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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by childoftime

  1. Just saw a kid texting while riding his bike. I don't even.

  2. Must level my shaman faster.

  3. Itsy is back! Yay, app store.

  4. Super sad that it doesn't look like I'll be able to afford that bottle of Crumpet Rebellion. :C

  5. Today's #BPAL is Dawn: Maiden. Tea roses, honeysuckle, heliotrope, olive blossom, milk and honey. Rose usually hates me, but this is lovely!

  6. Prodigal cat returns!

  7. Spent all afternoon/evening hunting for the cat. No cat.

  8. Cat is missing. Cannot even deal.

  9. I'm actually doing well at DPS despite having my healing 2-pc bonus! Woo!

  10. EEEEEEEE! My #BPALRPG protos are here!!! I can now smell like a Chaotic Evil Half-Elf Cleric!

  11. Hmm...on the fence about Sugar Moon. On the other hand, am absolutely loving Nymphia even though I get a lot of coconut from it. #bpal

  12. So. Much. Excitement. @bpal forever!

  13. Ordinarily I would be all puffed up about being awake/functional by 7, but I've been awake since 4 for no discernable reason. :| #whyyyy

  14. Chipotle, then Barnes and Noble, then MAC.

  15. First, bacon dress. Now, giant egg. Just a couple more events and Lady Gaga will be a Grand Slam!

  16. The blanket is finished! It ended up being ~56" in diameter. http://twitpic.com/3z9jod

  17. Finished the Hemlock Ring Blanket, all washed and ready to be pinned out. Time to block a blanket!

  18. 15 stitches worth of knitting to bind off four stitches. Oy vey. This is going to take ages.

  19. Pretty day = excuse to order an iced latte.

  20. Today's #BPAL is Young Pine Saplings. Mmmmm...

  21. Sliced 3 of my fingertips opening the tub of icing for Dad's birthday cake. Apparently that plastic top is SHARP. #wtfduncanhines #bleeding

  22. Ooh, almost forgot I got her some tasty Second of the Three Spirits, which she wanted and didn't buy herself. I will be popular.
