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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Altaira

  1. Drink Me punch has too many ingredients to tweet. #cocktails #AliceinWonderland

  2. Dancing didn't work out, but pizza and Supernatural make a pretty good night too.

  3. My 1 TB media drive that was about 1/3 full has decided it is actually blank. Why do I work with computers? They clearly hate me.

  4. My story has been accepted for the next issue of Death Rattle! I'll post more info as soon as I have it. @kl_pereira @GrubWriters

  5. Going to Heroes at TT's just makes me miss ManRay more.

  6. I need better makeup remover. This @urbandecay411 primer made my eyeshadow a permanent part of my skin.

  7. Smiling dangerously:HENRYOh, there'll be plenty of blood. Don't worry about that. #WIP

  8. RT @FashionablyGeek Fashionably Geek: Enter To Win 5 More Character Scents From #BPAL (Round 2) http://bit.ly/hiwfgK

  9. Vegan stuffed shells experiment in the oven. Made up the recipe based on something I vaguely remember eating a decade ago in San Fran.

  10. Gah, my Nexus charge port started to fail yesterday. Exactly 4 weeks out of warranty. #google #htc #android

  11. Don't try to call me; phone not charging properly.

  12. HTC says it will take $200 and 3 weeks to fix the charger port on my Nexus One. Pay the $$, or just buy a new phone? #plannedObsolescence

  13. I've been a fan of @Richard_Kadrey since reading Metrophage in HS. Finally starting in on Sandman Slim: just as insane as I had hoped.

  14. MessiahStudio5 basic $10, pro $40. Refunds if you already own. Only if they sell enough copies. http://t.co/EaP0x2m #3dAnimation


    #ebz The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat! Jumped down the well for a good long chat! http://fallenlondon.com/c/766278


  16. Look what I found in a box under my bed. Seems I still have all the pieces http://t.co/v1bxU06

  17. My new recipe blog: http://www.3ofcups.net Currently working on Alice in Wonderland treats.

  18. On-line magic 8 balls are dangerously unreliable. #protip

  19. Achievement unlocked. Arrived at #paxeast

  20. So many geeks. So few women. #paxeast

  21. Cell & wifi reception @ #paxeast is terrible.

  22. ABC News - Japan Earthquake: before and after http://goo.gl/xU2yy

  23. The one day I want to see a 10:30 panel @ #paxeast and we lose an hour of sleep.

  24. Half way through cooking banana pancakes I remember I"m out of maple syrup.

  25. Must be Spring. Saw my first blue jay of the year, my nose is all stuffed up, and my eyes are burning.
