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Posts posted by chimera87

  1. I am so in love. This is actually smells even MORE sexy than normal Snake Oil on me! Who knew!? It's like a less sweet SO with a kick of frankincense and copal. I am not really picking up the Orris yet, but hopefully I will. It of course has longevity like all of the Snakes, at least it does in my opinion. I will definitely be on the hunt for more!

  2. I am REALLY going to have to take the time to read all of the reviews later, as I am curious if anyone had the same reaction as I did. In the bottle, it actually smelled really faint. Sugary with a hint of unidentifiable fruit. When it was first applied it just smelled faintly sugary. I thought there was NO way that ANYONE could smell this on me. I.Was.Wrong. Within a couple of minutes it continued to get stronger and stronger, until it enveloped the whole room. I had only applied it to one arm at this time. Just on the front and back of my wrist. This smells nice, but I swear to God it reminds me of Posset's Peeps oil! Seriously! Which I love. Only this is stronger, and the oil base with Possets has never been awesome on me, it makes it smell off after an hour or so of wear, which is why I normally use them in scent lockets. Anyway, this isn't a total twin of it, but it is so very similar to me, and even to my family. This also reminds me of things like circus peanuts. I really amp the "candied fruits" and I definitely smell confectionary sugar.I really like this, but not sure if I will wear it often, as it seems to go really overpowering on me. Time will tell whether this is a keeper for me. This is still a great blend and I can see why so many people love it. I love the fact that it lasts hours and has amazing throw with only a little put on. I figured it would be faint. I love blends that I do not have to reapply often, they save me so much money!

  3. Gelt

    Upon opening the bottle, I nearly had a nosegasm. :thud: It smells that good in the bottle! It smells like fancy, rich, milk chocolate. Then you smell the amber, which makes it smell even more decadent. It smells exactly like the description when I first applied it. Hubby didn't smell the amber on me well, but said I smelt like "chocolate biscuits". Unfortunately, within 5 minutes of applying I started getting some baby powder. 10 minutes on and it was STRONG baby powder, and no more chocolate :( I am confizzled as amber (even BPAL ambers) play well with my skin. I am hoping this is hormonal and I am going to try again once I am a bit less hormonal. I really hope this doesn't have to go to swaps for me as initially it smells so damn good! Baby powder doesn't smell badly of course, but I don't get BPAL for people to think I have covered myself in baby powder :( After several hours of wear (and this wears for a REALLY long time, I put it on last night and this morning I still have some light throw!) it is closer to the way it was when originally applied, with the baby powder notes kicked down and it's a soft, slightly powdery amber with a bit of chocolate. Only a bit though. So, like I said, I will keep trying with this one, but I have no doubt that many other people will find success with this one and I would still insist on at least trying it, if the description sounds nice to you. Obviously many people have found success with this one, or else there would not be so many glowing reviews and an annual return :)

  4. I had never tried this before, thinking it was silly when I owned both Snake Oil and O. I am now glad that I did try this, and hope to acquire more. If you like the smell of SO once it's on your skin and also the scent of O, but generally find them both too strong and cloying, I would suggest giving this a go. It is not nearly as spicy as I was expecting, so the name didn't really seem fitting and in that respect it was a bit of a letdown. I was expecting the spicy snake oil to play lead and the honey to just be a character actor, there to give it more substance. In my opinion (and it is possible I got a dud, I suppose) it is the complete reverse. The honey is definitely in the foreground and it is very similar to, but not exactly the same as O. I understand it says three types of honey, but to me they all meld together. The Snake Oil is there, but just enriches everything and makes it all oh so much sexier. There is good throw, but not the kind that can give people headaches (as Snake Oil has done to family and friends even when I have applied very little) and it lasts for hours. I can definitely see why this is a favorite. Layering Snake Oil and O just won't cut it for me anymore.

  5. Smelled great in the vial. Really strong candied apricot with a nice floral undertone and I also detected the skin musk.


    The jasmine ruined this for me within a couple minutes, or less, once I applied it to my skin. It then smelled of apricots and a slightly floral and wet baby diaper. Jasmine is hit or miss for me, and I guess this time it just wasn't meant to be. If it hadn't turned on my skin it would have totally been bottle worthy.

