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Posts posted by Aviatrix

  1. This is a weird one!

    It smells heavily of a pine forest, but with a strange background of sweets, although my nose doesn't immediately register it as white chocolate. But some kind of rich chocolate background for sure.

    I'm not sure this combination works very well for me personally, but you might want to check it out if you're into foresty blends.


    The throw is good, and the staying power is medium.

  2. This is a very sweet tea with a beautiful backdrop of the mahogany leather. I am luckily not getting much chocolate, but there is a hint of something cake-ish around the edges that must be the chocolate.

    It smells to me like a cozy day in a comfy reading chair with a cup of tea.


    This may actually be one of my favorite tea scents so far, since the tea is very prominent, but not astringent or bitter in any way.


    The wear length is kind of short, but the throw is pretty good.

  3. This really is a glittering kind of musk! For a moment I got something almost citrusy, but it's not quite it, I think. But something is making this glimmer for sure! I don't think this has red musk, because I usually amp that to high heavens, but it is likely some of the more earthy-toned musks. At least to my nose :)


    It leans kind of unisex, but not directly masculine, on my skin. I like it a lot!


    The throw is pretty good, and it lasts a long time on me as well.

  4. This is mostly beewswax on me, with a bit of amber and olive blossom. HUGELY beeswax. The violet is peeking out in the back as well, but not by a lot.

    If you're into that sort of thing, give this a try! :)


    AS with many beeswax scents, the throw is really strong as well.

  5. This is a beautiful mix of roses and ivy on me. I'm not sure what the shadow musk is supposed to smell like, but this doesn't strike me as a musky scent.

    It feels lighter and more upbeat than many similar outdoorsy autumn scents, so if you're looking for something like that, be sure to give this a try!


    I for one like this a lot. The roses get the right amount of balance from the darker ivy and moss notes, and the overall result on my skin is a mournful, autumnal elegance.


    The throw is pretty good, too.

  6. This is pretty.

    It opens with a LOT of apple, but it quickly fades into a mellow blend of sweet flowers and apple. Very princess, indeed, as mentioned above.


    The throw is pretty good.


    If you can pull off apple notes, be sure to give this one a try; it's very pretty!

  7. This is jasmine-forward, but it doesn't get overwhelming in any way, probably because the ambrette tempers it a bit?

    I wasn't sure what the oleander smoke was going to be, but it doesn't strike me as a smoky scent per se. Maybe a bit herbal in the background? But mostly a light jasmine-forward floral with a suitable amount of sweetness too.


    This might actually be my favorite from this Halloween season so far!


    The throw is pretty good.

  8. This is, on me, more forward as a leaf scent than any of the Dead Leaves scents I have tried!

    There is a whisper of leather as well, especially on wet, but it fades relatively quickly on me. Behind the leaf note is a wistful floral note and something deep and green that must be the moss.

    Like many of these outdoorsy scents, I wouldn't want to wear it as a perfume, but I will keep it to use in my oil burner and see if I can give my room some autumn-ness.


    The throw is fairly light, though.

  9. This is dirt-and-greenery forward, with only the barest hint of waxiness in the background, and I'm not even sure I could pick it out if I didn't already know it was supposed to be there. It reminds me a bit of such scents as Hallow-e'en 1914, Graveyard Dirt, or Nocnitsa.


    It would make for a wonderful scent in an oil burner as it is very atmospheric and reminiscent of late fall days!

    On my skin as perfume? I probably don't want to smell like that :) But I will keep it for my burner for sure!

    If you're so inclined, though, the throw is pretty good and the staying power is decent.

  10. This opens with a blast of blackberries - but not syrupy like some others have experienced, more fresh and invigorating. But then - poof, it vanishes almost entirely from my skin within fifteen minutes :o

    There is a faint lingering sense of blackberry left, with no dead leaf note, but it's almost gone.


    Sad panda.

  11. I think I have come to realize that I and incense don't get along very well.

    The same thing that happened with Virgin and the Unicorn has happened here: the incense is overwhelming and a little sour, drowning out the other notes :(

    I am getting a bit of the sweetness of blackberries, and something vaguely floral, but sadly it's mostly incense, incense, incense on me.


