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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by imaginepageant

  1. Surely I don't need a third bottle of Snake Charmer... surely... #BPAL

  2. Doctor Who was fantastic. I knew I'd like Twelve. That One Part absolutely tore me up, though. There were tears.

  3. Two fezzes in attendance at the #DoctorWho premiere. I MISS ELEVEN.

  4. Note to self: when ordering Magic cards online, make sure you choose the English versions.

  5. Two years later, I am still the happiest girl in the world. http://t.co/9bClOPxUCs http://t.co/mqErV4PbGv

  6. Seen on church billboard: "Scream until Dad stops the car." ...what?!

  7. Iron Horse just isn't the same when it's not on Talbot. Still scored some cotton candy and kettle corn, though.

  8. Iron Horse is starting and I can't go until tomorrow. THE NEED. IT ITCHES.

  9. The upside of a very sharp grater: it makes quick work of cheese. The downside: there's a good chance dinner will include a chunk of thumb.

  10. Ghetto neighbor dance party still raging at four in the morning. Hope they enjoy their police visit.

  11. Verdandi: the first #BPAL I ever smelled. The one that got me hooked. Still one of my favorites, almost ten years later.

  12. Looking at Halloween decorating ideas and keep thinking, "We should just leave that up all year."

  13. Never thought I'd want to turn the heat on in the middle of August, but I'm seriously considering it.

  14. What scent to wear with my House Martell shirt? Snake Oil, of course. #ASOIAF #BPAL

  15. Just realized that my last three exes married or are marrying the woman they dated right after me. I'm Good Luck Chuck!

  16. Wearing Tully colors today. Feels like I'm betraying the Lannisters. #ASOIAF

  17. Dear Future Self: You will want to cut your hair. Don't. Best wishes, Past Self

  18. Also, just realized two of my top three blends were blind bottles—WILF and Laughter of Loki. Guess I really do get lucky sometimes! #BPAL

  19. HOLY RAIN, BATMAN. Think it might be better to take a cab to work than wait outside for the bus today...

  20. Spoilers for the next season of Game of Thrones! Can't wait to hear Kingslayer's awesome riffs! http://t.co/y1oGk2c7QF

  21. Game of Thrones time. I have no idea how it'll end, since the Red Wedding was last week. Very excited to be surprised!

  22. Got a blender. Smoothie suggestions?

  23. Just stole a sweet roll from a guard. This makes me unspeakably giddy. #Skyrim
