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Everything posted by Balame

  1. Balame

    Scent Recs based on your PERSONALITY!

    Mojo, have you ever tried Sheol? This is totally not related to your scent preferences, but it immediately popped into my head for your personality (which I guess is kind of the point). It's very dramatic and smoky, strong, but not cloying as musk-based scents can be. The florals make it sweet amidst the darkness, which I think would speak to your kindness amidst the mystery and less social nature. I used to really love it myself since even though I dislike most florals, it was ashy/incense-y enough to be grounded. Vibrant gladiola, graceful stargazer lily, triumphant iris and bright heliotrope flare, and is finally made somber by heavy copal, a drop of labdanum, and tonka. For something spicy, perhaps Morocco. I feel like it's both mature and warmly inviting, plus it's one of those scents that might help inspire more confidence when interacting with others. Arabian spices wind through a blend of warm musk, carnation, red sandalwood and cassia. To speak specifically to your dom/sadistic side, Spanked sounds almost perfect with the spicy cardamom and leather. Whip leather, cardamom, patchouli and bourbon. Maybe even Pallas Athene - three different spices, a bit of incense, plus soothing amber amidst grounded, woodsy base? Antiqued amber, cumin, saffron, frankincense, Atlas cedar, myrrh, mandarin, Ceylon cinnamon bark, and osmanthus.
  2. Balame

    Blood scents

    Was just going to say something similar. I find that metallic scents, when combined with "warm" notes, can smell very similar to blood. Some good ones have already been mentioned, but if you're up to it, you may want to try layering oils. I'd go with either Pain (on me, the pennyroyal and astringent lavender became a very unsettling torture-y kind of steel) or The Robotic Scarab (a friendlier, warm oiled machinery + leather) for your metal, and something like Blood Amber for the heat. Anything containing amber, carnation, clove, cinnamon, etc. would be a good bet for warmth.
  3. Balame

    Les Anges Déchus

    In the Imp: Really strong cologne, alcohol and all. Wet: This really, really conjures the imagery it's modeled after. And Aerinha also hit the nail on the head. Smells like a high end cologne that a detached businessman would wear. I'm having a hard time picking out notes even though I'm familiar with most of them. Definitely ambrette, which is musk-like, and the dirty-ish orris. But it's still got that alcholic tinge to it - the cabrueva, maybe? That's the main note I'm unsure about, but I believe it's supposed to have a bit of a metallic feel. Dry: Expensive, but still commercial, cologne. I don't even have an aversion to "guy" scents, but this is so generic to me that it's bothersome. It's a cross between baby oil and the Nordstrom's perfume department. I really like khus but I don't get any hint of it, currant, or leather from this. Tobacco isn't around either, maybe vaguely. I don't think the angels like my skin chemistry very much... Overall: Bit of a snobby vibe! Not my thing, but I believe part of it is me not amping the more pleasant notes. I do get hints of a "dry root" now and then, probably due to the moss and khus, but they're largely hidden in the backdrop.
  4. Balame


    In the Imp: Not what I was expecting. A little musty, dirty (sexily so), and earthy, yet in a delicate way. A nice, very realistic coconut in the background. I was a little worried the orchid and oudh would go crazy on me, but if it turns out to be more of the vanilla amber, coconut, vetiver, and currant combo I'll be extremely happy. Wet: This really does have a bit of a bite. Another surprise. It's not jarring, but... you know what this smells like? Almost exactly like the skin of a pomegranite. And yes, the skin. It's much drier and more grounded than a regular fruit scent, but I guess the combo of peach and slightly bitter currant is just reading as pom to me. The coconut is very gentle in the background, but is more of the husk or flesh than the milk. Nice. Dry: The coconut decided to push forward much more than before. It's one of my favorite notes, so I'm not hating this at all, and is now fairly sweeter due to the orchid. Not overwhelming. It reminds me very closely of coconut rind. Practically a single note, actually. Overall: Pretty great. This is spot on what I wanted Obatala to be - a tropical, rich, slightly sweet coconut. I do prefer most of my oils with a bit more complexity (holy heck, if the vanilla had popped out in this as well I'd be in heaven), but this is going to be awesome if I decide to layer. And when I'm on a coconut fix, I now know where to turn. I'm really tempted to slather my hair in this because hey, coconut oil! Yum.
  5. Balame