  6. I am so glad I tried this, and once I have the funds I will be ordering a full bottle! It definitely is unlike anything I have ever tried before, and at first sniff I wasn't completely convinced it was for me, even though it smelled nice in the imp. It melds perfectly with my skin, which I was really worried about, considering the lettuce note. After about 2 minutes on I just could not stop sniffing my arm! And there is something in here...the way all the notes mesh together...that brings to mind a time from my childhood. Not a specific event, but it evokes FEELINGS I had in my childhood...Maybe the lab has figured a way to bottle innocense? :P There is also definitely something soothing about this as well. If I inhale deeply and try to pick apart all of the notes, I can pick up most of them, but the dominant notes on my skin are creamy sweet lilac petals, white chocolate, coconute and orris. I love, love, love it!

  7. I was really looking forward to this, and it failed on my skin so horribly. In the imp it was really fresh smelling and there wasn't as much lilac as I thought it would be. I'm always on the hunt for good lilac scents that aren't fake or overpowering. It smelled really nice in the imp even though it wasn't what I expected, but as soon as I put it on, the grass amped to extremes and then there was this soapy floral sharpness underneath that...and underneat THAT there was a nice bit of sweet lilac, but not enough to deal with the soapy smell, which lasts forever. So sad :( I have never really had such a soapy undertone come from any BPAL I've tried and this HAD to be the one it happened with. The upside - Someone will be getting this through swaps soon (and there seems to be quite a few fans of this) and I saved myself a good chunk of change as I nearly ordered the whole bottle before I decided on trying before buying :P

  8. I got this as a frimp in my latest order. I was shocked. I had debated about ordering this before, seeing as how I LOVE the BPAL Beeswax note. It does WONDERFUL things for me, and I get glowing compliments when I wear Giant Vulva or Hanerot Halalu. This reminds me very much of HH. I don't have my bottle of HH on hand with me now, but this is the closest I've ever come to HH. So Happy! Ordering a full bottle of this when I have the funds.


    Now, for those of you that haven't tried HH and don't know what I'm talking about, The Lights of Men's Lives is the most gorgeous sweet beeswax note with some added sweetness (I'm assuming in the form of vanilla or maybe even honey? I could be wrong, but I don't care, this is gorgeous!) and a nice smokiness that on my skin comes out to play the longer the oil is on me. It is reminiscent of blowing out candles on a birthday cake and blowing out the hand dipped beeswax candles we'd light for the holidays as a kid. It's a little imp of nostalgia, but as much as it makes me recall my childhood, there is something sexy about this as well, even sexier than HH. I have gotten the most compliments off of this one oil than I got out of ANY of the other oils that were in my package. The only downside is, there is a hint of powder in it, but it doesn't always seem to be there, and when it is it isn't overpowering or turn the whole oil to smelling like a fresh baby's bottom. Definitely a keeper, and a must for anyone looking for a great beeswax scent. This could be your HG!

  9. Gorgeous in the imp. Chocolate disappears right away on my skin. The wine is the dominant note. It's nice, but I'm not sure if it's for me. The wine fades and I'm left with a bit of a generic floral perfume. Nice, but not my style. Think this will find a new home.

  10. I am also getting the cleaner smell from this. More specifically, I am getting a nail polish and remover smell. Straight from the imp. It calms down a bit on my skin and I can identify most of the notes, with the exception of the beeswax, and that's a big reason I bought this one. Love beeswax in any amount. Even though it smells better after it has sat on my skin, I don't want to go through the first phase of chemical grossness to get to the pleasant bit. :(

  11. Elf

    Ugh. This smelled gorgeous in the imp. I could smell almost all of the notes. Then I applied it to my skin. I now smell Pine Fresh. Not in a good way either. and it has amped to such epic proportions that it is now giving me a headache and I think it is too masculine for me. :cry2: I'll try this on the hubby, but I don't think it's his thing. This sucks because this was the main imp I ordered for, aside from halfling. After a bit some berry comes out but that's it, and then the trees come back out and dominate. Reminds me of cleaner and air fresheners.

  12. In the imp, I was afraid of this. But once it's on the skin it's a lovely warm oatmeal cookie type fragrance. Fresh Baked! I just hope it sticks around on my skin!

