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Posts posted by Aviatrix

  1. This is a woodsy rose, basically. It is sweet and fresh - at first I was wary of the wood, because woods can go really dry on me, but this one isn't. Its a very lush scent.

    Overall it feels very old world romantic and reminds me somewhat of The Waltz from the same collection. I would wear this if I'm feeling fancy. But as I already have The Waltz, I don't think I will need a big bottle of this.

  2. This is very pretty!

    It's heavy on the frankincense, with the white flowers giving it a nice, slightly powdery glow. I'm not sure I'm getting a lot of ambergris, actually.

    It feels like something that would be perfect for warmer spring days and summer, but the chilliness of the white petals could also work well for winter.

    The throw is good, but it doesn't last very long on me.

  3. As other reviewers have commented, I am not getting any cinnamon from this, which is good for me.

    This is leather-forward, and it reminds me a lot of Perversion, so I'm guessing the leather is the same as in that one. All the notes blend together well to create a warm blanket of scent around you, reminiscent of warm desert sands indeed.

    The throw is very good, and the staying power is sort of average. I needed to reapply in the afternoon.



    For gender-fluid I would definitely recommend some slightly masculine, but not too much, blends like Dorian or Jareth. Because David Bowie :)


    A ray of sunshine makes me think of bright blends like Alice and Katharina, as well as bright, orangey scents like Tweedledee.


    You might also like Zephyr.


    Sorry this is a little fuzzy new to the forum my quoting with iron itself out eventually after awhile :) Of those Zephyr and Tweedledee are in my wish list, but not the rest. Been meaning to add Dorian as so many rave about that one and maybe a little sexy will be good :)




    Even though I have zero interest in being sexy to other people, I do enjoy some of the sexy blends :D I like if they really evoke a character, and I think both Dorian and Jareth do.

    I'm not sure there are any asexual-themed scents, except maybe Sherlock Holmes :D

  5. Been reading through others and decided to give this a go.


    I am a gender-fluid asexual depressed ray of sunshine full of anxiety. Most of the time I am a ray of sunshine and everybody enjoys my smile and laughter. I don't do well around people and if I am not hiding behind a job I am a rather skater brained blond stereotype in social situations. I am an art major that quit community collage in TX quite a few years ago and returned home to Alaska. But yeah the first line sums me up rather well :)


    I am 33 years old bio-female as that does effect how oils may or may not smell on/to me.


    Hooray for more asexuals! (I identify as an asexual lesbian) :D


    For gender-fluid I would definitely recommend some slightly masculine, but not too much, blends like Dorian or Jareth. Because David Bowie :)


    A ray of sunshine makes me think of bright blends like Alice and Katharina, as well as bright, orangey scents like Tweedledee.


    You might also like Zephyr.

  6. 2015 version.


    A classic!


    This one is less floral than my other bottle (2008 version), and it verges on plasticky on me, but luckily just avoids it :smile:

    The snow is the usually sweet, slightly coconutty kind with a teensy bit of flowers in the background, but I would in no way characterize the scent as a floral. It's just a kind of atmosphere.

    The throw is really good and it lasts a long time on me.

  7. In the bottle this is all orange, a slightly bitter, but not unpleasant orange. On the skin, however, the candy and anise really come out! I don't get any lavender as such, but the candy feeling is definitely there. The orange goes to the background and mingles nicely with the anise. This orange is different from any other orange note I have ever tried. But I do like it.

    Unfortunately it is very faint on me, so I have to really slather it and reapply throughout the day. But even so, I think I will get a lot of use from it, so I am glad I took a chance on a bottle.

  8. I get mainly leather and incense, with a backdrop of flowers - they are very faint, though.

    I have now tested this a few times, and it seems to really grow on me :smile:

    It fits the concept very well; it is a kind of kinky, creepy scent, and if you're afraid of the florals, you have no need to be, because they are firmly in the background, at least on me.


    Throw is pretty good, and staying power is good too.

  9. This seems very well blended because I have a hard time distinguishing between the different notes.

    It goes on kind of clean and a little sharp, but quickly dries down to a nice beeswax-resin scent with a little whiff of rum.

    The throw is decent but not super good; it stays close to the skin. Wear length is pretty good.


    A nice evocation of a witch's kitchen indeed!

  10. Shaggy fur, snow-flecked and rose-touched.

    This immediately caught my attention when I read the update, and I am very glad I took a chance on a bottle.
    It starts off as mainly fresh dewy rose petals with a snowy sweet background. After a little while the fur starts peeking out and the scent becomes more snuggly.
    It is like the snow from Snow White, the rose from Rose Red, and a touch of fuzziness from the fur. He really is the beautiful cousin of those two, but I would say the scent is mainly feminine, although the right guy could pull it off as well.


    Throw is fairly good, decent wear length.

  11. Hi. I've just started really expanding my collection of BPAL scents and would like to explore and acquire more. If you can recommend me anything (preferably general catalogue) based on the info below, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!


