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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by minniemoo

  1. I'm trying to love this, I really am... This was the scent I was most excited for from the Tremulous Song series, it's full of my favourite notes so I couldn't see how it wouldn't work.


    Sigh. In the imp, I get mostly rose with a hint of creamy sweetness. On my skin it is ROSE ALL THE TIIIIIIIME. Thankfully it's the rose that I like, but I'm super disappointed not to get any of the other notes. It reminds me strongly of Pink Snowballs- which I do actually love, I was just hoping for something a little different. I've tried it on several occasions since my decants arrived, but every time is the same *cries* Guess I'll be sticking with Snowballs :cry2:

  2. A friend of mine wanted to try this, so I dug my decant out & realised I hadn't tried it. Cranberry is the most prominent note for me, along with a kick from the pink pepper. It reminds me a little of Punkie Night, which I'm guessing is because of the cranberry. Unlike Punkie Night however, this disappears on my skin almost immediately. Disappointing for me, but good news for my friend who will receive my decant!

  3. This is exactly what I hoped it would be! Strawberry Moon 2012 smells just like juicy, ripe strawberries with a dusting of sugar :yum: I feared this might be one to give me a headache if it was too sweet, but the hint of greenery keeps it from being too sickly. Absolutely delicious!

  4. An unexpected winner! When I first sniffed my decant, I couldn't even bear to skin test it as it smelt so strange. I went back to it after a couple of weeks and, oh my goodness I love it! It smells just like the scent description- warm, comforting pastry sprinkled with pink sugar. Absolutely yummy, I will have to order a bottle before it disappears :)

  5. Yummy! I smell juicy strawberries, cake and a hint of something floral every now and then. It's a very sweet, girly scent, but thankfully not in a nauseating way! I don't think I'd get through a bottle, but I'm really glad I got a decant :)

  6. Harvest Moon 2010 was my first Lunacy and I had such high hopes, but alas...


    Even sniffing the bottle makes me feel queasy and I can hardly bear to wear this. To me, it smells strongly of wine and rotting fruit, bleurgh. On my skin, it does settle a little, but it's still far too overpowering :cry2: I might try it again in a few months but I think this one may be my first big BPAL fail!

  7. This was a surprise hit for me! Pom II is a very citrussy, sparkly scent with plenty of throw- I wore it to work and a colleague said 'Ooh, you smell fruity!' It lasts all day on me and doesn't change at all. I love it and think it will be a fab summer scent :D

  8. My first review!


    Wet, I smell APPLES- juicy crisp apples, yummy. As it dries, I get something sweeter starting to come through, a lovely warm cider smell. Excellent throw but not too overpowering- I wore it to work yesterday & I could smell it all shift. I'll go through my imp in no time, a bottle is a definite must have for me :wub2:
