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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by EmpressPixie

  1. Just used the boarding pass on my phone for security! We live in the future!

  2. On my public transit airport adventure! #traveltoday #excedrin

  3. The fantasticamazing coffee place from yesterday is open this morning. I sense a field trip! (But mayhaps a short at Starbucks first...)

  4. In honor of that convergence, I purchased the Kindle version. So now I shall see what is the what with this thing.

  5. Oh! Almost forgot my herby focaccia!

  6. Okay, after a short break to refortify my legs, I think I'm ready to go back out explorating the city. Chinatown, here I come!

  7. I think I'm going to go for a nice walk. Apparently I can walk from here, along the bay, to the ferry building farmer's market.

  8. We also got the most adorable little plush Androids! And took a picture with an Android suit!

  9. In other news, holy crap I to need to find a Seattle Will Call fairy.


    #ebz The most delightful secret of Fallen London: a substance which physically transports you to ... http://fallenlondon.com/c/338153


  11. In San Francisco, where should we eat?

  12. Poll: If someone wanted a cheek swab to study your DNA hoping to determine markers of high intellectual functioning would you do it?

  13. Walking over to pick up a print for Connor's parents! Corset is 100% finished! Woo! I will post pictures later, I'm sure. Am Proud.

  14. I think it is really funny when the same extra is on several shows in more or less the same capacity.

  15. Putting the finishing touches on ye olde corset. Then I'mna make a belt for it. Maybe a pocket for the watch, but maybe not. We'll see.

  16. Also, the shape looks nice on Nicole at least. I'll put the last six bones in tomorrow and bind all the edges. Voila!

  17. Everything that could possibly go wrong with this godsbedamned corset has. Getting toasted won't make it any worse. Could improve things.

  18. Oh man, now I'm lusting after her pumpkins... http://bit.ly/aE8COw

  19. Just inhaled some method anti-bacterial spray. Not recommended.


    #ebz Death in the Fifth City isn't necessarily the end. If you're stabbed or shot, someone may co... http://fallenlondon.com/c/331629


  21. Well, I have one final between me and the end of the mini. Tragic that it is on Thursday, but what can you do?

  22. Yes, the Elizabeth Arden has given me a headache. Excellent. #BPALisbetter

  23. My favorite person is in class today!


    #ebz Fallen London: once capital of the British Empire, now home of the Bazaar. Deep. Dark. Expen... http://fallenlondon.com/c/327187


  25. I made cookies with chocolate chips and walnuts. Who wants?
