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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Spacekitty

  1. A Facebook POKE app?? Seriously?

  2. Gillian Flynn - recommended? Who's read her stuff?

  3. The 3yo, sitting next to me at the table busts out of no where with, "Dude! Where ARE you?!" I looked at her and said, "Uhh... what's that about?" Smiles: "Because I love you, Dude."Ask a silly question...

  4. ...And then one day, while putting on make up, you discover your eyelids have become the consistency of deflated balloons. *sigh*

  5. Tillie just told threw out this gem: I don't like anybody! *purses lips* I just love some of them. *smiles*Yep. Pretty much sums up our family philosophy.

  6. Torn apart today by hate for humanity and love for my family and friends. Too much emotion.

  7. What kind of monster shoots children???

  8. Dear Parenthood writers- Please just kill Christina and out us all out of our misery. P.S. you can take out Adam, too.

  9. Strongbow really goes well with cleaning and Christmas music.

  10. Bahh! Why am I still watching Glee? *banging head against wall* It's become painful ti watch. Will someone who still enjoys this show tell me why I shouldn't drop it from my queue?

  11. I just want to publicly congratulate my brother Matt for hitting THREE YEARS sobriety this month. He has done an awesome job of turning his life around and keeping it on course. You're an inspiration, bro. I love you!!! <3<3<3

  12. Do they have military school for 3 year olds?

  13. Tillie, upon hearing her first Bieber song: "He's singing a girl song... He sings like a girl.".

  14. Hoping we don't have another night like last night....

  15. Super irked at myself for waiting until Tillie turned 3 to upgrade our camera. All the pics I flubbed... :( On the other hand... Hey! We got a cool new camera! :)

  16. Has anyone found a customer service PHONE number for Copious? I'm about to start #copiousscrewedme or #screwedbycopious if they don't send me the money I'm owed. I feel like my emails to help@copious.com must go straight into their spam folder because they never reply.

  17. In case you haven't been able to check your Powerball ticket, let me help you by saying: You didn't win.

  18. Anyone in the LA area who can do a favor for me tonight? There's a will call event at my favorite perfumery and I'd like to get something that they're selling in-person only. Pretty pretty please???

  19. Tonight Tillie split my lip. Two minutes later she punched Mathew in the crotch. Only one of those was an accident. Progress!

  20. POLL: What do you pay monthly for your cell phone (roughly)? Did you buy your phone upfront or go with a plan? Are you happy with your service? PLEASE ANSWER. I'm begging. Send me a PM if you don't want to advertise this information. I just NEED HELP. I need to get a new phone/service and I can't believe the things I'm learning. (Mainly, that I'm a cheapskate and everyone else has money to burn.)

  21. Desperately need to find a great cell phone deal today. So if you hear of one, plmk! Thanks!!

  22. My good day went from "eh" to panictime in no time at all. I think I'm gonna cry.

  23. Me, from another room, hearing apps being POOFED from the Dock on my computer: Bear... What are you doing??Tillie, ceasing POOFS, in a sing-songy voice: What do you thiiiink I'm doooinnng?She's three. She's already more snarky and sarcastic than I am.

  24. SPOILED- First Class Only, Kicking the Habit, Papa-Paparazzi, Are Mermaids Real, Black Mamba, Steel The Show, 2 Weeks Sober, Good Karma, Deeper Dive, Trust Fund Baby, Watch Your Language.
