don't know what elf on a shelf is.

  3. Got my mail in ballot today. I am gonna vote the hell out of this election. Yes, indeed. #RegisteredVoter

  4. I need @pretty_serious and @Phyrra to come and help me decorate my new house. I have a big gift card to Pier 1 to spend.

  5. Thanks Dragnet rerun. Now I know how to crack a 1960's era safe. Cool!

  6. Okay, my convo with @katiedidwhat proves I should take my head cold back to bed.

  7. Oh, well, just Ben Nye. LOL

  8. A Babelfish! That's what I need!

  9. Yeah, banana bread at 1:30 am. Why not?

  10. If I had to live in a building with creepy dudes, Jeffrey Dean Morgan & Christopher would be right up there at the top of my list.

  11. See, now I am glad I made banana bread at midnight last night. Tazo Awake tea and 'Nana bread for 11ses.

  12. Another tv movie w/dancers. If I knew dancing meant soft focus closeup & waving yr hands around in face, I would so have a diff career.

  13. I need some lovely new art for my new house. Any suggestions? Looking for happy colors.

  14. It is really really pretentious to name your house, isn't it? Cause I kind of want to name our house. (For my blog)

  15. I think I want to name my new house Gray Grout, because - well, self-explanatory, but not very pretty, lol.

  16. Got a Goth House? You will be needing these! http://t.co/eaXegy2p

  17. RT @teaandpetals: dear @moleskine please consider creating a "tea tasting" notebook. (Yes, please!) I agree!!

  18. My daughters are here for the night. We are watching K-Pop.

  19. Selfishly wishing dad had made it to Christmas and to see my new house. #BadAtGrieving

  20. Oh lord, my family! Dad died and unleashed the crazy! Let the fights begin.

  21. If the grocery store is going to charge me 5c per bag, if I can't afford it, can I make them carry everything to my car for me without bags?

  22. I never know where to look in these "ghost" movies and I always miss the scary part. I am usually looking at the decor/costuming/makeup.

  23. Some good fielding there by S.F. #Baseball

  24. Okay Giants, can we just put Detroit out of their misery now? #GoGiants
