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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Spacekitty

  1. OH NO!! Tillie just clusterbombed me with her first series of "Why..." questions. The day I've been fearing has come.

  2. UPDATE: Tillie just commanded me to "Stop stop stop!" the Teletubbies video. I asked her if she didn't like it anymore and she said, "Yeah. It's bad." Mouths of babes.

  3. Today was the first really bad low self-esteem, self-doubting, what-the-hell-am-I-doing parenting day I've had in a long time. :(

  4. About to sell off some of my coveted lovelies (my perfume). This is going to hurt.

  5. God! Why is everyone in "Hollywood" so gross?! I can't read my Facebook feed or even the legit news without puking in my mouth anymore. Gross people doing gross things while getting paid gross amounts of money. BLECH!

  6. Buying a new (used) car this week! Where have you had good experiences?

  7. INDEPENDENT Olympic athletes?? What the...?

  8. Who wants a manicure?

  9. THAT. Was. So. F*cking. COOL!

  10. Tillie peed in the potty! Last week -hasn't done it again since.

  11. Does anyone still watch Gossip Girl? Can you please tell me why *I* still watch it?? It's horrible. Honestly. Horrible!

  12. My mom broke her face on Sunday. Literally. Tripped and went face first into the door jamb. Got stitches and contusions and lots of bruising. Poor mom. :( Send her some love.

  13. Ohemgee. Since I first took my iPod out of its case I've had problems with the home button. I just thought it was me, that I hadn't gotten the hang of using it yet. A year and a half later, warranty expired, I was still having problems until about 10 minutes ago. Now it's like I have a brand new device! The home button works the first time I press it - every time with normal thumb pressure. The screen is even more sensitive and reaction time to certain strokes is faster. Rad!

  14. Did my first holographic Manu. Its pretty cool.

  15. Tired. Sick. But it's all good - GoT tonight! WOOT! See you soon, Amy!

  16. Seems a lot of people saw Cabin in the Woods this weekend. To those folks, please PLEASE no spoilers. The trailers already showed too much and the less you know before going in, the better. To those who haven't seen it - GO! Even if you hate the genre. Buffy fans- it is "must see".

  17. Just when I thought I was DONE with the DIY cosmetics and beauty products, I found a couple of things I know I can do better and cheaper. Now to find the containers... that's always the stupid part of these projects.

  18. IT IS ON! Save the dates! Starting on the 2nd Thurs in June (potentially a PM opening for the 9-5ers) - Mom Pirkl's Fabulous Garage Sale! Designer clothes, high end handbags & cosmetics, shoes & other fancy things! Books, housewares, decor, antiques! It's gonna be ah-mah-zing.

  19. Really want to see Cabin in the Woods.

  20. Just switched back from DISH to cable. We've had DISH for 7 years. Stranger still, this is the first time in 11 years that we won't have a DVR. (We had a Replay DVR back in the day - before TiVo) Let's see how I adjust... This could get ugly.

  21. Dear Dakota Co Library- just a suggestion: LOOK at the returned DVDs when they're checked in and stop loaning out scratched up DVDs! Especially titles that have wait lists! Perhaps you could charge people when they return damaged stuff?? And then, I dunno, use that money to replace the unwatchable discs instead of putting them right back into circulation? So frustrating!

  22. I have a ton of Greek garbanzo bean salad and homemade Tzatziki leftover from last night's dinner. Anybody want some? Yeah, I know it's not Irish. (But neither am I.) They both have green things in them, though.

  23. Was reminded today why I don't dust. Because 10 minutes after I did it, it grew back. Why bother? Ugh.