    In the Bottle: Avenger is... special. I really thought I was going to hate it considering there are so many death notes for me in this (pepper, clove, pikaki, strong florals) but it turned out to be a different story. Initially you get a whiff of violently sweet pepper and clove, which is a little headache inducing. Wet: And in the early stages it's not much better. Avenger is pissed. A once beautiful woman that's let go of her humanity and all that might have been sweet and good is now twisted. You just want to get out of her damn way. "Fiery" is right. This is spicy yet a little cloying, a crazy mix-up that seems chaotic. Dry: Then something amazing happens. The rage is spent, and what's left is an absolutely gorgeous blend of gentle rum, delicately present fruity tuberose, and soft rosewood (jacarandá da bahia is Bahia rosewood). Note that it's rosewood, not rose. Very softly boozy sweet (not at all candy) fruit against a solid woodsy backdrop. Also left with just a hint of the spice from earlier. Overall: Once Avenger lets go of its initial frustration and relaxes, you can start to see and appreciate its true beauty - which is really quite stunning. An unusual blend that makes me think of someone who lives in a tropical mansion. Values their privacy, is a little harsh to those they don't know, but once they warm up they match their surroundings: vibrant, exotic, and lovely.
  6. Balame


    In the Imp: A bright, fresh array of forest-centric notes with a sweeter base of musk and berry. Almost a candied berry. Wet: Eeh, can already tell this isn't going to work, and I shouldn't be surprised. Violet turns just about everything it's in soapy and/or rotten for me, and with Elf there's a nice span of woodsiness - but combined with the florals and berry it's more like a generic sort of dish soap. The evergreen amps strongly as well, making me think of a Xmas tree. Dry: Nothing is quite as in your face, but I'm still left with a very "cute" impression. I honestly think more of a Xmas elf stuffing presents in a stocking than I do a regal, lithe elf of the forest. You can essentially cut off the first three notes and the moss in my case, leaving a sort of holiday drug store body mist. Overall: My chemistry just didn't like this one. I think if the other notes were able to come out then it could be very complex and intriguing, but as is it's just not conjuring the right feel for me. Passing on to another!
  7. Balame


    In the Imp: Pine trees in a forest! And bark. (Yes, bark technically goes with trees, but it's notably separate smelling initially. Deal with it.) How lovely. Very fresh and not at all artificial Xmas tree, as a few delicately sweet woodsy notes are sometimes wont to go. Wet: The buckskin accord is incredibly spot on. Awesome. This is not cured leather or bike rider leather or anything man-made, this is literally a deer's hide. The hay is present in the background, as if said ranger made a little spot of bedding amidst his woodsy retreat, and the moss dries everything out just enough. Dry: I'm liking this a lot more than I expected. I think this is perhaps the truest forest-oriented oil I've ever smelled, and far more refreshing than most others (which tend to be paired with musk, ozone, spices, whatever to dilute them). Really nice. It sweetens up a bit as time goes by, I suppose my skin wants to amp the juniper, which is always does when present. There's also something of a nutty note which is pleasant. Overall: Honestly, I thought layering would be too much effort for what it's worth, but smelling such a true forest scent makes me wonder what a worthy addition would add. I'm a little sad I kicked the juniper up a few notches because I'd rather it stay less sweet, but perhaps another RPG that involves woods (like Lawful) would help balance it out again. I still like this by itself enough to keep the imp, though.
  8. Balame

    Pirate Moon

    In the Imp: Woodsy and green, whoa. Is there a jungle growing on that ship? Clean sheets too. Apparently these pirates are decidedly un-scruffy. Wet: So surprisingly green. Like Caliban or Tempest. Ozone-y grass. There's a tiny bit of woodsiness hiding behind everything, and a hint of tobacco, but they're severely overwhelmed. Dry: Much, much better. Took a while to get here but now I'm smelling gently rounded tobacco and wood, slick balsam oil, and the dreamy scent of plant life waning as the ship pulls further away from shore. I actually smell salt and bitterness too - far more pirate-y than fresh laundry. It's tempered by the sexy musk wafting in the background. It really is quite comforting, despite the adventurous vibe. Sort of like being all cozy in the ship's galley after a long day of work, with the sea spray still on your clothes. Overall: A very good (and idealistic) ship smell, but therein also lies its problem (in my case). More atmospheric to me than for individual wear, which is fine, but that also means I don't need to hoard it.
  9. Balame


