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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Katu

  1. At least I can feel.

  2. Omg this drink actually DOES taste like Sweet Tarts! More impressively, I am actually having a drink! With friends! It's like I have a life! ...I say as I update my facebook.

  3. Guys, I think I have the womb fury.

  4. Dear crowd of drunk white people knocking on my door at 2am: I don't know who you think lives here, but I'm not them. And whoever they are, they probably don't want to talk to you at 2am any more than I do. Go away.

  5. 30/35! I just need FIVE MORE PEOPLE to attend my fv bon voyage party and then I GET MY TARDIS.

  6. Okay, I'm at 27/35 people in Farmville. I NEED THAT TARDIS. If I've invited you to "my Bon Voyage" party, pleasepleasepleaaaaase accept!

  7. HOLY ASS I JUST NOTICED THAT YOU GET A FREAKING TARDIS IN FARMVILLE IF YOU GET 35 GUESTS.I'm only at 18. I am seriously going to cry if I don't get to 35.

  8. Oh would you listen to that beautiful rain outside. <3

  9. Can anyone recommend a Chicago Manual of Style bibliography generator/guidelines?

  10. One paper down, one to go. Does anyone ever find themselves in the middle of something when you just throw your arms up and go "I DON'T WANT TO FIND EVIDENCE OF GENDER ROLE TRANSCENDENCE IN JAMES JOYCE ANYMORE. I'M GOING TO TEACH MYSELF 3D MESHING INSTEAD!"...No? That's just me?

  11. Okay, facebook break is over. Back to homework. Unless someone wants to write a few papers for me? Eh? Eh? :P

  12. I call today's outfit "soldier librarian princess."

  13. I went to bed shortly after midnight. I still can't sleep. I took a nightcap in the hopes it would knock me out...so far nothing. This must be what hell feels like.

  14. don't click on any sexy teacher videos, btw.

  15. I spent 3 hours walking. 586 calories burned.

  16. I earned the Welcome Aboard badge on Lose It!

  17. I spent 2 hours walking. 391 calories burned.

  18. I earned the Keep It Up badge on Lose It!

  19. I'm sharing my progress using Lose It! (http://www.facebook.com/loseitapp) on Facebook!

  20. That girl's a Lebanese thespian. Also she likes chicks.

  21. Among other crazy dreams, I was Conan O'Brian's costar, and my name was Xena.

  22. So Disney, when do we get a movie about a chubby princess, eh?

  23. Only 2 1/2 hours and I can go home...I haven't wanted to leave work this badly in a long time, lol. I hope it dies down soon so I can sit down. :P

  24. Oh dear god I had a dream that I had lesbian sex with Jackie Tyler. My braaaaain!

  25. I've got a bad case of iTouch wrist. Too much gaming.