    Throw is good, and staying power is good too.

  12. On the 14th day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, the Gates of Hell burst open, and ghosts pour forth from the Nine Darknesses into the sunlit world. To placate the dead, Hell Money is burned, offerings are made, and paper boats and floating lanterns are set out to give comfort and direction to wayward spirits. Though many spirits simply seek out the comforts of their former homes and the company of their loved ones, rancorous spirits also roam the streets, seeking revenge on those who have wronged them before, and after, their deaths. Offerings of sweet rice, ginger candy, sugar cane, smoky vanilla and rice wine mingle with a ghost's perfume of white sandalwood, wisteria, ho wood, ti, white grapefruit, and crystalline musk. This scent is tempered by the presence of ten herbs, woods and resins used in the purification of the spirit. Through this scent, we can release ourselves from sorrow and discontentment, unbinding our souls from the chains that shackle us to our baser needs so we may truly understand and experience compassion, empathy, and joy.


    This is mainly candied ginger on me! I would categorize it as a gourmand blend and I am not getting a lot of the ghost perfume's sandalwood or flowers. No matter, it is pleasant as it is :)

    There is a touch of grapefruit as well, and something warm and creamy underneath that could be the combination of rice and vanilla?

  13. This is a mellow strawberry-rose on my skin. There is a depth to the scent, but I can't pick out exactly what it is - probably a blend of woods and incense. It is one of the strawberry scents from the Lab that I have had the best luck with, so even if you don't normally do strawberry, you might want to give this a chance.

    It feels golden and elegant to me, but with a freshness from the flowers and berries that prevents it from going too heavy or woody.


    The throw is medium, and sadly it doesn't last very long on my skin.


    Wait, is Amaterasu v3 a leather scent?


    Hmm, well Leather is a component suggested/mentioned in just over half of the reviews for Amaterasu v3 that is not speculated to be present in Amaterasu v2. To some extent, if you are comparing both, the v3 is more easily identifiable as "the one with leather", haha.


    Since it is a prototype, I suppose one can't be sure whether leather was an actual note in the blend, used for a Japanese deity generally depicted in silk (even though she's got a kickass sword!). Having said this, I think even with the traces of light leather (or what smells to be light leather) Amaterasu v3 still remains to be considered as a golden scent (after all, she is seen as the goddess of the sun), rather than a leather one. But that's just how I like my leather- really soft, supple and as a supporting note- and the only reason I started an interested in looking for more blends with light leather notes (because before I got to sniff it, I quite literally had..no interest!).



    Oh, interesting! I think I had the two protoypes conflated in my head, so I just remembered the mentions of vanilla sandalwood :)

  15. I'm looking for more feminine scents with a light leather note and a competing vanillic component. Anyone with recommendations beyond Liz, Amaterasu v3, and Clockwork Couture: Female?


    The only things I'm not keen to smell with these two notes are anise/sarsaparilla/liquorice and anything too woodsy, piney, minty, nutty or citric. I also am not too keen on masculine scens (such as Disrespect for Established Authority).


    Wait, is Amaterasu v3 a leather scent?

  16. This is mostly oak on me! Very heavy wood notes with a teensy hint of rose. The incense is an overlay on top of everything.

    I love all the notes in this, but unfortunately it has a tendency to go a little bitter on me, for some reason. Maybe it needs some aging.


    If you love wood and incense, you will likely love this too!


    The throw is good, as wood scents often are on me, and the wear length is normal.

  17. Grass, dandelion, and daffodil! Very true to the concept.

    The grass is really strong, and I am sadly not getting any orchid. This is in the same family as Ghost Houses from previous Liliths, so if you like atmospheric outdoorsy scents, you should give this a try!


    The throw is pretty good, but it fades quickly on me.

  18. I agree that this is mainly frankincense - although I am not entirely sure what tomato leaf smells like! It feels a bit green and herbal, so maybe that's it?

    Anyway, it is certainly different from anything I have tried before, so if you either love frankincense or are curious about the tomato leaf, you might want to give this a try!


    Throw is medium, but it doesn't last very long on my skin.
