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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Spacekitty

  1. Put the Christmas lights on the tree while Tillie was napping. She came out and said, "It's Christmas!... It's MAGIC." I love this kid so damn much!

  2. Peanut butter Blossoms, PB Kisses, PB Thumbprint cookies - whatever you call them, I call them CRAP. They are the most ridiculously stupid cookie ever created and frankly, an insult to all other cookies (and bakers).

  3. This might be my favorite day of the year. People are a little weird on the day before Turley Day. Perhaps it's the calm before the storm we all tend to make the holidays. It's a little like how kids get the day before Xmas - we don't know what to do with all of our nervous energy/excitement. It's the afterparty BEFORE the party (because we know the real party might not be that fun). Happy Turley Day Eve, everyone! Try not to stress yourselves out this year.

  4. If you're not watching Revenge, I think we can no longer be friends.

  5. I would be MORE thankful to my friends and family if they'd UPDATE THEIR DAMN AMAZON WISHLISTS before tomorrow. Thanks. I love you.

  6. LOVECRAFT readers: With which book should I begin? What is a good intro to his work?

  7. Finally, my leukocytes are winning! Virus, take note: The end is nigh, motherfuckers.

  8. Need cool or fun or pretty (just not corny), potentially useful, relatively simple, craft ideas. Go.

  9. Making my first whole turkey since we missed out on leftovers his year an both if us are craving it already. Tips, recipes or sure fire advice?

  10. Tillie and I have been playing this game lately where, when I'm lying down on the floor she jumps up and comes down full weight with one knee in my stomach. Or sometimes my sternum. Once in my neck. Fun times.

  11. I've done it. I have perfected my nail polish application. And it only took me three months. :/

  12. Why is my turkey still frozen??? Thaw, goddammit!

  13. Wow. I was warned about Toddler Negativity, but I wasn't prepared for the drop-of-a-hat extremes - nor did I expect it so soon! At this rate she's going to be as mean as I was at 14 by her 4th birthday.

  14. As someone who washes her hands 500 times a day, I have to say I hate everything about cooking a turkey. Especially when I have to disinfect my fridge first thing in the morning - before my coffee no less - because the thing leaked everywhere (and it was in three plastic bags).

  15. The bird is finally in the oven. I have nothing but the worst expectations for the turnout. I have the coupon for Rainbow's delish rotisserie chicken prepped for rescue.

  16. Turkey-makin' was a total pain in the ass, but worth it (she says with a mouthful of leftovers).

  17. FACES Mears Park tonight. Can I get away with jeans and a sweater (and boots, because - duh) or knit top and pretty scarf? Or do I need to class it up? I never know what to wear.

  18. Sunday night plans cancelled. Bummer. Had alternate plans but it's too late. :(

  19. Just be nice. It's not that hard.

  20. I just got offered to join a study of coffee shop baked goods. I will be paid $65 to eat pastries and tell them what I think. Happy St Nick's Day to me!

  21. Never realized how much the days leading up to Xmas are torture for little ones. Tillie received her first gift in the mail today. It's sitting, wrapped under the tree and she can't think about anything else. Should I have waited? Do you put out gifts as you wrap/receive them or put them all out at once?

  22. When it comes to polar bears, I like to stick my fingers in my ears and hum really loud. I just do not want to hear *anything* about them. Because, honestly, it's never good. That's not to say I don't want to hear any bad news - just don't mention the damn things by name unless you want me to get really quiet and excuse myself for "having something in my eye". Got it? Good.

  23. Pulling. My God. Damn. Hair. Out.

  24. Had no idea they still made Love's Baby Soft, much less that they make gift sets with three different "versions". *shudder*

  25. Pat & Mike. Such a brilliant, but underrated film. All at once funny, feminist, sweet, smart, dramatic and romantic. Over the years with many repeated viewings, it's snuck its way into my top 25.
