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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by riverdresses

  1. (though I probably look a bit of a sight with both my top hat & crinoline on, but hey, haters gonna hate & #hattersgonnahat!)

  2. I just want to be back in the nineties.

  3. Honestly feeling so out of sorts that I'm actually tempted to talk to the hat bloke from OkCupid. Not a good idea. :/

  4. Kind of want to nosh on chunky peanut butter straight from the jar since we're out of bagels . . .

  5. om nom nom plain bagel with pumpkin butter + peach preserves + extra crunchy peanut butter on it!

  6. . . . well, you have my attention, sir! (but boys are dangerous & um, I prefer dandies. but you sound very sweet!)

  7. (besides. ghosts have better aesthetics anyway.)

  8. But that would entail washing my hair, picking out an outfit, putting it on & . . . I'm kind of lazyish. :/ #thisisabitofapickle

  9. Ooo, the place that my top hat is at happens to be open today! I should go & procure it then . . .

  10. Hmm. Methinks I shall call it a . . . a time of day & sleep for a bit. #lolwhatistime

  11. Goodnight, folkies!

  12. (Also, those are my unvarnished nails. & yes they're real.)


  14. (I feel like I should also explain that she's the only one who really pushes me into such an angry state. I don't get angry otherwise.)

  15. Hmm. May have a slight Rubik's cube fetish. #orIjustreallylikethem

  16. Bunny is making a valiant attempt to fall asleep right now. #zzz #zzz

  17. I love my bowler. (p.s. trying out Oracle's camera here.) http://t.co/qHpgwHu

  18. Okay, back to trying to be asleep again. 😊

  19. Kitteh is definitely snoring. Aww.

  20. Tossed a bit of French Vanilla creamer into my Irish Breakfast tonight. Quite delightful, if I do say so myself!

  21. Bowler? Acquired. Unexpectedly being laced into a proper corset? HAPPENED. (Are there pictures? Yes.) Amazing day? CERTAINLY!

  22. Very sleepy. Must bed now. ::flops over:: #goodnightfellowbunnies

  23. It's been so long since I listened to any of the Celebrity Skin album. ♥

  24. Tori's #SleepsWithButterflies always makes me feel as though I'm standing upside down & watching the rest of the world be right-side-up.