  13. Definitely a Pink Scent! It was much sweeter in the imp, and that sweetness is now toned down on my skin. I think I have finally found the perfect Jasmine scent for myself! It's perfect and blends with all of it's other components perfectly. It's girly, creamy, slightly sweet, very pink but still a little sexy all at once. This is only with a few minutes of testing the scent. I could very well change my mind, but fingers crossed that it doesn't, because it's rare I come across such a girly, pink, jasmine scent that doesn't make me either sneeze, feel like i'm 12 years old or make me feel like i'm 70 years old. :wub2:

  14. This reminded me of Cockaigne at first, in the vial. Once I put it on it started turning to powder. It seemed like it was going to be a less sweet version of Cockaigne and I was kind of hoping for that, but it's not meant to be. At first I smell...burnt...something...no idea. Then it all goes to powder. Boo :cry2: I was SO excited to try this one, but I see a lot of other folks love it so maybe it won't be too hard to find this one a home.

  15. :(


    I was so excited to try this. When I opened the bottle, it was gorgeous, and I thought that if it didn't morph too dramatically on my skin that it would definitely be a keeper.


    In the bottle it is a most gorgeous cocoa scent with a drizzle of honey and lots of nice soft sandalwood and patchouli with a hint of something fruity and spicy. Must be the Cubeb and the Cardamom?


    It dries down to just the spicy fruitiness. I smell a little bit of sandalwood still and something else slightly powdery. However, the yummy cocoa and even the patchouli (which normally amps on me like crazy) has vanished. Within less than 5 minutes. I'm now left with a slightly powdery, slightly spicy and slightly sexy bowl of froot loops. Lol. It's interesting but this will probably be finding a new home, because I just can't see myself wearing it :cry2:

  16. Ok, I ordered on the 13th of May for a bottle of 13 and an imp pack.


    I know that orders sometimes take a few weeks, I've ordered quite a few times in the past, so I didn't think anything of it until today. Honestly I wouldn't have thought of it anyway last week, with having a death in the family and everything else going on, but today I sat down to check my e-mail, my debit card account and so on and thought I'd check on my order status. I've had no CnS emailed to me and I've looked everywhere, even in my junk mail. I did however click the "check your order status" link in the original e-mail I got from CCNow today and was told that my order supposedly shipped on the 15th via USPS.


    It's been over a year since I placed an order, so am I forgetting something? Is it normal for CCNow to say shipped and it still not be here? Or to still not have a CnS when CCNow claims it's been shipped? I'm starting to worry. It would be a slight pick-me-up if it ever comes, God knows I could use one, but it was around $50 with shipping, and now that we have one less person in the household and bills mounting up, losing a $50 order is really going to sting.

  17. I had been lusting after a bottle for ages now and someone awesome swapped me one. At first I wasn't sure it was going to work. When I first applied it, it mainly smelled like caramel candies and something fruity.


    Once it's dry, I can detect every note listed! maybe it's just my imagination, but I can swear that I even smell lint! It does smell like a pillowcase stuffed with all the best types of loot. I feel nostalgic when this is on, it makes me yearn for the days that I could trick-or-treat.


    It seems to stick around for a good length of time, so I don't think I'll have to constantly be reapplying. The only way I would swap or sell this would be if it starts to go funny on my skin, and that's happened before...so fingers crossed it keeps working out!

  18. I did not think I'd love this so much. When I first put it on, I thought it was too strong and was gonna go to total powder. Within minutes it settles down on me though, and becomes one of the yummiest scents ever.


    I can pick up every note in this except for cinnamon, but I can sort of feel it's presence, because this is a sort of warm scent.


    In my opinion, this is very much like O. I love O, so I can't say which is better. They're both awesome to me. It's not EXACTLY like O though. I suggest everyone that likes O try this and those who wanted to love O but didn't, well, you need to try this as well. This is a smoky and floral O. Incredibly sexy!

  19. So. Disappointed.


    I normally love every single not listed in this, so I thought it'd be heavenly with them all together.


    On me, this is total baby powder and generic perfume. What the heck!? I can't even detect many of the listed notes when I sniff it in the vial, but it really turns bad once it hits my skin :(

  20. I wanted to try this, but wasn't sure because of the rose note. Roses normally turn into total grandma perfume on me. This was a lovely surprise...for awhile at least.


    This is a musky and somewhat smoky and warm sweet floral. This is VERY sexy. However, this seems to turn on my skin after about a half hour of wear, and because of that I'm on the fence. While it's still in it's yummy stage, I mainly seem to get some roses (but this isn't an in your face rose, and it blends in perfectly with the other notes) with jasmine intertwined with some other florals that I can't really pinpoint. There's a bit of a sweet musky vanilla and I can sense the peru balsam in with it, lending this a creamy feel...which I love. I think this is what makes the rose work on me. Last but certainly not least is the opium, and it gives this a somewhat dark and brooding feel. The opium smoke swirls all around the other notes. If I concentrate and inhale deeply, I can get a little leather and champaca and a bit of sandalwood. I don't detect any mandarin in this, but that's ok.


