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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by childoftime

  1. In the bottle, this is strong (probably the cologne-y benzoin) and dark. The patchouli is hanging around hiding in the smoke, too.


    On my skin, this warms quickly, with the chili leaping to the fore and the vanilla and patchouli smoke touching everything just enough.


    As it dries, it goes a bit powdery (I'm guessing the resins include amber), but the spiciness of the chili and the smokiness both save this one from turning into a powder scent on me. I may need a bottle of this!

  2. In the bottle, this is exactly what the description suggests, but Liz has one hell of a backbone.


    Once I had it on, it became warm, dry spicy vanilla musk perfume with a backbone of leather over something strong-feeling. I'm not really getting the smoke at all--just a spiciness that I can't identify.


    I wasn't expecting this one to be so dry and spicy, almost like cologne, but I definitely like it.

  3. Wet, this is definitely redcurrant and vanilla with some molasses and a little patchouli.


    On me, this is mostly redcurrant and vanilla cream. I was worried that this was going to do the horrible plastic thing that Bloody Mary did (still don't know what caused that particular disaster), but no, it stayed true--mostly redcurrant with vanilla cream and hints of patchouli and maybe a little molasses.


    Dry, it's all redcurrant and cream. Far less foody that I'd expected, but definitely fantastic, and surprisingly appropriate for winter as well as summer!

  4. Swirls of red jelly and sugary white ooze.

    Out of the bottle, this is warm, buttery brown-sugar caramel with a giant smear of red jam, and it stays that way on me the whole way through. Makes reviewing this one really easy. I didn't get any plastic or inner tube scent from this, it didn't go wrong on me the way Bloody Mary did, so I love it! It's delicious, like a hot, jelly-filled, iced donut. Mmm...

  5. This is amazing. It's definitely cake with cream cheese frosting, but I can definitely smell Dorian in there! :thud:


    It's smooth and warm and spicy and I'm having trouble pulling out individual notes, but I can say for certain that I absolutely LOVE IT.


    I must hunt down a bottle of this. Now. :love!:

  6. Yule

    This started off so beautifully! Lemon, spices, smoke, and greenery.


    But now that it's started to dry, it has turned into HEMP. LOTS OF HEMP.




    I can still catch hints of evergreen and smoke, but the hemp is a bully, and it's giving me a headache. Maybe as a room scent or in a scent locket, this one.

  7. Snake Oil with four mints, bergamot, and green tea.

    I'm so glad I put this one on before I read the notes, or I may never have given myself a chance to love it! :lol:
    And I definitely love this! I'm not usually a big mint lover (in fact, I have been avoiding it for years), but this is the perfect blend of honest mint with Earl Grey and Green teas blended. Not-fake/overpowering at all. The mint is making this sweet and fresh and light without being strong in the least. Love, love love.

    When it dries, the mint mellows a bit and the teas really come to life. I am SO glad I have a whole bottle of this! :wub2:

  8. In bottle: Why hello there, red musk! And is that...chocolate? It's definitely got a sweet creaminess about it.


    Sadly, I'm covered in Blue Moon 2007 right now so I can't really get a good read of it on my skin other than to say that its fantastic. I'll put this one on tomorrow and see what happens, but I wanted to get my first impression "written down" at least since there's so little info on this one. But so far, this is amazing. I may die if I can't get a bottle of this somehow. :thud:

  9. Oh, this is beautiful, and I never would have tried it on my own--thanks arcadelane! :wub2:


    In the bottle, I get lily and buttercup, with a tiny hint of sandalwood.


    On my wrists this opens up into the smell of a bouquet of orchid, wildflowers and daffodils (don't know where I'm getting the daffodil--maybe the buttercup?) if you held it upside down and sniffed the wet stems. That's probably the cucumber and the aloes, I'm thinking. Also the woods/sandalwood are HERE! It's not a bad thing, but I think it's stopping me smelling the other notes for now.


    As it dries down, the woods are fading and the orchid is stronger. It's coming across as a nice herbal with some floral notes hanging around. A beautiful blend for people who don't usually do florals but want to try it out!


    Oh no...now I want ALL OF THEM.


    tell it. i've ordered about half of those bottles already but the labels are so amazing, it might push me to buy a few i'm "undecided" on...


    The great thing about it is that my wife totally likes the labels for the ones I like but she doesn't, so this *may* mean that I can get bottles just for meeeee (specifically The Smilin' Servitors' Hyperdimensional Holiday Hits and Old Man Ackerman's Instructional Toys)!

  11. In bottle: Sharp sandalwood and a slap of leather.


    Wet on skin: Leather jacket and a whiff of sandalwood and amber. Amber always scares me: please don't turn into powder on me! You smell so sexy! The musk is in the background, smelling warm and vanilla-y.


    Drydown: The amber note is coming to the front, and miraculously enough it's (so far, anyway) not turned to powder. The leather and musk are definitely there, but the sandalwood seems to have blended really well into the amber and they're pretty well indistinguishable from each other. This scent reminds me of a still-warm leather jacket you've just taken for someone.

