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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Katu

  1. Holy heck, I have a lot of calcium deposits in my feet. Also, you can tell I have a new phone when I update about stuff like calc deposits.

  2. "I suppose a pair of lyrium breasts tattooed on my chest *would* make things better." - Fenris

  3. I would be so pretty if I didnt have a double chin. And shut up, just let me complain for a minute. :P

  4. A poem:He's as old as a tree.How old might that be?Only one way to see,Bring the chainsaw to me.

  5. *poke* Hey, chat friends...I could use a little company. I need a pick-me-up. :/

  6. Parked truck for local gym has "fitness is normal" written on the side. Flipped it off. Felt great. :)

  7. There is a heat advisory from 10am tomorrow until Thursday. Weather channel says it'll be 95F BY THE LAKE. Poor inlanders!

  8. Me: Do you have any reservations tonight?You: A few, but we decided to come in anyway.After 5 years of serving, that's still funny.

  9. Avengers trailer after Cap movie made my night!

  10. I sometimes worry that I see every interaction on facebook as a challenge to be the most funny person on the internet.

  11. My Ramune bottle wouldnt open until I yelled "Damn you, Japan!" At which point it popped promptly open.

  12. My mom is pretty freakin' awesome. And actually, my dad is pretty amazing as well. I have such excellent parents, no wonder I'm so great. :P

  13. I just caught Cubby trying to eat a packing peanut. I don't even know where he got one, much less what seemed tasty about it!

  14. Rain! Glorious rain! And it's dropped under 70 degrees for the first time this season. Today is an excellent day.

  15. You're damn right I'm wearing my tiara in my jimjams alone in my house! I regret nothing!

  16. Hey photographer friends: thinking of upgrading to the nikon d90 (maru camera, lol). Want little to no grain/noise, preferrably also in low-light settings. Is this a good camera for the price (1k new, 750 used)? Recommended lenses or accessories? Other thoughts?

  17. Was gonna stay up and wait for Nett Faggotter to come on, but now am fading rapidly. Today was a long day and I just don't want to do any of the things I had planned. Instead, gonna go to bed. Or, try to.

  18. When I was 5 or 6 I had my first bday party with friends. My mom made black paper butterfly silhouettes so we could glue coloured tissue paper to the wings and it would look like stained glass. I don't think I ever finished mine, but I've always appreciated how much work she put into that. I hope I'm that awesome when I'm a mom.

  19. Blaster is sitting on my hair, so I'm using him as a pillow.Also, apparently I'm supposed to complain about my penis size on Facebook to raise awareness for testicular cancer? Or something? I wasn't really paying attention.

  20. God, am I ever glad I was already awake when that thunderclap hit.

  21. Got to take a lovely nap outside on the roof patio, to the tune of Armenian Fest across the street. This apartment has its perks.

  22. Dear Redditor friends: is it considered bad form to post more than one rage comic in rapid succession?

  23. Zut alors! Sacre bleu! The French have excellent exclamations!

  24. Nett Faggotter, did I miss you?

  25. Holy buttons, I got the job! I go in for paperwork tomorrow!
