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Posts posted by Antoinette

  1. This is very fruity and fresh, in a way. Hard to pick out individual notes on my skin, but if I were to just smell it w/o knowing what's in it I would probably say plum and currant. It's pretty but stays close to my skin. I may need to slather a bit more....

  2. Wowza! I have yet to meet a 2012 Luper I did not swoon over!


    Blossoms in Springtime is glorious. In the vial I smell mostly vanilla but when it meets my skin it blossoms in beautiful ways. The honey comes on strong in the beginning, but not overpowering (thank goodness!). As it dries, the amber and beeswax blend so gorgeously with the vanilla - the beeswax lending a creaminess. I am not really detecting any of the lotus or helichrysum, but the copal is there, giving this a lovely resinous background. In the end, this is a creamy vanilla blend that I'm finding to be completely swoon worthy.


    Also, I understand the comparisons to Glowing Vulva. But, I happen to like Blossoms in Springtime more. Upgrading my decant to a bottle.

  3. How lovely this is! Straight away it makes me think of pink, spring, sweet and everything pretty and feminine. It's definitely a spring floral but the vanilla orchid keeps the peony from being overpowering on me. The vanilla orchid in this also reminds me of that in Celeste, which is a delicious thing, indeed!


    Lady in Speckled Pink Kimono is a radiant spring floral that isn't overpowering, has good throw and lasting power. I've worn in three days in a row and find myself swooning a little each time it wafts around me. Just beautiful!

  4. It's stunning.


    You took the words right out of my mouth. Body, Remember is a sensual scent that, on me, is heavy on the black coconut. I find the ambergris helps ground it and the sugar cane rounds out the overall sweetness. This is absolutely beautiful, it's soft but very front and center. It has nice throw (a lady I was standing next to in a store today asked me if I was the thing that smelled so good!) and good lasting power.


    I think the coconut in this reminds me of that in Paper Kite. Body, Remember is better on me, though. Total keeper!

  5. Ok, so I am head over heels for Ondurdis but if you ask me to name notes - I'm out of luck. This is really one of the only snow scents I can pull off and it's beautiful. It smells like a refreshing, bracing cold winter wind in the beginning and as it dries down it rounds out with a faint sweetness (berry?).


    Divine. :wub2:

  6. I am ordering an entire bottle because my decant will not be enough.


    This is a nice mix of violet, lilac and lavendar - but I think the lavendar is predominant. The saffron is subtle and the gunpowder tea gives it all an edge that I really like. This scent is in the sharp range, totally my thing, and truly a wonderful blend on my skin. Very excited this one is a winner!

  7. This one is a toss up on me. It begins all amber and honey, with the amber going powdery and the honey being cloying. Not exactly promising. Then, about an hour later, magic happens and it becomes this gorgeous vanilla orange scent. It had a lot of throw in the beginning, but as it morphed into the vanilla orange stage it really became a close to the skin scent.


    Overall, it captures its inspiration very well. It's warm and inviting. Almost 12 hours after applying, I can still smell it if I hold my wrist up to my nose. At this point, it's like a nice rounded citrus honey vanilla. It makes me think of the color orange. :)

  8. I have to really roll the imp around to get the cocoa mixed. Then it's cocoa and incense ash ash ashiness on my skin. The first time I wore this I didn't get the cocoa mixed in good enough and only got ash. I'll definitely keep my decant because it is interesting. The incense in it is quite pretty.

  9. In the vial this is all green peppers to me, so it was with a little bit of trepidation that I put it on. Glad I did though, because this is quite nice. It starts off smelling just like working in a garden of rich soil and abundant green veggie plants. As it dries I end up with a very clean sort of smell, which is in juxtaposition with the dirt smell. It's got a clean dirt and plants vibe and is genuinely pleasant.


    This Garden of Death is very much alive.

  10. At first sniff, this was pretty magical. It's a big mix up of tropical plants and desserts, heavy on the desserts while wet. As it dried, it became more floral and my nose became overwhelmed. My verdict is still out, but I do know this - this blend will take your nose on an olfactory adventure! ;)

  11. Ooooo, this one is nice! It's predominantly coffee and leather to my nose. It goes on pretty loud but quickly settles down into a beautiful warm scent of coffee and soft leather. It does remind me of the Arabian Dance, but it's more subtle. I prefer The Ta Ta! :wub2:


    Not sure I'm picking up on the carnation or tobacco that much. If anything, there is a hint of spiciness from the carnation but it's blended so well that it's not at the forefront. This is really lovely and could end up being a bottle purchase.


    ETA: Yep. This is going to be a bottle purchase. I pretty much love it. :wub2:

  12. This reminds me so much of the Herbal Essence shampoo I used as a kid in the 70's. And I loved that shampoo! I'm not completely sold on the idea of this as a perfume for me, but it is beautiful and does feel like a golden fall afternoon. Just lovely!

  13. This is a clever blend! In the vial I get mostly pine with a sweet undertone. But once this hits my skin it flip flops to mostly sweet pink cotton candy with pine in the background. As it dries the pine becomes less noticeable, and the wild flowers hover somewhere in the middle. It evokes the image of walking through a cool forest while eating fluffy pink cotton candy. I think it's a cute scent, the final dry down of it reminds me of the same sweetness I get from Celeste - not an exact match, but a reminder of how that one also dries down on me.


    The Wiley Grasser is a fun blend!

  14. Yes, I second both Gnome and Polynesian Pop. Mother Ginger has a sugary/marshmallow note in it, I don't get ale from it - but, it is divine!


    Gnome is easy to get a hold of since the RPG line is part of the general catalog. :)

  15. This is a beautiful juicy apple cider. The dominant note is a sweet yummy apple juice with autumnal spices in the background. The lemon zest and orange slices make it bright and shiny. I love this! :wub2:


    Alas, I knew the cinnamon in it might be a problem for my skin. And, it is. I need a scent locket....

  16. Cake! I really love this one. I really can smell the sprinkles!


    This is pretty much as advertised on me - rich vanilla cake, sprinkles and creamy frosting. What a dream. As it dries the cake note lingers all day, this has nice throw and staying power. Wonderful! :wub2:

  17. The Gorobble is a delicious scent.


    In the bottle: I get sweet sweet toasted marshmallow, not really burnt.


    On my skin: When first applied this is a very sweet marshmallow scent with a toasty or smoky vibe. As it starts to dry, a few minutes in, I started to notice some redness and stinging on my skin. I did not expect this! Then, I got this scent that reminds me of cinnamon. Huh. Now, it could either be that there is a touch in this blend to give it a firey feel, or my mind made the connection because I know cinnamon makes my skin break out in a red rash and sting the way this was doing. A few more minutes in and the cinnamon vibe faded away leaving a lovely lovely fluffy marshmallow behind. It's gorgeous. But the redness and stinging remained.


    Guess The Gorobble is too tough for my sensitive skin. But, goodness, does it smell delicious! :lol:

  18. Crypt King smelled amazing to me in the bottle. I got the juicy pomegranate right away and upon a deep inhalation, the lovely lilac showed up with patchouli throughout.


    I skin tested just a drop and it did what patchouli does on my skin - takes over. It also went cologney on me. It's not that those were bad things, but not enough to make me love this blend or make me feel justified in keeping it. I very happily rehomed the King to a lovely forum member who I know will covet it the way I could not. :)


    I can only imagine that it must be gorgeous on the right skin!
