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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Altaira

  1. This head cold better clear up so I can pack the next 2 weeks with awesome.

  2. Problem with Victoriana/Steampunk: women's sports uniforms: http://goo.gl/DmozM

  3. One of the reasons I'm paranoid about wooden coverings in the street. Glad the got him out. http://bo.st/iat5Jc

  4. Event was free and open to all. Why the self-selected lack of diversity?

  5. Also http://www.hulu.com/ is going retro to advertise shows from the '90s. Scrolling marquee!

  6. Popovers, large and small. No idea why I made so many. I hope they keep well http://yfrog.com/h7ihxqvj

  7. Organizing my bookshelves. These seem related somehow. http://yfrog.com/h7cklwcj

  8. Positive aspect of not being able to breath through my nose: cleaning the cat boxes less bothersome.

  9. Why do I even bother with the #AppleStore? Power supplies out of stock, told me to go to Best Buy.

  10. That Mitchell and Webb Look take issue with #gender targeted #advertising http://t.co/PRoEIJO via @youtube

  11. For the record: non-acetone nail polish remover does not remove nail polish.

  12. Using the @adidas_miCoach again. So out of shape, I can't jog for more than a minute without it telling me my heart rate is too high.

  13. Toy started out as a black pop-pom bat with felt wings and tuxedo applique on the front. Anybody know where I can find a new one?

  14. I still jog wicked slow, but I cut a full minute off my mile today! (walk/jog on mild/moderate hills, 16:35 min/mi)

  15. A flavor worse than 'purple .' gross. http://yfrog.com/h2ewivvj

  16. "Vodka and Mountain Dew isn't a cocktail, it's an emergency" #PeggyOlsen #MadMen #ThreeOlives #DudeFlavoredVodka

  17. 15:27 min/mi today; less walking, more jogging. Need to map a longer route!

  18. Unnamed Summer Punch: 1part Rothman & Winter Apricot Liqueur, 2part lemonade, 4part unsweetened iced tea, 4part hard cider

  19. 16:07 min/mi all walking, 49ft climb, 125steps/min. Finally becoming routine. #notBeingASloth

  20. Wow. Speak for yourself, Ginia. "Boy fiction?" The women I know read Sci-fi, fantasy, and horror: NYT 'Game of Thrones' http://goo.gl/GAA2I

  21. Oops. Spelled Logan's name wrong in the last tweet. @Kluczkiewicz makes sure I get the kids' names right :-)

  22. Excited and nervous for my first day at Compete.com on Monday.

  23. Went to @catvalente's reading and picked up Deathless, @Richard_Kadrey's Kill the Dead, and Kelly Link's Pretty Monsters. #stuffToRead
