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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Altaira

  1. Great weekend with @BOSunderground. Manborg! Puzzleface! Some Guy Who Kills People! Mouthfull! Do I really need to go to work in 8 hours?

  2. Grrr. #PayPal shipping labels aren't working for me. The label pop-up is throwing a 100 error.

  3. Ha! "Just don’t use any of that gay queerie stuff to make the website, we’re a family business." http://t.co/Q7EZd0Zp #jquery

  4. Had a dream I broke my laptop screen. Still a bit shaken up.

  5. Had a dream that I slept past 8 and was so happy, even if it meant I was late to work. Woke and looked at the clock: 5:12. #insomnia

  6. Hail, Sol Invictus! #solstice #yule #kronia #saturnalia #koleda (overcast sky, so no pic of the sunrise)

  7. Half way through cooking banana pancakes I remember I"m out of maple syrup.

  8. Have to admit, this lamb totally looks like a puppy. I want one. http://bit.ly/g8UyIi

  9. Have to modify my makeup plan tonight on account of head cold (nothing complicated on the nose!)

  10. Having a last minute BBQ in JP tomorrow. Any recipes for homemade #veggieBurgers that hold up on the #grill?

  11. Having never been to Portland, OR; I can't decide whether to believe 'Portlandia' or 'Grimm' as to what the city is actually like.

  12. He *really* enjoys the radiator. Head plant! http://t.co/hdY4uNEI

  13. Headache of insanity-inducing proportions. Four Advil, Black Tea, and Chocolate Croissant, can you fix it?

  14. Health Care in the 2012 Presidential Election: How the Obama and Romney Plans Stack Up - The Commonwealth Fund http://t.co/GGCd3eRs

  15. Heh:: According to @klout, I'm influential about Tardis, Apple Store, and Nanowrimo http://t.co/noaJBYiY

  16. Here's a pic of the petroglyph http://goo.gl/vbvYa Clearly the snake part is carved (change in texture) but the 'legs' are just light stone.

  17. Hey @tv_revolution, how do you think ice boxes work? Ice is common even without electricity; stored from winter in insulated buildings.

  18. Hey @Zipcar, are you not doing Scvngr challenges anymore? Rewards not showing up and all my points went away.

  19. Hilarious that the "magic sleeping poder" on #OnceUponATime is basically opium.

  20. Hipsters 'sitting" behind us at this crowded bar need to learn they don't own seats they've chosen to walk away from.

  21. Honoring Shane by feasting on one of her favorite meals : Indian buffet.

  22. Hoping this fever breaks and my appetite returns soon.