    In the Imp: I didn't realize this one was so popular. Here's hoping it cooperates! I get sandalwood leaping out at first, backed by just a slight whiff of peach. Wet: NICE. I've been waiting for a peach like this from BPAL, one that wasn't juicy to the point it became candy sweet. Think I've got it right here. So innocent and yummy. Soft vanilla peach perfection. Like a tart, almost. Dry: Okay, shampoo? Not in terms of funky chemicals, just fruit shampoo. Something about this reminds me of a shower scrub. Light and watery but grounded by the warm sandalwood. The amber amps up a bit as well. Overall: Sort of a tough call. Became too much like wet, freshly shampooed hair on the drydown for my liking. It's not at all unpleasant, but more generic than it was initially. I can pass this on, but I'm keeping this sort of peach in mind for future reference.
  10. Balame


    In the Imp: I'm drawing connections (in my mind only) about Azira and Mr. Ibis (which I love). I think it's the "old parchment/book and musk" combo and the fact that they're both favorite characters of mine from Neil Gaiman. Technically speaking Aziraphale should be more woodsy than Ibis is, and... yes and no. It's very delicate and light, not as heavy as I was expecting from the other reviews. Mainly I get very soft (yet almost spicy at the same time) woods and musk. Wet: Interestingly it seems like there's a floral component in this. Hard to describe. Almost minty, but not. Fresh, like night air. Not obnoxious peppermint but dainty and a bit sweet. The woods gently ground things. Dry: Sweet, light cedar and a musk that's both familiar in a human way and more ethereal. The odd mint has left, which is a good thing. Azira actually does remind me of Ibis, but it's more woodsy. Overall: Something about this isn't quite me. This is lovely and delicate enough that it could probably be passed off as someone's natural scent though, which is pretty amazing. *edit* Okay, I changed my mind. Azira seriously switched up his colors with another hour or so of rest. It's actually become stronger over time, which no other oil has done for me (not over the course of an hour, at least). The wood is still delicate but there's something almost creamy about this. Seems sort of like coconut oil to me? No idea but it's freaking GOOD, not generic in any way. I'll be getting more of this after all. A scent this subtle and fantastic is even worth the long drydown. That smooth creamy woods scent is giving me chills in the best possible way.
  11. Balame


    In the Imp: Well, I'm a little scared. The last five notes sound utterly amazing and yet all the florals beforehand sound terrifying. We'll have to see what amps. On sniff it's not at all what I was expecting. No rich honey and chocolate, no cloying florals, but LOTUS. Wet, watery, and delicately sweet lotus. It's nice, but a surprise. Wet: The florals aren't horrible. Mainly getting fruity osmanthus and hibiscus. Still very wet smelling. Dry: What is going on? This is barely noticeable and still smells largely the same, except for being lighter. For all the notes I'm barely getting anything above a fruity floral whisper. Overall: Not at all what I imagined. No hint of any of the darker notes, and it had almost faded into nothingness within 15 minutes. I actually think I might have even liked this despite the florals, but there's nothing left to sniff! Got a bit soapy as well. Very odd.
  12. Balame

    Marquise de Merteuil

    In the Imp: Marquise, you've finally played into my hands - let's see if we're compatible. Will you be the musky dark peach of my dreams? You actually smell very promising, with dramatic amber and fruit. Let's just hope the florals don't go berserk! Wet: Ooh, do I love you? I'm reminded of the peach flavored water I get from the Japenese supermarket. Which I adore. So yummy and wet, yet refined. Delicate and yet it makes a statement. Dry: NO florals, back! You're ruining everything, don't come between us. This is too sweet now and you're eating up the lovely amber! I only get a tiny bit of vetiver, sadly. Overall: We could've been so good together. In the end, all I got was a fancy bouquet and peach candy. Very cute, but I'm not that kind of woman, Marquise. Just no.
  13. Balame

    Snake Oil

    In the Imp: After years of being with BPAL I'm finally trying its most popular scent. Go figure. So far it definitely reminds me of a lighter version of Cherry Coke. Wet: Talk about a thick oil, I can see the orange against my skin! But oh, hi Czernobog. The cherry-woodsy smell is definitely mullein then, and this must have musk in it. It's actually very similar to Czerno except he was darker due to my dear vetiver. It's also not as intensely spicy as I imagined it would be. Dry: The vanilla really isn't coming out to talk much. There's a vague creaminess involved which is no doubt its contribution, but it's also not noticeable on a large scale. Still not heavily spiced, which is a good thing, but I'm not going gaga over this either. Overall: Seriously, this is a less dramatic Czerno. A bit more playful, a bit more... mm, flirty? Because Czerno is actually sexy to me, but sexy, "I'm gonna' rip your *(&$#ing clothes off and drag you into the forest," where Snake Oil seems more, "Hey handsome, let's talk." It's okay but nothing super amazing in my mind.
  14. Balame