  12. I wanted so badly to like this scent, but sadly if you are someone who has trouble with florals going to soap on you (I definitely do), this isn't going to be any different.


    Woodsy, clean, and green with some florals in the bottle, as soon as I put this on my skin it was pretty clear to me that one of those flowers hates me, and it started smelling of chemical cleaner. I tried to wait and see if it would mellow out, but it gave me a horrible headache, and I had to scrub it off. This one really makes me wish I could afford a scent locket!

  13. "...fires in the distance, with a touch of boozy swoon, playful sugar and thuggish musk"? YESPLZ.


    In bottle: Boozy sugary musk. I don't really get any smoke here, just a complicated musky sweetness and the sharpness of alcohol.


    Wet on skin: Ahh, here's the smoke, it's a little bit spicy now. The super-sweet booze is there but tamed by the other notes. The musk is like a shape in the shadows rather than being right in your face, metaphorically speaking.


    Drydown: The musk makes its appearance, and it warms a little as all the notes settle into each other. It's creamy but doesn't smell of cream, if that makes any sense. An instant top ten.

  14. Wet, I get musk, patchouli, and a warm background of scent that's very well-blended, then as it dries, this lovely vanilla leather smell comes out and starts to mingle with the musk and patchouli, and it smells fantastic! The wood, lemon, and cologne are present in the background, rounding this scent off.


    Love, love, LOVE this one. Definitely one of my top three.

  15. I should've reviewed this ages ago! :blush:


    In bottle: sharply boozy with a slightly fruity undertone and plenty of musk.


    Wet on skin: It's warm, still slightly fruity and now I'm getting vanilla musks under the booze.


    Drydown: The longer this is on, the more subtle it gets, the scents start to really come together instead of competing for the top spot. This is the sexiest BPAL I've ever had.


    Dry:Sweet, vanilla-boozy musk that has the tiniest hint of leather underneath. Still sexy as hell.


    This is one of my must-have favourites, I hope it comes back in 2010 so I can hoard like it's never coming back.

  16. In bottle: Sweet, smokey, and a bit medicinal.


    Wet, on skin: The poppy is coming out and mingling with the smoke and spices to make this a really interesting scent with a bit of sweetness.


    Drydown/Dry: Spicy, heady, opium smoke and warm brandy. I love this!

  17. In bottle: Like sniffing a bottle of almond-infused honey.


    Wet, on skin: Sharper than I expected, but still warm. The honey is a sort of floral honey now, it's less foody than I thought it would be.


    Drydown: I'm still not getting the caramel, somehow. Now the croquembouche is coming out to play, and it's effect is surprisingly to lessen how sweet this scent starts out. This may be a foody BPAL for people who don't really like to smell like food.

  18. In the bottle: Delicious sugar-drenched linen. I want to lick this!


    Wet, on skin: It warms right up, and the spun sugar warms into sticky melted marshmallow.


    Drydown/Dry: A nice warm vanilla has come out to play, and I smell rather like a melted vanilla cream marshmallow. The nice cool cotton keeps it from being too sweet.

  19. Wet, in bottle: Wow, hello almond liqueur! I love almond, and booze, so I'm not unhappy to smell it straightaway.


    Wet, on skin: This is definitely warm. I'm getting something smoky in this scent, almost like incense, though I'm not sure where it's coming from. The booziness I got from the bottle is still present, but it's not as harsh.


    Drydown: The almond has calmed WAY down, and shifted into the background, and incense-y note is definitely staying. The buttercream has come out to play, too. This is a delicious scent, like hot toddies by the fire, only less foody.


    Dry: Dry, this is all sugary, smoky cream. A definite win for a cold-weather pick-me-up!

  20. Wet, in bottle: Sharp, warm, and sweet. Definitely getting the amber and vanilla, with a sharp honey note.


    Wet, on skin: The honey and vanilla are warming up, and the sharpness is fading, but it's a little powdery. Uh oh.


    Drydown: Oh good, the powder seems to be backing off a bit. It's turning into a nice vanilla and honey perfume, warmed by the amber, and comfortably sweet.


    Dry: If I can sniff past the powder, this is a beautiful blend. Sadly, the amber definitely turned to powder on me and didn't back off enough for it to be a nice scent for me. It's not a bad powder scent, but it's too powdery for my taste. Sad, this is one that I really wanted to love.

  21. Got this years ago and it didn't like me, so I aged it in desperation, and now it's time to try it out again:


    In bottle: Holy wow, I forgot how delicious this one smells--I want to roll around in this! Cherries and cream and sugar and butter. DELICIOUS.


    Wet, on skin: Cherry pie, with spices! Delicious and fruity and just a little bit dark.


    Drydown: Wait, what is happening to my delicious cherry spice and cream? It smells like plastic, or maybe burning, and it's giving me a stabbing headache.


    Dry: I finally gave up here, I can't quite pin down what went wrong here, but I couldn't stand it anymore. Got my wife to sniff it and all she could contribute was, "Ew, wash that stuff OFF. What is that? :ugh: "


    Oh, Bloody Mary, WHY do you hate me so? I loved you! :cry: Off to swaps.
