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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Katu

  1. And we're back! Yeah Guild Wars!

  2. Holy crap. When Guild Wars says hi res screenshot, they freaking mean it. 7680x4320!

  3. Not gonna lie, I would have liked something other than incessant moas.

  4. On the bright side, my bed is full of kitties. I want to go to a restaurant to treat myself, but I don't know if there's any place downtown that I want to go.

  5. So, physical therapy. We meet again.

  6. Oh gawwwds I need one more page on my poetry essay (to meet the minimum), but I don't know what else I can say about the subject! I have exactly three pages, and I need 4-6. Butts and tarnation.

  7. Debugging someone else's JavaScript homework is challenging as shit. I'm so glad that I got mine in days ago.

  8. Awwww sheeeit. I didn't realise it was ladies night on /mlp/!

  9. I just got asked out for drinks by a tall, buff, attractive 21 year old. Why does this never happen to me while I'm single?

  10. Nathan: Carrots are nature's Cheetos.

  11. Dear my apartment,YOU GOT CLEANED, BITCH.Love,Katu

  12. What do fashionable granola bars wear?Oat couture!I'm hilarious.

  13. You guys are excited for my zoo photos. Oh yes you are.

  14. Also I touched an elk. It came up really close and I got to touch its nose. And it did not bite me. One step closer to having touched every animal in the world!

  15. Sydney has a high of 71F today. Australia, your winter is just silly.

  16. Today, instead of letting my spiral of self-loathing and worthlessness crush me into spending all day moping in bed, I manned the eff up. I tidied up the living room a lot, and then started on cleaning the kitchen. I got rid of a bunch of stuff I didn't want. Then I went for coffee with Gashi and mom. Even though it took me until 4pm to snap out of it and get dressed, I'm feeling pretty good about myself.Maybe it's not okay to be proud of myself for being a "normal" person, but eff that. I'...

  17. Stoot (creator of glitch) said I had a "crazy face" and took a picture of me and some others. :3 Made my night a little bit.

  18. I could have gotten mad when you said "you won't get a job" regarding my degree. But when you started coughing and drooling shortly afterwards, smearing what was left of your eyeliner with a napkin, all I could feel was pity.

  19. I remember, I had just finished doing the dishes. I was cleaning my kitchen when suddenly a dance party broke out. I swear, I don't know what happened. One minute I'm organizing my cupboards and the next moment I was dancing to the Charleston. It was a strange happenstance.

  20. Thanks, brain. I really needed you to suddenly pop up with "Diva Cups are like vampire shot glasses!"If I have to suffer, so do all of you.

  21. Played Dungeon Fighter Live (XBLA) in the last 24 hours. http://raptr.com/katubug?type=fb_sessiondigest

  22. "You will perish under maximum deletion." Good line, Cybermen. I'm truly terrified.

  23. Being a Sylvari is worth it just to have flowers bloom underneath your feet.

  24. Goodbye for now, sweet Guild Wars. I shall see ye again anon.