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Sounds like dark, spicy woods? I'm reminded of Count Dracula, but he's an old LE so may be difficult to track down (black patchouli, neroli, tonka, cinnamon, bitter clove, leather, black musk, coffin wood and fiery ginger). Maybe Pallas Athene (antiqued amber, cumin, saffron, frankincense, Atlas cedar, myrrh, mandarin, Ceylon cinnamon bark, and osmanthus)? Aaand The Great He-Goat (Haitian vetiver, Egyptian amber, carnation, black musk, pomegranate, patchouli, and smoked ginger).
  15. Balame

    Moonshine and Mist

    In the Imp: Smells better than I expected, considering I don't like florals much (particularly violet). It's definitely musky/powdery, which is most likely my beloved ambergris (plus the actual musk), and I can tell the sandalwood is helping to ground the white florals. Wet: The sandalwood definitely makes this, and the name is wonderfully accurate. It evokes a forest enveloped in pale moonlight, with the musk and ethereal florals wafting around in the mists. I'd highly recommend this for those who dislike most florals, because it's very well blended and made firmer by the ambergris and sandalwood. Dry: Generally the same, except the sandalwood does lighten up a bit to sit evenly with the florals rather than dominating. Still doesn't let them overwhelm things, though. This needs to be slathered if you want any throw, but otherwise it's a great skin scent. Overall: Delicate but powerful. A more dainty scent than I can usually get behind, but enjoy this I do!
  16. Balame


    In the Imp: A little reminiscent of Cheshire Cat. The berries and musk are familiar, though where Cheshire is more dramatic, Bewitched is bright and adds more herbs into the mix. The sage is very fresh and inviting. Wet: Definitely a very "green" berry mix. I almost get more of a grass feeling over the berries, but they're there. Sadly they're also more candy-ish than realistic to me. Dry: The tea is nice. It's still predominant and strong, almost in your face, but not unpleasant. Overall, this still seems a little childish and playful versus being realistic. It's also very faint on me, not even fifteen minutes later. Overall A fun scent, but not really me. Innocent and energetic. I'm not a big fan of candied fruit, and that's pretty much what it turned out to be, plus the tea and sage.
  17. My aunt was just looking for a good patchouli scent; I gave her some imps I had of Greed (patchouli, heliotrope, copal and oakmoss) and The Coiled Serpent (notes not listed - it's a very dry patchouli, definitely earthy and pretty one-note) and she ended up loving them both. Greed is a bit "wetter" to me, if that makes sense, and is rounded out and sweetened more by the other notes, where TCS is just a straight-up patchouli in the desert kind of smell (I liked it). If she wants to try something different, you might want to hunt down Banshee Beat (patchouli, vanilla, and hemp). It has all the earthiness of patchouli but is sweetened up by the vanilla. It's a comforting and yet sultry kind of mix.
  18. Balame

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    Unfortunately Cake Smash was quite cloying on me as well, and Dana O'Shee was definitely more milk-oriented (plus it had almonds, which are insta-death). Thanks for the recs though - going to give Detestable Putrescence a shot! Ghost - I haven't smelled Love's Rain, but if you want a green aquatic Caliban is quite good. It's sort of like wet grass and flowers, which is ages away from its description (the scent of the salty seas, bittersweet wine, palm and tropical ferns) but seriously. It's not that funky at all. R'lyeh also might be a match if you're looking for the citrus component. It's another one that sounds scary (a hellishly dark aquatic scent, evocative of fathomless oceanic deeps, the mysteries of madness buried under crushing black waters, and the brooding eternal evil that lies beneath the waves) but almost everyone gets grapefruit + aquatics. And finally, when you said "aquatic musk" I immediately thought of Y'ha-nthlei. It's not foresty, but the sweet ambergris mixed with the watery notes make it very dreamy and musk-like, while still maintaining a citrus and sea-like kick. It's one of my favorites.
  19. Balame

