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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Katu

  1. Dear my apartment,YOU GOT CLEANED, BITCH.Love,Katu

  2. Dear Redditor friends: is it considered bad form to post more than one rage comic in rapid succession?

  3. Dear universe, would prefer to spend my birthday feeling less ill.

  4. Debugging someone else's JavaScript homework is challenging as shit. I'm so glad that I got mine in days ago.

  5. Did anyone make a purchase on my amazon account? A book on artisan cheeses, "The Flavour Bible" and two books on camping/backpacking? I need to know before I contact Amazon.

  6. Do any of you all play Glitch? If so, we should add each other! And also there is a house for sale just below mine, you should move near me! :D


  8. don't click on any sexy teacher videos, btw.

  9. Falling back to sleep, and "I'm trying to make a genuine sabre cat...can you help me with that online at all?" Runs through my head. Wtf.

  10. Feeling a tad irrational tonight. Just kind of want to grab people by the collar and scream "WHY THE HELL DOESN'T ANYBODY LIKE ME?!"

  11. Follow-up from last status: AND, I might add, I got all my homework done. So there. And...now I'm awake at 7:30am because of my coughing and asthma. I am so done with being sick.

  12. For science, I replaced all the vowels in a sentence with "eh." Nett was right, it does sound Kiwi. Not perfect, but close.

  13. Found Ramen! Crisis averted.


  15. Frontierville friends - Can you please tend my 5 most grown sheep? I need them to be adults so I can sell them for a timed quest - I only have 45 minutes left!

  16. Funny how when I'm dressed up I hear everything other people say and assume it's about me. I can't possibly be that hilarious.

  17. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-If I stop updating, it's because I committed seppuku to regain my honour after seeing my history test grade.


  19. Fyi app makers: putting the words "giant turds" in your pet sim game description will not entice me to download.

  20. Gashi: "I don't like my name. I wish my name was Lynette Faggotter."

  21. Glitch friends (especially Rachel Stiers): Pumpkins now available!

  22. God I hate when I'm crawling into bed for a nap and I kneel on my hair. What's worse is when I do it with both legs and have to fall over sideways to get myself free.

  23. God, am I ever glad I was already awake when that thunderclap hit.

  24. God, it wasn't very nice of you to give me the softest fuzziest kitty in the world and then make him hate snuggling. :(

  25. Goddamn I want to have my cake and eat it, too. :/
