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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Sperling

  1. Just curious...


    I'm 24 years old, and I'm 5'4 and blonde. Most people would describe me as bubbly, happy, always smiling, sweet, or cute. I have a very high energy personality and a minor shopping addiction. My favorite color is pink. I was a cheerleader in high school, and I have a tendency to come off as a "valley girl." If you take me at face value, you may think I'm a lot of fun but not terribly deep.


    You'd be mistaken. Get to know me, and you'll realize I was more introverted growing up - a stage I grew out of in time. I worked hard at school, and I have 2 masters degrees incluiding my MBA. I graduated at the top of my class, and my test scores were always in the 99th percentile. I love to read, and I probably spend more time reading and relaxing than partying. I'm addicted to science fiction, especially the works of Orson Scott Card and Neil Gaiman. I also love classical literature. I have a somewhat geeky side, in that I enjoy anime, video games, and computers/technology. I paint - acrylics, mostly - and I've won many prizes for my writing achievements. I'm gifted at poetry, but I prefer short stories. I'm also a tomboy in a certain crowd. I love playing poker, talking cars, and just being "one of the guys." Finally, I have a passion for theatre, film, and performing. I dreamt of being an actress until about midway through college.


    I would LOVE to see someone come up with a scent based on my personality, mostly because I honestly couldn't peg myself if I tried.


    Hm... That's hard! Metal Tiger is a sweet, juicy 'pink' scent to me, but the note list is long and full of intent.

  2. I would generally recommend the following out of the scents I've tried.


    Dorian - My first BPAL love and absolute favorite to date. The first time I smelled it I smeared it all over my wrists and held them to my nose all day. Mm.

    French Love - An introduction to dragon's blood.

    Persephone - A big, juicy rose-fruit. For those who love their Bath and Body Works.

    Sea of Glass - I do not enjoy clean scents, but my mother was converted when I passed my imp on to her. Excellent.

    Rapunzel - A pretty, sparkling green floral.

    O - Honey just doesn't work on me. It smells lovely on others, though, and O is the purest honey I've tried.


    For friends, though, I like finding a scent description that matches them best. I gave Anne Bonny to a particularly fiery, rebellious girl, Cheshire Cat to a goofy literature-lover, and Lawn Gnome to a sweet culinary student. Whenever I run into them, they smell like these scents. p: Success!

  3. Imp: Smells like sap. Not sure if I'll like this, it was a freebie.


    Wet on skin: Oh dear, this will not do. It smells identical to a chocolate-mint chapstick I had when I was little, a smell that I now identify as horrid.


    I washed it off... ): Love-Lies-Bleeding smelled like chocolate butter smeared over a flower, which probably works for someone out there, but does not work for me.

  4. Imp: A glittering pale green. I'm a newbie to identifying notes, so I suspect the green is the lettuce and the glitter is the angel's trumpet.


    Wet on skin Sweet green blossoms climbing eroded stone walls. There's a nostalgic feeling to the smell that I can't quite put my finger on. The only note listed in the description that I'm familiar with is the rose, but I can only catch the occasional whiff of it if I'm paying attention. Very well-blended.


    Dry: I like this best after a few hours of wearing, I think. The scent is light, delicate, and 'princess-y' floral with no outstanding notes. It lasted quite awhile on me, which florals almost never do, though from reading previous reviews this isn't always the case. ): I woke up this morning and caught its little white swan song on my wrist.


    Other thoughts: This would be so much more beautiful on an older woman--I just can't imagine anyone (who isn't sealed in a castle far, far away) under eighteen who could pull this off, which includes myself. I'm keeping my imp, though, for a romantic fairytale pick-me-up now and then.


    ETA: I'm pretty sure this is my favorite BPAL 'clean' scent. I may need a big bottle in the spring.

  5. Wet: Definitely a nice, simple floral. There's a sort of sharp alcohol scent in the imp, though, that I hope doesn't show up on my skin.


    Wet on skin: Roses after a rain. Very, very pretty. It's definitely a pink rose; if I try to imagine any other color, my nose gets confused. I'm reminded of the rose garden at the Korean War memorial nearby, where I always stop and sniff the flowers.


    Dry: The scent remains fresh and rosey, but loses a bit of its wetness. I like this a lot, but the scent doesn't suit me... I'm more of a down-to-earth kind of girl. London is for Victorian nobility, lolita fashion enthusiasts, and perhaps my rose-loving gardening friend, whom I will gladly pass this imp along to.


    Addtional thoughts: I love that it's just rose--it's quite unlike other rose-scented things I've encountered in that it's so real. This has inspired me to check out other BPAL roses.


    Oh, and recently I recommended this scent to a girl cosplaying as Renge of the Japanese cartoon 'Ouran High School Host Club'. I think it'll suit her character well.
