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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Altaira

  1. If I had to guess, the confusion comes from reading "A Farewell to Arms" and "The Sound and the Fury" in close succession in HS English.

  2. Tomorrow: first day of new job. In Copley. On Marathon day.

  3. I hear the sons of the city and the dispossessed. http://t.co/KHZEvhI @ursulaleguin and @_sistersofmercy: that's how my brain works.

  4. Equal parts hilarious, sad, and maddening: racist jerk complains about OKCupid being too inclusive http://goo.gl/DWSzh

  5. With this whole Skynet thing, I'm thinking of baking a cake for Roland, our roomba. Maybe drop a bunch of crumbs on the floor for him?

  6. Also today, received a DM from @GeorgeTakei thanking me for following. OhMyyy, indeed.

  7. Headache of insanity-inducing proportions. Four Advil, Black Tea, and Chocolate Croissant, can you fix it?

  8. "48 hours earlier (and 150 years later)" #Supernatural, you continue to be awesome.

  9. Always interesting to see how the British see America: giant cars and six-shooters. #DoctorWho (also, hate the Amy V.O. at the beginning)

  10. My new job has seriously cut into my screwing around on the internet time. Way behind on reading everything.

  11. CSS3: It's gone to plaid! (and other cool stuff) 'Powerful New CSS Techniques and Tools' http://tinyurl.com/3v87rzk @smashingmag

  12. Wow. Old school. I didn't think my bank even *had* online services when Navigator was a working browser. http://t.co/l5bO4Qz

  13. Joined 2005 and bought an Xbox 360. Feeling conflicted.

  14. 'Yeti hand' replica to be returned to Nepal monastery http://bbc.in/lM9pyC //Not original, just resin sculpt. Nothing being "returned."

  15. "You can't crush ideas by suppressing them. You can only crush them by ignoring them. By refusing to think, refusing to change"@ursulaleguin

  16. Pile o' ants on my front walk. http://t.co/o1ix1lv

  17. Hey @Zipcar, are you not doing Scvngr challenges anymore? Rewards not showing up and all my points went away.

  18. My gamer tag is Altaira, in case anyone wants to friend me on xbox (I'm only adding people I actually know)

  19. NASA - NASA Selects Investigations For Future Key Planetary Mission http://goo.gl/NVnK7

  20. Fritz Lang's #TheSpiders, 1919. The base plot of every action/adventure film you've ever seen. Kay Hoog *is* Indiana Jones

  21. This winter @Kluczkiewicz and I helped @LEGSpelman make a movie. This is the trailer http://goo.gl/UAibh Get a producer credit for only $50!

  22. The official US gov. #ZombieApocalypse plan http://goo.gl/oQ28F (also useful for other pandemics and even hurricanes)

  23. Knew I was forgetting something this morning: my phone. DM to get in touch, I'll see it before email.