    After half an hour of glorious scent with a moderate throw, this then starts to smell like wet diapers on me. Seriously. I'm hoping it's just my hormones this week, but it honestly smells like a wet diaper...complete with a bit of baby powder. Thank God that it no longer has much throw once it reaches this stage. Overall, this is a gorgeous fragrance, but it doesn't seem to work with my skin. Maybe I'll give it another try in a week to see if there is a change.


  21. In the imp I could smell a light rose, some greenery and something slightly fruity. On my skin this turned into a

    very fresh rose fragrance as it kept some of that green to it. The fruitiness vanished quickly. This smells nice and would be

    a nice rose fragrance for girls and young women since it doesn't have that old lady perfume thing going on. I won't be

    keeping this though because it's just not my cup of tea. It also doesn't last very long on me. I'd say 2 hours max.

  22. Faiza broke my heart :huh?:


    I got a small decant of this, just enough to try out. In the imp it smelled so dark, green and damp. It smelled of fresh green leaves, a little cut grass, gardenia and light creamy florals, black amber and clusters of ripe blackberries and other fruit. I could have sniffed the imp all day.


    Once it hit my skin it immediately started to go downhill. The fruit immediately recedes into the background and then completely out of sight. It just disappears. The greens start decreasing dramatically. The creamy florals trade places with an overly perfumy and floral ginger. I'm left with a LOT of ginger, some black amber and what I think is caraway, but not much of it and the slightest hint of something green.


    This is gorgeous in the imp and I reckon it's gorgeous on a lot of other people...so I recommend trying this, especially if you can get hold of a decant. Sadly, this just didn't work for me. Maybe I'll try it as a room scent in my oil warmer or pass it on to someone else that might have better luck.

  23. First of all, I love Snake Oil, so I figured if this just turned to plain SO on me then I'd be fine with it because I LOVE SO. Also, I swapped for this. I couldn't justify spending so much for one 5ml and and then so much to ship one little bottle. So I was prepared for however this would turn out. In my mind it was either going to be an extra bottle of SO or something even better.


    I got something even better :P


    This is SO yummy. It really is chocolate Snake Oil! When I sniff from the bottle I mainly get cocoa (think like cocoa powder..and someone mentioned something about tootsie rolls, and I do get that a little) and Snake Oil. I can detect a little teak in the bottle, but I'm not really getting the rice milk. If it's there, I think it's just helping to mellow out the herbal tinge that Snake Oil can often have. As much as I love SO, when I put it on I have to let it get through it's herbal stage, which on me only lasts 5-10 minutes. Don't get me wrong, snake oil smells good straight out of the bottle but it's FABULOUS when that herbal tinge mellows.


    Boomslang on my skin is pure Snake Oil completely covered in cocoa with a little added sweetness. It's amazing, and anyone that likes or loves SO has to try this. The WORST that could happen is you're stuck with more snake oil ;) This is sooooo sexy. Even sexier than SO on it's own. It lasts hours and hours and the scent stays true... at least, it does on me. Well, after about 5 hours or so I can't smell much cocoa anymore, but the SO is still there going strong.

  24. I don't even really smell dragon's blood in this, but I do get something a little fruity. It smells like white musk and orris with something a bit fruity in the background. This becomes way cloying on me, and i will not be keeping this. Such a shame that I got absolutely NO coconut from this. I figured it would have the same amount of coconut as Black Pearl, but no such luck :(

  25. On the fence with this one :(


    Sometimes it smells delicious and other times it reminds me of that liquid almond soap that many hospitals and doctor's offices seem to use :/


    When it's going good, it smells like a big bowl of dried oatmeal and crushed almonds. I don't detect honey but there is something giving it a bit of extra sweetness for me. I don't get milk either.


    The thing is, I never know if it's going to go weird on me and it seems to change back and forth through different phases. If this would be more reliable on me I would love to slather it on me after a Lush bath with a pud or marzibain and some snowcake :P That would be yummy.


    I suggest everyone at least give it a shot. In the imp/bottle it smells almost like straight almond extract but a bit sweeter and it almost put me off immediately. I was pleased how pleasant it was on my skin...at least when it's not doing the hospital soap thing. lol.

