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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by EmpressPixie

  1. Okay: I did it! I made a competent and somewhat major craft for my witchee. One down, five million to go.

  2. I'm incredibly annoyed with one of my professors.

  3. Well, massive success with the first thing I've lined while sewing it in forever. Possibly ever, actually, now that I think about it...

  4. Am currently sewing and lining the spatterdashes that I cut last night. I have no idea if my witchee will like them. #switchwitch

  5. "Oh, cool steampunk goggles." -- Connor. I like it when my sewing accessories are steampunk. (But in this case, straight up welding stuff.)

  6. Time to pretend I'm clever.

  7. "The problem is 'spunk' in the UK is..." [laughter] "...you know what spunk is. Spunk is a slang term for semen." --Prof #importantmarketing

  8. We do. It is funny. After he says, "I have no idea how effective it is. Now. Budgeting."

  9. The vanilla and cinnamon on top of the la Cor-whatever coffee flavor kind of make it taste like irish cream. Nom.

  10. Note to self: square ten cannot go to anyone who is allergic to cats. Dusty definitely claimed it.

  11. Fiance acquired! Life is better.

  12. Got back in perfect timing to catch the bus!

  13. There's something really beautiful about airports.

  14. The future is going to be kind of BPAL light for me -- none of any of the protos appealed. But hooray for WCWC! It was amazing!

  15. Like half of my class is on this flight. Hilarious :)

  16. If you can, make sure you see the sunset-moonrise: http://bit.ly/ayAcgu

  17. Who else wants Brittney from Glee to grow up to be Parker from Leverage? Or, at least, thinks it is going to happen...

  18. Very disappointed in class tonight -- thought we were bashing data, came to play. Just regular lecture though. Wanna play wif mah data.

  19. "Heath is a pretty big economic enterprise and it's only getting bigger." -- Guest speaker

  20. Annnnnd last begging moment on Twitter: If you haven't taken my survey, please do: http://bit.ly/btECY3

  21. I was about to complain that Tweetdeck was messing up some tweets... then I read my reader. Yay, Tweetdeck, for protecting me!

  22. Well, I got halfway through it in about an hour. That should count for something. I'm exactly halfway done with the afghan swap! #bpal

  23. At least three of those are the plush, soft yarn that knits up in, like, an hour. I should do one of those tonight and feel accomplished.

  24. I'm really just impressed with the service level involved in that.

  25. Class discussion: "Why would BMX riders ever be doing [choreographed dancing from the '30s]?" -Ashita "That's a good point." -- prof
