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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Altaira

  1. That's not good:: Coast Guard: "Unidentified substance" leaking from BP's Deepwater Horizon http://t.co/R3reAGRc via @CBSNews

  2. And somehow, I have a Type O Negative xmas song that contains the line "The stockings are hung, but who cares?"

  3. Hail, Sol Invictus! #solstice #yule #kronia #saturnalia #koleda (overcast sky, so no pic of the sunrise)

  4. You know what would be nice? A full week with no mass shootings:: Firefighters Shot, Killed at Scene of Webster Fire http://t.co/BBKsV5wc

  5. I believe there is a mouse in my bedroom closet. Have secured door against cats and let it stay because: 4am.

  6. Dennis Lehane's beagle missing since Tuesday Brookline/Allston area. Reward: He'll Put You In His Next Book http://t.co/dr7jn17P #LostDog

  7. I'm trying to see a house, but the listing agent is on vacation until Jan 5! No wonder the house has been on the market for months.

  8. My cats lounging by the sparkly tree. http://t.co/zOizZvFN

  9. Hipsters 'sitting" behind us at this crowded bar need to learn they don't own seats they've chosen to walk away from.

  10. Out my window, JP looks very pretty dressed in snow. http://t.co/WSnY4Yw6

  11. Snowy day with Mulder, Scully, and an Xmas kitten puzzle. http://t.co/JPzC8JkD

  12. The #mbta orange line has a new driver who is super happy. His friendly announcements are somewhat disconcerting.

  13. Jessica Lange in this week's "American Horror Story" song and dance routine. So awesome. http://t.co/f9G7GxaP via @youtube

  14. "You know why we don't take street harassment lightly? Because we don't want to get fucking stabbed." http://t.co/wYYPMyo4
