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Posts posted by Tenebrae

  1. Hmm...



    -To me, while in the Imp and fresh on the flesh, it smelled a lot like one of the flavors of the new 5 gum, Elixir I think... It's an overwhelmingly powerful smell to my senses...and one that kind of comes off unappealing, like it would taste good...but to the nose it's simply too strong for my tastes.



    -The dry down smelled similar, it toned down a lot in intensity...but it's far too fruity for my tastes...perhaps for a female, but I honestly couldn't tolerate this scent on someone for too terribly long. I do get a feel of when you walk into those old scented candle shops and the fumes just...knock you on your backside... You go throughout the store twitching your nose, the smells assaulting you like a viking raid against a unprepared village.

  2. This is quite simply delicious...nothing but leather. It actually reminds me of when I head my leather duster...fresh and just bought, that new leather smell...from imp to dry down. This is definitely something I need a bottle of...I adore this.

  3. Yeah,


    I've noticed that there are plenty of dry masculine scents that are considered dark. Perhaps saying a "Yin" scent would help haha. The concept of Yin and Yang reflect my perception of darkness far better than the more socially accepted concept of relating it to evil and hell. Depraved sounds like it could be quite lovely. :D


    For a dark, cold, wet, dangerous scent, you could certainly try


    Cthulu -

    A creeping, wet, slithering scent, dripping with seaweed, oceanic plants and dark, unfathomable waters.


    or R'lyeh -

    The sunken city of the Great God Cthulhu. A hellishly dark aquatic scent, evocative of fathomless oceanic deeps, the mysteries of madness buried under crushing black waters, and the brooding eternal evil that lies beneath the waves.


    And check out the rest of a Picnic in Arkham


    Indeed, I've got Cthulu on my list already simply out of my adoration for the mythos...I mean, who dosn't like tentacle faced gods of chaotic insanity? ;)


    I didn't see R'lyeh, thanks! I'll add that to the list, off the description alone it's something that I would at least try if not adore.


    I'd vote for:




    From the Seven Deadly Sins collection...


    Thick, dark, sluggish and heavy with indolence: vetiver over black myrrh




    Lush, creamy vanilla and the honey of the sweetest kiss smeared with the vital throb of husky clove, swollen red cherries, but darkened with the vampiric sensuality of vetiver, soporific poppy and blood red wine, and a skin-light pulse of feral musk.



    Vast talons, foul with human flesh, there grew

    In place of hands, and features livid blue

    Glar'd in her visage; while the obscene waist

    Warm skins of human victims close embraced.


    The blue faced hag of the British Hills. She lives in the Dane Hills, Leicestershire, in a cave called Black Annis' Bower Close, which she dug out of rock with her own iron-strong claws. Dozens of huge cats prowl the Bower with her, and it is guarded by a great pollarded oak in which she hides so that she may catch lambs and small children to eat. She carries her victims back to her cave, where she flays them alive before devouring them. She drapes their skins on her guardian oak to dry. Her skirt is fashioned from the skins of her prey, and her bed is a high-piled bed of their bones. Black Annis' perfume is a mixture of damp cave lichen and oak leaf with a hint of vetiver, civet and anise.





    Firewood and ash with an oddly otherworldly blend of patchouli, cardamom, nutmeg, black pepper, tonka, vetiver, and myrrh.



    I don't find Cthulhu dark or wet smelling, to me it smells of Dove soap :lol:


    Thank ya, those are one's that I didn't look at and will do so now to get a feel for them via the reviews. :)


    Given your requests, I'd recc:


    Whip (Agony and ecstasy: black leather and damp red rose),

    Loviatar (The slap of slick, hot leather punctuates the warm, sensual embrace of black amber, red musk and dark, lascivious myrrh),

    De Sade (The essence of pleasure heightened by pain: the raw scent of leather),

    and Hellfire (A swirl of pipe tobacco, hot leather, ambergris, dark musk and the lingering incense smoke from their Black Mass).


    . . . of course all this presumes you'd be interested in leather. ;) I'm having trouble finding something "wet", though Whip seemed to be a bit when I tried it.



    Thank ya much, I've got Whip and De Sade on my list...the latter of the two for seductive purposes and because I'm a Sadist anyway. When I read the descriptions and reviews for them, I knew they were definitely up my alley heh.

  4. Hi there, and welcome to the forum!


    I could be waaaay off here, but I picked up on the words slithering, seduction, coiled, corruption, pleasure and pain.. one thing came to mind:


    Western Diamondback: Snake Oil with leather, tonka bean, red sandalwood, and sage.


    Maybe the 'slithering' bit made me think of the Carnaval Diabolique: Snake Pit collection, but the combination of Snake Oil's seductively intoxicating resin-y smokey incense/vanilla vibe with the sexy cold dark leather & smooth sandalwood in this is absolutely worth a try.


    It's not available in imp form from the Lab, but you should be able to find a decant of it in the 'For Sale' section of the forum.


    I'd be interested to know how your search ends up - I hope you find just what you're looking for :smile:




    Oh, I assure you...I've already got plans on collecting the entire Snake Pit collection! I sense a vast money drain in my future...before I even have the money I know I'm going to spend haha. Thanks for the welcome and suggestion!



    It's kind of hard for me to think of 'wet' scents, I think mine above leaned more towards dry and masculine. This might be good but I've never tried it:


    Depraved....."A salacious, lecherous, leering scent - dirty and dark, slapped with a wet sweetness. Earthy black patchouli swelling with apricot".




    I've noticed that there are plenty of dry masculine scents that are considered dark. Perhaps saying a "Yin" scent would help haha. The concept of Yin and Yang reflect my perception of darkness far better than the more socially accepted concept of relating it to evil and hell. Depraved sounds like it could be quite lovely. :D

  5. Thank you,


    I had indeed considered "Sin" as one of the scents that I needed to get, and marked it down on my "little" list of who knows how many scent interests I had gathered from reading the reviews. I had also contemplated "Blood Countess" but after reading the reviews, figured it wasn't quite what I was looking for...


    The others I must have missed and will have to look over again! :D

  6. Well, I've been browsing the forums and reading through the various reviews in order to gain a semblance of what I might desire purchasing...when I have sufficient funds to do so at least. Be that as it may, there's a specific vision I have in mind that I would adore to find as a scent...and if it's not present in anything current...maybe as a suggestion for something new.


    "Evoked upon the inhaling of this scent is the sensation of liquid darkness slowly slithering along your flesh. A strong sensation of seduction as it coils and consumes your very being. The full knowledge of it's danger ever present within your mind, and yet your enthralled to the point in which you crave to be consumed...to give yourself completely over to the corruption. As pleasure and pain washes over your soul, you find yourself enveloped in abyssal darkness...the cool liquid caressing your skin, filling your very being as you writhe in sheer ecstasy."


    Now, when I say darkness I don't necessarily mean the scent that's already been produced...seeing as how I've yet to sample anything from BPAL. What I'm looking for is something that follows the given description, paints that picture and feeling within the mind of any individual breathing in the scent...be it the wearer or passerby...my ideal of darkness. Basically speaking, I'm expecting that it would give off the following:









    -Melancholy (in a longing sort of way...almost a blissful sorrow...)

    -Androgynous feel yet slightly feminine via being wet?


    Any thoughts, recommendations, or would this concept fall under something that's not quite out yet...? You are all seemingly quite adept at turning beautiful definitions into scents, and vice-versa, so I'm sure you would all be far better suited at telling me what may fit this description...if anything at all. Thank you much!


    "Abyssal darkness, come forth from the depths and consume thine soul, return thou to thy essence...strip that which is impure so that thou can be born anew..."
