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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by skylarkza

  1. In the imp: Citru...JASMINE.


    Wet: Lime and jasmine and something a little sweeter and fuller.


    Dry: Light citrus and floral. It smells like a sunbeam. Light and airy.


    A while later: A very light and airy citrus smell. Like lime and sunshine, just a little sweeter. It smells very bright and clean.

  2. In the imp: A tart fruit. Can't quite place it... almost like kiwis and nectarines... inside a wooden crate! A yes, their smell is being supressed slightly, but not terribly effectively.


    Wet: Fresh and clean. Still citrussy, but now it smells like a grapefruit shower gel.


    Dry: Citrus wood polish and wood.


    A while later: Wood and cream. An odd combination, but pleasant and only very barely there. Nice for a scent when you don't want it to be that noticeable.

  3. In the imp: Patchouli with something high, and acidic.


    Wet: Dirt. Dirt under a shady tree. The kind that never fully dries out. And bark - oh, tree bark is definitely there.


    Dry: Hmmmm... dirt. Rich earth. Loamy and wet. Slightly sweet.


    A while later: Sweet, creamy and dark. This is dirt if dirt were rich, loamy and edible. Oh, it smells earthy, but simultaneously too creamy and sweet to BE dirt. It is rich and enveloping and comforting. A gorgeous scent.

  4. In the imp: Sweet Violets!


    Wet: Florals. Violet and FLOWERS.


    Dry: Violets and leaves and a slightly frilly flower scent.


    A while later: Violets, but made pinker - that would be the rose. A very soft and fluffy floral.

  5. In the imp: SOAP. Watery soap. o.0


    Wet: Slightly smoky. Smells like men's cologne.


    Dry: Aquatic men's cologne. A slight hint of wood fire smoke. Dark and glassy.


    A while later: A dark and smoky aquatic. Kind of like men's cologne. Not sure if it is for me, but I wouldn't mind this on someone else. ;) Reminds me somewhat of Hurricane, but nicer (on me).

  6. In the imp: Magnolias and deep dark cordial.


    Wet: Jasmine! And magnolia! Wait - Jasmin... magno... jasmine! And something golden and sharp sitting and chuckling at the catfight.


    Dry: Jasmine and moonlight. Strong florals - headed by the jasmine and something dark and wispy (maybe the amber).


    A while later: Sadly my skin seems to eat this one right up! There is a faint miasma of a dark powdery scent - uhm... goth baby powder if that existed - which is quite nice! But it is barely there.

  7. In the bottle: Pomegranate juice in a sandalwood goblet?


    Wet: FRUIT, FRUIT, pomegranate, fruit!


    Dry: Fruit and something gently pink and almost musky. Nice!


    A while later: Sweet, fruity and pink. THIS smells like a scented My Little Pony, but without the plastic. Just the gentle and playful pinkness. A beautifully innocent scent.

  8. In the bottle: Red sponge cake and vanilla icing? Except, I have the icing all over me, so it is dominating the nose. Whoops.


    Wet: Holy cake-batter batman! Spicy, spicy cake batter. Like someone said "No more boring flavours! We shall have spices! Add spices!" And now it is cooking in the oven, but I still have batter all over my hands.


    Dry: This is smelling like something more than cake. I can't quite put my finger on it but there is a very strong, very creamy vanilla with a whole lot of other spices just underneath. Very sweet, quite divine. I want to lick my wrist.


    A while later: Well, it could be cake I guess... but OMG ICE CREAM. Melting ice cream that has gone all warm. Oh! I get it! Someone put the ice cream on the cake! And the spicy cake is soaking up the melted ice-cream. YUM!

  9. In the bottle: Freshly mown grass and lemons.


    Wet: Freshly mown grass with a flower or two?


    Dry: Fresh grass, flowers and fur? Something kinda animal musky there...


    A while later: A meadow and sunshine and puppy. Clean, spotless, absolutely-no-dirty-or-wet-dog smell at all puppy. Like you think one of the fluffy golden lab puppies in the toilet paper ads should smell if it bounced out the screen. Absolutely jaw droppingly amazing. Methinks that I will be hoarding this one til summer, since it does not really go with the current weather, but WOW.

  10. In the bottle: Patchouli and smoke?


    Wet: Smoke and apples? But it smells like the apples have been left in coals and are smouldering. Weird.


    Dry: Earth and apples.


    A while later: Apples and a tinge of smoke. Earth. A spicey honeyed warmth. Very nice.

  11. In the bottle: Medicine. It smells like cough syrup and monkey blood (Mercurochrome).


    Wet: Smoke. And something bitter smelling?


    Dry: Dark smoke with a sweet edge. A metal scent too - like hot brass. But tied together by the dark sweetness.


    A while later: Smoky cloves - sweet and dark. With just a hint of a metallic shine beneath. AMAZING.

