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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by hersphinxness

  1. Light and pretty in the imp, with a strong, fresh tulip note. On my skin, I get mostly damp grass. In fact, that's all I get, no hint of the pretty tulips or peonies now. It's okay, but I get a nice damp grass scent from Garden Path With Chickens but with more of the florals I like. Still, this would be a good choice for someone who is looking for a clean green/aquatic scent.

  2. This was the first BPAL aquatic I tried, and I learned that BPAL's aquatics actually work on me. Yay!


    The aquatic note dominates in the imp and continues to run the show for several hours after it's dry. The florals are definitely there, but they act mostly to soften the aquatics and add a velvety depth. After a couple hours, they switch and I get these crisp, sweet florals over a deep, cool aquatic. This also lasts an incredibly long time on me.


    Danube is similar to Ophelia, but deeper, less sweet, and womanly rather than girlish.

  3. Medical plastic. You know the smell. You walk into an empty hospital room and that grosser smell underneath the gross smell of the cleaning products? Yep, that. I can't pick out any notes in this, in the imp, wet, or dry, just this overwhelming gross medical plastic smell.

  4. This scent was a bit of a darkhorse for me. I got a bottle, tried it, liked it, and promptly forgot about it when my 'Weenies came in the mail. A couple months later, I pulled it out on a whim and slowly, quietly, it worked it's way to the front of my stash. One of those apparently unassuming little things working some seriously Machiavellian plots behind the scenes.


    It's very floral on me; I can't pick out the amber or musk individually, they mostly serve to warm up the florals. These florals are just lovely, soft without being wispy, sweet without being sickly, nothing sharp about them. Just this perfect sweet breath of flowers on a warm evening. It makes me happy.


    I do wish it lasted a little longer, but it perks right up if you freshen it up for the evening.

  5. This is a beautiful, refreshing scent, light and sweet without being traditionally "girly". The main thing I smell is green, grass, leaves, those tiny wildflowers that have a grassy smell. I don't get anything particularly herbal, but there is a slight aquatic note, very light, which gives the scent a very fresh quality.


    In the bottle it smells dreadful to me! That overpowering, powdery old-fashioned soap (usually in the shape of a seashell or flower and itches like all get out if you're silly enough to use it!). With hay on top of it. This makes me sneeze, and the scent lingers in my nose for hours after unless I have a sniff at some coffee or spices. I learned to hold my breath when I open it. Otherwise, a lovely scent and perfect for spring and summer.
