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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by Altaira

  1. Made green tea in the office #keurig. Has distinct notes of hazelnut coffee.

  2. Another 640 for 8076 total. I'm much more productive when not exhausted from working all day. #NaNoWriMo

  3. Viking Sunstone Guided Ships in Cloudy Weather | Wired Science | http://t.co/m4CJm2Or http://t.co/jFRZRriz

  4. Asteroid Yu55 on course for close encounter with Earth http://t.co/B6ugJAZ2 // INSIDE the moon's orbit!

  5. I so rarely have cause to use a:visited I didn't realize until just now it had been been stripped of functionality http://t.co/0RtVKNoe

  6. Yay for writing buddies! 2009 words with @kl_pereira's company, tea, scones, and kitties this afternoon. 6826 total #NaNoWriMo

  7. Taught my @ScrivenerApp dictionary many new dirty words tonight.

  8. The number of unemployed is much larger than the government reports http://t.co/MKQCdKlW "Long-Term Discouragement" by @ursulaleguin

  9. Tonight's #NaNoWriMo effort just isn't happening. Barely 200 words and I'm done for the day. Hoping the morning is more productive.

  10. Of course yesterday http://t.co/UivQ7ynx they promised colors, music, and dreams. Reality: 6 hours of meetings and leftover Halloween candy.

  11. Only about 500 words today but I need to stop for the night. 3325 so far. #NaNoWriMo

  12. Need to write. So damn tired. Paragraphs to go before I sleep.

  13. Sunset and moon over the Southwest Corridor JP http://t.co/ig8XQfLn

  14. I am not ready for the long day of meetings ahead of me.

  15. OK, cheated a bit by working on a story I had a few hundred words written in, but 1683 total so far. #nanowrimo @kl_pereira @JZKirkland

  16. I'm already tired of reapplying makeup to my nose and I haven't even left for the party. #ivingdeadgirl #halloween #stuffyhead

  17. Have to modify my makeup plan tonight on account of head cold (nothing complicated on the nose!)

  18. Simpsons-esque Three Eyed Fish Caught Near Power Plant In Argentina http://t.co/r1Bimq1g via @CubicleBot

  19. This morning is just not happening.

  20. My apartment is very cold, but I don't want to turn the heat on with ACs in the windows. Also don't want to open windows to remove ACs.


    #OnceUponATime pilot alternately too serious and too goofy. Withholding judgment until at least second episode.

  22. Vader, Stormtrooper, Millennium Falcon and X-Wing Ice Trays! http://t.co/dnEEgyRR via @T_Nerdalicious

  23. Last night's decision not to take Ambien was a huge mistake I will not repeat tonight.
