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BPAL Madness!


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Status Updates posted by EmpressPixie

  1. We do. It is funny. After he says, "I have no idea how effective it is. Now. Budgeting."

  2. "The problem is 'spunk' in the UK is..." [laughter] "...you know what spunk is. Spunk is a slang term for semen." --Prof #importantmarketing

  3. Time to pretend I'm clever.

  4. "Oh, cool steampunk goggles." -- Connor. I like it when my sewing accessories are steampunk. (But in this case, straight up welding stuff.)

  5. Am currently sewing and lining the spatterdashes that I cut last night. I have no idea if my witchee will like them. #switchwitch

  6. Well, massive success with the first thing I've lined while sewing it in forever. Possibly ever, actually, now that I think about it...

  7. I like when Dusty finishes my cereal milk -- it's really cute. He won't drink milk on a plate, I tried giving it to him. Only cereal milk.

  8. I'm incredibly annoyed with one of my professors.

  9. Okay: I did it! I made a competent and somewhat major craft for my witchee. One down, five million to go.


    #switchwitch questions: 1. Did you go over the top on your first witch? 2. Is it normal to be bursting at the seams to reveal this early?

  11. I already have the skirt and cuffs done, so after this all I need is the hat. And sword. And shield. But those are cardboard.

  12. "Dude, what the hell's a mile?!" -- the problem of asking international students to estimate the length of the Mississippi River in miles.

  13. This is making me very happy -- the triumph of the evening: http://yfrog.com/ehnpxsj

  14. Watching House. I almost don't want to, just so I can leave it forever where last season left off.

  15. Hey -- I liked a shirt.woot just in time to use that coupon. Sure, the four ponies tempted me, but the interwebs? For $5? Sold!

  16. Corset is basically done. I fitted it, now I just have to edge it. Edging! Then I'm done. I do it tomorrow...

  17. Taking my parents to Pamela's in Oakland. So. Hungry.

  18. RT @bpeoples: Hey, anyone in #pgh / pgh have 72MHz RC radio gear I could borrow to troubleshoot some equipment (Please RT)

  19. Oh-kay, picture is small and my room is messy (see Kimberly's laundry!) but I finished it: http://bit.ly/atT1lE I'm so proud of me!

  20. Feeling distinctly terrible.

  21. My stomach is still blech. We will never go to Toast again.

  22. The first person to invent teleportation is going to be in a long distance relationship. In other news, I'LL HAVE A MUFFIN NOW.

  23. "Who shares this sentiment or opinion?" [entire class raises hands] "Okay. Alright. That seems to be a valid concern."

  24. Will be in San Francisco Oct 14th - 17th.


    #ebz Oh gather round me bully boys (from 'Neathy Songs') http://fallenlondon.com/c/314932