    Full Bottles I own: Kumiho, Veil, Whip, Wensleydale, Haloes, Snow White, White Rabbit


    Imps of scents I really like: Antique Lace, The White Rider, Snake Oil, Manhattan, Cathode


    Notes I like: fresh/green notes (I really like the smell of tomatoes--vine, leaf, etc., grass, etc.), ginger, tea, light florals, fruit notes, creamy notes, skin/soapy scents, citrus (bergamot, lime, etc.), incense, soft woods


    Notes I avoid: aquatic or ozonic notes (they tend to smell like egg yolk on my skin), really grimy patchouli, teakwood


    Notes I am cautious about: spices, jasmine, tuberose


    I'm not a huge fan of foodie/gourmand scents for myself, although I like smelling them. I would like to look for creamy scents, though (such as Reflected Vulva--if anyone can recommend a GC dupe for it, that would be awesome).




    If you like the fresh rose in Whip, and also like tea scents, I would definitely recommend London, which is tea rose with black tea!


    You might also enjoy Vixen, which is orange blossom with ginger and patchouli - the patchouli is quite soft on me, not grimy at all :D


    Leanan Sidhe is a soft grassy wildflower scent on me, so you might want to check that out if you like grass scents.


    Zephyr is citrusy with light musk and florals and might be up your alley.


    I will recommend Vasilissa because it's one of the creamiest floral blends in the general catalog, even though it has star jasmine. For what its worth, I'm not getting any jasmine on my skin, so you might want to give it a go.


    Mouse's Long and Sad Tale is a vanilla-sandalwood-sweet pea and one of my all-time favorite creamy blends. It shares the sweet pea note with Reflected Vulva, although they are very different still.


    I hope you find something new to love :smile:

  12. Oh why not, I'll give it a go! :3


    I'm 26 and I've gone to school for both environment art for video games and to be a pharmacy technician. I do neither for a living but I still enjoy keeping up to date on both fields. I'm oddly good at accounting, although I was never very good at math growing up. I like to crochet, draw, and be crafty. I drink loose-leaf tea, listen to fantasy & folk metal, watch an assortment of tv shows (Scream Queens, Face Off, Hellevator, Star Trek, Master Chef for variety's sake)


    I'm INTJ very much so. I love animals so much. I have a cat named Beebuls, and had a dog named Dexter. My favorite animal is the Snow Leopard. I have an odd fascination with snow. The solitary, desolate, endlessness of winter I love and it comforts me in a way.


    I love Halloween. I'm a bit of a scaredy cat, but I love dressing up and the whole feel of Halloween in comparison to other holidays.


    I'm not very romantic, definitely not sexual. I believe I'm asexual actually. I'm also gender-neutral, although I do go by female pronouns. My clothing style is comfortable. So usually an over-sized top and leggings.


    I'm 5'10 and 215lbs. I'm curvy a bit but my height makes it all work out. Short red hair, almost boyish in cut. Blue-grey stormy eyes.


    People who know me well know that I'm a huge nerd/geek/dork. I like to learn about new things and throw myself into them and get very excited about those things. I play board games and D&D. I like video games. I have a very dark sense of humor. I wear nail polish a lot. I love candy and sweets. I have a very low tolerance for stupid people. I think stupidity should be painful.


    I have a few medical conditions, so I'm not a huge fan of having to go and deal with doctors, but I do when I need to.


    I can't think of anything else. I hope I gave enough information! *w *


    Hooray for another asexual on the boards (I'm asexual too, or at least I have never seen a reason not to think so) :D


    Anyway, on to recommendations!


    The Lab makes many wonderful snow scents that you need to try if you love snow. There are three distinct kinds of snow notes that I have been able to identify; there is a sweet vanilla-y snow note, which can be found in Snow White. Then there's a minty snow note, like in Snow-Flakes. And finally an ozoney snow note that can be found in the general catalog scents Kumari Kandam and The Old Goblin. They are of course easier to find than the LE's I listed, but at least Snow White is available right now in the Yule collection. :smile:


    If you love Halloween, you might want to try out Jack, which is the general catalog pumpkin scent! Other than that, for me the quintessential Halloween scent is Samhain, which comes out every year in October.


    Since you like roleplaying games, you might want to check out any of the blends from the RPG line - you can even layer them to create the character you're playing, for example Lawful Good Elf Fighter :D



    Hi I'm new here but here is my top five right now:


    1.Embalming Fluid


    3.Belle Epoque


    5.Eat Me


    My fiance likes




    3.John Watson

    (He's a lot more picky)


    Thanks for the recommendations in advance! *w *


    If you enjoy the dirt in Zombi, you might also like Penny Dreadful!


    The light citrus in Embalming Fluid always reminds me a bit of Zephyr, so you may like that too.


    A lot of the Mad Tea Party scents share the same vibe, so if you like Eat Me, you can try for example Drink Me, The Knave of Hearts, or Queen Alice.


    If your fiancé likes John Watson, he may enjoy some of the other citrusy colognes, like Villain and Whitechapel.