  12. In the bottle: I am a little wary. I loved my first few ozones, but the last few have turned into masculine cologne type scents. In the bottle though, this smells green. Like leaves and freshly cut grass. There is wetness to them.


    Wet: Ozone and greenery. It smells like a lightning storm near trees.


    Dry: Thicj greenery and buckets of rain just after a storm. A hint of flowers. Beautiful.


    A while later: Wow, this scent is amazing! Cool and crisp, it has that magical, crystalline aquatic quality that I love in Festival of Anuket. But here it is tempered with floral and green so it smells more like fresh rain than a fresh river. AMAZING.

  13. In the bottle: FLOWER! Guess that the particular kind is heliotrope. Very sweet and ethereal.


    Wet: The same flower, but fuller. A slight copper tang. Very subtle and complex.


    Dry: Very ethereal and wafting flowers. Beautiful. Sophisticated. Elegant. Too good to be true. A vision - but captured within scent. AMAZING.


    A while later: This fades to a barely-there scent that is so close to "normal" that it took me a moment to realize that that is NOT the smell of my skin. It is slightly more unearthly, with a sophisticated edge. Cool and clear. I thing the "grave soil" is what grounded it to smell more "human". LOVE it.

  14. In the bottle: Microwave "roasted apples" with cinnamon and nutmeg and cloves! (Do not mock my childhood cooking experiments)


    Wet: Oh! Something creamier! And the spices are more pungent. Still microwave roasted apples though - maybe with a dollop of cream?


    Dry: The apple has become stronger, but it is even creamier. The spices are adding a beautiful roundness to this scent. I just want to bask in it.


    A while later: Oh so creamy! And with all the comforting spices of cinnamon and nutmeg (and other mince pie type spices), with just a hint of apple. Very foody and yet, not. This is an amazingly comforting smell and yet somehow it smells so natural as opposed to "Hi! I am an apple pie!" I REALLY like this. Oh dear. :)

  15. In the bottle: Chocolate, vanilla and dirt.


    Wet: Smoke and chocolate.


    Dry: Chocolate, vanilla, herbs - but not cooking herbs, how you imagine a witch's herbs might smell. Dark, very VERY dark.


    A while later: Slightly minty chocolate. Earth and herbs in the background. Quite nice and complex.

  16. Languid, melancholy fire: red musk, purple orchid, frankincense, smoky vanilla, Styrian herbs, peru balsam, tonka, Zanzibar clove, and patchouli.

    In the bottle: Thick and sensuous. I can pick up clove and I think red musk.

    Wet: Still thick and sensuous, but with a slightly different quality - it feels slightly lighter and more vibrant now. Frankincense, is that you?

    Dry: Languid. Sexy. The clove has backed down a bit and the musk is batting its eyelashes. Slightly earthy.

    A while later: VERY nuzzle-worthy. Red musk and something VERY faintly floral. Frankincense. The clove and patchouli have faded into a warm and welcoming base. Definitely a "I want to hold you and melt into you" scent.

  17. In the imp: Tea and FLOWERS.


    Wet: Flowers and green tea.


    Dry: Flowers, but slightly herbal.


    A while later: Tea and herbs, with a dusting of flowers. Not as sleepy as I would imagine the dormouse to be, but definitely gentle enough.

  18. In the imp: Faded flowers. The ones that have started wilting.


    Wet: Slightly sharper and stronger. Sweet pale flowers.


    Dry: Less sharp, but the flowers are strengthening. This scent conjures the word "beguiling" in my head. It seems so soft and innocent and yet...


    A while later: Wispy flowers. Almost smothering though. They smell nice on me, but it is threatening to envelop and drown out other scents - much like melancholy drowns out other emotions. Quite fitting actually.


  19. In the imp: Flowers left in the vase too long. Forgotten and rotting.


    Wet: Salty. And flowers.


    Dry: Violets and dark water with thick smoke drifting across it.


    A while later: Smoky and dark. Slightly salty and musky. Not getting ANY of the flowers. It seems more masculine on me, but is not that bad actually.

  20. In the imp: Holy moly! Cheesecake with a tennis biscuit crust... straight from the oven, but when the gooey centre has *just* been poured in.


    Wet: Chocolate chip muffin batter. o.0


    Dry: Cupcake dough and cream cheese frosting... *drools*


    A While later: The cheesecake is back! But now it is surrounded by an army of cupcakes with vanilla cream cheese frosting. I want to eat my wrist. I am seriously having to resist the temptation to lick it.

  21. Not sure which year it is, the imp does not say.


    In the imp: Rose! But sharp and tangy... like the petals have just been crushed in your hand and you are still pressing them.


    Wet: Rose petals and leaves. THIS is the whole darn rose bush!


    Dry: A rose. This smells like a red rose, but concentrated.


    A While Later: Rose. A lot more subdued - this smells like a single red rose, stem and all. I can almost feel the cellophane around the stem.
