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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Katu

  1. Some things are so bad they're good. But remember that some things are so bad that they're bad.

  2. Sorry dudes, I know we're an expensive restaurant. I don't choose the prices, I just bring you your food. Oh, prom night. :/

  3. Spent most of my night alone, building a world in the sims 3. It feels so much nerdier when I have no one to skype to. In addition, fairly depressed lately. Gonna get some sleep now, I guess.

  4. Starting on Steamspur Mountains server on GW2 cuz I didn't see anyone else's choices posted!

  5. Still up at 3am because of a discussion on prolapsed monkey anuses. Damn you, reddit!

  6. Stoot (creator of glitch) said I had a "crazy face" and took a picture of me and some others. :3 Made my night a little bit.

  7. Sydney has a high of 71F today. Australia, your winter is just silly.

  8. Thank you, kind stranger, for printing my paper for me at the library because I left my rangercard at home!

  9. Thanks for buying that dress, Brianna! I got myself a ton of mori girl clothes from goodwill with the proceeds. :3 made my day!

  10. Thanks, brain. I really needed you to suddenly pop up with "Diva Cups are like vampire shot glasses!"If I have to suffer, so do all of you.

  11. That girl's a Lebanese thespian. Also she likes chicks.

  12. That moment right after you drink cough syrup and your throat is coated in tingly non-scratchiness. <3

  13. The line to get to the Subway in my uni is preposterous. Have convinced self that am not hungry.

  14. The most important art technique to know is when to stop. Someday I would like to master it.

  15. The word "ruminating" is best with the g truncated.

  16. The worst part of getting your period is that moment in which everything you've felt for the past week is invalidated.

  17. There is a heat advisory from 10am tomorrow until Thursday. Weather channel says it'll be 95F BY THE LAKE. Poor inlanders!

  18. There's a huge group of drunk people outside singing "I Just Had Sex." Racine ain't so bad sometimes. Also I use the term singing loosely.

  19. There's something incredibly sexually attractive about his imperfections.

  20. This fantasizing is getting out of hand. If it weren't 1am, it'd be time for a journal entry.

  21. Tim Smith just called me, but the robot lady said I had to sign up for an account? Not sure what to do, and now sort of worried that Tim needs help with something and I can't get a hold of him.

  22. Tirade: tie-rayd or teh-rahd?

  23. To all who were in chat with me last night: DID EMMU NOT CALL IT??

  24. To the two tables who tipped me significantly over 20% today: you are amazing and the reason that I give my all at this job. <3 thank you.

  25. Today all my wisdom is removed. How exciting.
