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Everything posted by mayhap

  1. mayhap

    House of Mirrors

    House of Mirrors could not be any more perfectly named, because it works exactly like a funhouse mirror on me. See, I included it in my order because I loved a few other scents with amber, and I'd never really tried an ozone scent before. The first time I put on House of Mirrors, I was a little disappointed: it seemed like this very harsh, strong scent with no amber to speak of! However, as I had the bottle, I figured that I'd give it the old college try. Next thing I knew, people were crowding around me, telling me, "You smell sooooo good! And expensive! You smell really, really expensive!" (Yeah, I don't know what that means either, but I took it as a compliment. ) The clincher for me, though, was when I walked back to my desk where I had applied House of Mirrors and there was this wonderful, crystalline, sweetish-resiny to-die-for scent in the air. "Oh!" I thought, "So this is what everyone's been smelling on me!" Accordingly, House of Mirrors: definitely a keeper for me. Even though I think I look kind of funny in those mirrors.
  2. mayhap


    I'm so glad I got a bottle of this. It reminds me of sweet golden sunshine and makes me want to streeeeetch like a cat and bask in my own loveliness. It is rather sweeter and foodier than I was expecting, but I do love it anyway.
  3. mayhap


    Break out the harem pants, because I never want to leave the Seraglio! In the vial: Curiously strong marzipan. Not what I would have expected at all without checking out the reviews first. Wet: Mmm, sandalwood and spice and everything nice, and the roses are starting to bloom! Dry: This is lush, fresh, sensual roses on me, with lots of spice and a tiny hint of a tart citrus bite. The roses fade in a few hours on my wrists, but they have greater staying power on my neck, especially when I slather. I can't wait until my big bottle arrives!