    Touched Twice

    In the Bottle: Yaay, it arrived! I get a delicate pink rose scent and sandalwood. Wet: The rose is definitely predominant, but not in a loud way. I sort of hate to say this, however, there is also something that makes me think "dirty" when I smell this. And not in a naughty way, I mean really literally dirty. It's like a rose got trampled and smashed around in some dirt in a forest. It's not a horrendous smell or anything, but more, "Oh, jeez. It could have been so nice." This really speaks to the end the the unicorn's journey, for sure, as it's a pale rose that just got whiplash from being dragged through the woods. Dry: There's not quite as strong of a woods component now, but I still get hints of dryness and less pleasant florals now and then. I wasn't sure what mogra was, but after looking it up apparently it's a form of jasmine, which is not good for me. Unfortunately, jasmine tends to go dirty baby diaper, which is very much the other strong player here aside from the rose and sandalwood. Not getting any of the other notes. Overall: I think this would have been much nicer if the jasmine/mogra wasn't present, or at least if it didn't amp so terribly on my skin. I was hoping the coconut, frangipani, and vanilla would pop out more, but no such luck. Floral lovers will definitely be into this, though. *edit* to fix Smeagol talk ("I gets hints").
  20. Balame

    Looking for a BPAL that Resembles a Favorite Perfume

    ^-- I used to like Clinique's Happy (and particularly Happy Heart). Might have to try out Xiuhtecuhtli sometime. I'm looking for something incredibly simple, and yet I don't think BPAL has anything similar to it at the moment. Dorkily, I first got Sephora's Vanilla Cupcake body wash as a b-day sample from them. It's so freaking delicious. The description is pretty straightforward - Sweetly decadent accords of French vanilla and almond, a delicious mix that joins subtle notes of honey and buttermilk. I'm not normally a foody person, but it smells exactly like vanilla cream and honey. It's delicate and very edible-smelling. I don't get much almond from it, thankfully, as it normally turns into demonic cherries on me - however, I wouldn't mind a scent that had these notes as well as something nutty. Just for reference, I have tried BPAL's #1 GC foody scent, Eat Me, but that was overly cloying on me.
  21. Balame

    What's the best coconut blend?

    I managed to hunt down a bottle... what a disappointment. Tiki Queen isn't bad, but it's not great and doesn't even have a hint of coconut (or vanilla, for that matter) on me. Normally I'd say it's my skin chemistry but I don't even smell those notes from the bottle. It's just a lightly sweet, almost candy-like floral. It's very much the tuberose, ylang ylang, and white musk. Has a "cool" feeling to it. Sad. Why have you spoiled me so Velvet Tiki? And why couldn't you just stay in your wet stage forever?
  22. Hard to pick one close to Samhain that isn't a LE. You might want to try out Verdandi (deep herbs and apple with black amber). To me they both evoke a very similar feeling, which is that of a fall/Xmas candle. Verdandi doesn't specifically have the woodsiness of Samhain, but the herbs are indeed quite dramatic and make it feel a little wild, the apple they share in common giving it that comforting feeling, and where Verdandi lacks some of Samhain's other spices it's similarly sweetened by the amber.
  23. Balame

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    All right, I suppose I'll give it another chance after some time. Thanks for giving me a heads up about the aging.
  24. Balame

    The Adoration of the Mi-Go

    In the Imp: Like moss warmed in the sun sprinkled with lime juice. Really soothing, actually. Wet: All I can say is that there's nothing remotely like "pit-stench" in this. I need to pay more attention to the Miskatonic oils because as off-putting as their descriptions sound they always turn out lovely. The incense hovers gorgeously in the background, giving the slightest darkness to a bright lime and earthy moss scent. Dry: You what this reminds me of? A dryad. Or even a mermaid (the kind that's a bit dodgy but still beautiful). It's certainly "green", but with a mature feel to it because of the lingering incense amidst the nature. All of it is warmed by a lazy, soft sunshine. Verdict: Another interesting, imaginative Miskatonic blend. Very elegant and yet wild.
  25. Balame


    In the Imp: Holy wow, this does smell like acetone. That's pretty off-putting. Wet: "I'M THE MOTHER EFFIN' APPLE QUEEN, APPLE QUEEN, I SMASH YOUR NUTS!!!11 RAAAAAWWW!!" Uh, yeah. I kid not. Kind of sad since the poetry for this was so pretty... Dry: Chemical to the point that it's giving me a headache. Tart apple in a chemical spill with dried out nuts. Verdict: This one is strong with the force. The force to knock you on your bum and leave you seeing stars after stealing your apple cider.