    Lightning reminds me a little of Luminous Phasmatis, which is an equally beautiful ozone blend, but that one is not general catalog (it's a Yule from last year).


    I hope you find something new to love :smile:



    Ah! My fiance says both Villain and Whitechapel sound awesome! I've actually tried and liked Zephyr, I have a lot of favorites :B I think I'll take a look at the other Mad Tea Party scents, and is Luminous Phasmatis rare? If not I may try to get some in the sale/swap threads! :)



    I don't know how much Luminous Phasmatis there is floating around, but I don't think it was ever very popular at the time it was released, but you can definitely try the sales and swaps forums :smile:

  14. Hi I'm new here but here is my top five right now:


    1.Embalming Fluid


    3.Belle Epoque


    5.Eat Me


    My fiance likes




    3.John Watson

    (He's a lot more picky)


    Thanks for the recommendations in advance! *w *


    If you enjoy the dirt in Zombi, you might also like Penny Dreadful!


    The light citrus in Embalming Fluid always reminds me a bit of Zephyr, so you may like that too.


    A lot of the Mad Tea Party scents share the same vibe, so if you like Eat Me, you can try for example Drink Me, The Knave of Hearts, or Queen Alice.


    If your fiancé likes John Watson, he may enjoy some of the other citrusy colognes, like Villain and Whitechapel.


    Lightning reminds me a little of Luminous Phasmatis, which is an equally beautiful ozone blend, but that one is not general catalog (it's a Yule from last year).


    I hope you find something new to love :smile:

  15. I get a little of all the listed notes here. The violet is not too strong, the chrysanthemum is not too sweet, and the incense is not too smoky. It is very well blended.

    It reminds me so much of The Sorceress, without the lavender. I will need to do a side-by-side test of them, I think.


    I really enjoy this!

  16. Open of yourselves, you doors, for mightly Ploutos will enter in: golden amber and smoky oudh with honey, patchouli, and leather.

    Am I first? :eek:
    Okay then!

    I love this! It's the softest worn leather you can imagine, with just a teensy whiff of patchouli and sweetness from amber, oudh, and honey. The notes are very well blended, and the only thing that really stands out is the leather, but in a good way.
    I am so glad I got an imp of this; I will definitely be treasuring it and wearing it when I want to be a little snuggly :smile:

  17. This smells just like a little girl's room with lit candles and maybe a little bouquet of flowers on the window sill. It's quite heavy on the beeswax, but it is a lovely, slightly powdery and sweet beeswax, so it fits in very well.

    This was the CP atmosphere spray I was most excited about, and it really lived up to my expectations. I may need a backup bottle...

  18. Hi everyone. I've read this forum on and off for years but have been quiet. I'd love some recommendations based on my personality.


    I'm 55 and I'm a writer and artist. People see me as sweet, kind, quiet, artistic, imaginative, and bookish. Those are the descriptions you will find of me since I was a kid. There is truth to those public assessments, but only some.


    The other truth is that, like so many lesbians growing up back then, I created a separate world for myself where I could fit in. The world in my head is vivid and persistant. I don't think I have ever wholly lived in th3 physical world we share.


    I am not a trans-person but I do feel a kinship with such folk because I feel I am both female and male. Both and yet neither completely. Changing gender would not work for me because I would feel incomplete somehow as a male, too. I am both genders. I just am.


    As you might expect, my appearance is somewhat androgenous. I prefer men's clothing with the odd feminine touch here and there. I am fond of leather and sneakers with poetry written on them. I love hats of all kinds. I love silver jewelry. My hair is short and dark with silver threaded through it. My eyes are green, brown, and grey...like mossy trees. I look serious unless you notice the humor in my eyes and the dimples that appear when I smile.


    I am fond of whimsy and the macabre. I am very intense about relationships, both emotional and sexual. I adore animals of all kinds. I feel very connected to the Pacific Northwest, to the sea and forests, and mountains. I collect masks and blades. I like punkish rock and roll. My totem animals are raven, beluga whale, owl, and spider.


    I have so enjoyed all the posts here. You are all awesome, interesting people, and I hope you know it.


    I immediately thought of Jareth when you described being androgynous! Because….David Bowie! It's also a slightly masculine, but ultimately unisex blend that is just really badass.


    The new Crimson Peak blend Fairy Tales and Lies might be good for your desire to live in an inner, whimsical world :)


    Any of the blends from the Ars Moriendi line can be considered macabre, but my own personal favorite is Haunted.


    Welcome on board! I think you sound like a very interesting person :)

  19. This was the first Lunacy I ever tried (the 2010 version), and I realized I forgot to review it.


    It is a very comforting and wintry scent. The milk and blackberries are the strongest, with the chill of the snow in the background. I'm not getting a ton of the candle wax, but I'm sure that's what's making it so snuggly.

    Whenever I wear this I always get surprised at how much I actually love it.


    If you enjoy sweet winter scents or the lab's milk or blackberry notes, you might want to try this!
